



FRASER, Donald. Winning a primitive people. Sixteen years'work among the warlike tribe of the Ngoni and the Senga and Tumbuka peoples of Central Africa. With an introduction by J.R. Mott. London, Seeley, Service & Co., 1914.Original blue cloth, with gilt vignette to upper cover, spine lettered in gilt (sl. soiled). With 2 maps and 27 photographic illustrations. 315 pp. First edition. - The author belonged to the Livingstonia Mission in Nyasaland, British Central Africa, which was founded in 1875, in memory of the great African traveller. [Boeknr.: 24822 ]

€ 45,00

LIVINGSTONE, David & Charles. Narrative of an expedition to the Zambesi and its tributaries; and of the discovery of the lakes Shirwa and Nysassa. 1858-1864. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1866.Original cloth (spine discoloured (one hinge sl. dam.). With double-page plate of the Falls at Zambesi, large folding map, and 36 woodengraved plates and illustrations. XXII,638; 6 pp. First American edition; first published in London in 1865; with the armorial bookplate of Frederick C. Bradley. - Account of Livingstone's second expedition.The British government agreed to fund Livingstone's idea and he returned to Africa as head of the Second Zambesi Expedition to examine the natural resources of southeastern Africa and open up the Zambezi River. However, it turned out to be completely impossible to boats past the Cahora Bassa rapids, a series of cataracts and rapids that Livingstone had failed to explore on his earlier travels. He eventually returned home in 1864 after the government ordered the recall of the expedition because of its increasing costs and failure to find a navigable route to the interior. The Zambezi Expedition, a farcical and costly six-year-long venture that sought to create a missionary arcadia in what is now Malawi, collapsed in 1864 with no coverts or new discoveries, only disarry and death, including that of Livingstone's long-suffering wife Mary (Howgego, The book of exploration, p.246). Livingstone became a protagonist in the fight to abolish slavery.Mendelssohn I, p.915; SAB III, p.137; Howgego IV, p.553-555; Hess & Coger 3069. [Boeknr.: 34994 ]

€ 375,00

LIVINGSTONE, David. Missionary travels and researches in South Africa including a sketch of sixteen years' residence in the interior of Africa. London, Ward, Lock & Co., (1899).Original decorated cloth gilt. With portrait and photographic plates.XV,617 pp. First published in 1857. - In 1852 Livingstone asked his family to join him in Africa. With the help of the Makololos, a South African tribe, Livingstone planned to explore the whole of southern Africa as far as Angola. The missionary had become an important explorer. As the first European, he traveled on the Zambezi to Kazembe in a pirogue, a fast water vessel made from a tree trunk. In order to escape from the slave traders of Portuguese Africa, Livingstone traveled via Cassange and Bihé to Luanda, a Portuguese port and the capital of Angola, where he arrived completely exhausted on 31 May, 1854. As soon as he had recovered from his fever, he undertook a trek to Lake Dilolo, discovered the source of the Kasai, a left tributary of the Congo, and arrived in Linyanti, the capital of the Makololos. In the course of the major Zambezi expedition that followed he discovered the Victoria Falls, the falls of the middle Zambezi, in 1855 (Waldmann, Ecyclopedia of world explorers, p.226).Mendelssohn I, p.908-10; SAB III, p.136; Hess & Coger 3068. [Boeknr.: 32254 ]

€ 75,00

LIVINGSTONE, David. Missionary travels and researches in South Africa. New edition. London, John Murray, 1899.Original decorated cloth, top edge gilt. With 2 maps on 1 folding leaf and 51 illustrations and plates. XIV,447 pp. First published in 1857. - David Livingstone (1813 - 1873) was a Scottish physician, Congregationalist, and pioneer Christian missionary with the London Missionary Society, an explorer in Africa, and one of the most popular British heroes of the late 19th-century Victorian era.Mendelssohn I, p.908-10; SAB III, p.136; Hess & Coger 3068. [Boeknr.: 32255 ]

€ 95,00

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