


West Africa

BAESJOU, René. An Asante embassy on the Gold Coast. The mission of Akyempon Yaw to Elmina, 1869-1872. Leiden, Afrika-Studiecentrum, 1979. Wrappers. With folding map. 250 pp. - (African Social Research Documents). [Boeknr.: 35616 ]

€ 35,00

BOUDYCK-BASTIAANSE, Jan Hendrik van. Voyage a la côte de Guinée, dans le golfe de Biafra, a l'ile de Fernando-Po, l'ile de Ste Hélène et autres iles dans le passage, a bord du brick-goelette, Le Lancier par le capitaine de frégate J.H. van Boudyck Bastiaanse. La Haye, Belinfante Frères, 1853.Later marbled boards, uncut. XXVI, 451 pp. From the library of the Groote Club, Doctrina & Amicitia, Amsterdam. - Journal by the Dutch lieutenant-commander Jan Hendrik van Boudyck-Bastiaanse (1793-1861) of a trip to the Gold Coast, West Africa, the islands Fernando-Po, St. Helena and other African Atlantic islands. - Scarce.Cat. NHSM I, p.124; Tiele 76; Cardinall 484. [Boeknr.: 36168 ]

€ 450,00

BOWDICH, Thomas Edward. Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee, with a statistical account of that kingdom, and geographical notices of other parts of the interior of Africa. London, John Murray, 1819.4to. Later half red morocco, spine ribbed. With folding plate depicting an Arabic circular, wood-engraved plan of Ichonographical Sketch of Coomassie, 2 maps (1 folding), 5 engraved sheets of music on 3 leaves, and 7 hand-coloured aquatint plates (2 folding, the 'First day of the yam custom' is a coloured facsimile). VIII,(2),512 pp. First edition. - Bowdich (1791-1824) was appointed conductor of a mission to Ashantee organised by the African Company in 1815 and, using considerable diplomatic and negotiating skills, succeeded in forming a treaty with the King of Ashantee, bringing peace to the British settlements along the Gold Coast. 'This work, the most important after Bruce's, excited great interest, as an almost incredible story ..of a land of warlike and barbaric splendour hithero unknown'(DNB). 'Bowdich must be considered as the first who achieved the object of penetrating to the interior of Africa' (Thomson, The exotic and the beautilul, 79). - Some offsetting otherwise a fine copy.Abbey, Travel, 279; Tooley, Coloured plates, 95; Prideaux p.238. [Boeknr.: 7710 ]

€ 675,00

BROECKE, Pieter van den. Pieter van den Broecke's journal of voyages to Cape Verde, Guinea and Angola (1605-1612). Translated and edited by J.D La Fleur. London, 2000. 8vo. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With 2 plates and 7 maps. XV,139 pp. Hakluyt Society, 3rd series, 5. - This edition offers for the first time an English translation of those parts of Van den Broecke's original manuscript which describe the four trading voyages he made to Africa in the early seventeenth century. [Boeknr.: 34644 ]

€ 45,00

BROECKE, Pieter van den. Reizen naar West-Afrika van Pieter van den Broecke 1605-1614. Uitgegeven door K. Ratelband. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1950. Cloth. With portrait, 5 maps and 6 plates. CVI,124 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging LII. - Describes a period when the WIC was still non-existent, the Dutch captured forts on the Guinea coast even before that Company was erected. [Boeknr.: 3725 ]

€ 35,00

BROMMER, Bea. (Red.). Ik ben eigendom van .. Slavenhandel en plantageleven. Wijk en Aalburg, Pictures Publishers, 1993. 4to. Cloth. With numerous illustrations (several in colours). 144 pp. Slave-trade and plantations. [Boeknr.: 13779 ]

€ 45,00

CRUICKSHANK, Brodie. Achttien jaren aan de Goudkust. Uit het Engelsch vertaald en met eene inleiding vermeerderd door D.P.H.J. Weijtingh. Amsterdam, Weijtingh & Van der Haart, 1855.2 volumes. Original printed wrappers (spines rep.). With large folding lithographed view of Elmina by W. Bartels. XVI,251; XIV,208 pp. First enlarged Dutch translation of Eighteen years on the Gold Coast of Africa, including an account of the native tribes and their intercourse with Europeans. London 1853. - This Dutch edition has an introduction by D.P.H.J. Weijtingh, dealing with the history of the Dutch possessions on the coast. Cruikshank served on the Gold Coast of Africa (Southern Ghana) from 1834-1854 and was a member of the first Legislative Council of the Gold Coast, as well as the first Collector-General of the colony. The work offers insight into the judicial system, music, religion, dance, and social customs of the native people.Cat. NHSM I, p.205; Gay 2865 (English ed.); Hess & Coger 6372 (English ed.); Cardinall 518 (English ed.); not in Tiele. [Boeknr.: 10188 ]

€ 475,00

CUIJLENBORG, Hans van. Het stinkende goud. Een liefde aan de Goud-, Tand- en Slavenkust. Historische roman. De Bilt, Haes, 2016. Wrappers. 128 pp. [Boeknr.: 35972 ]

€ 15,00

DAENDELS - Herman Willem Daendels 1762 - 1818. Geldersman - patriot - jacobijn - generaal - hereboer - maarschalk - gouverneur. Van Hattem naar St. George del Mina. (Utrecht, Matrijs, 1991). Folio. Boards, with dust-jacket. With many illustrations. 174 pp. After the fall of Napoleon, king Willem I and the new Dutch government feared that Daendels could become an influential and powerful opposition leader and effectively banned him from the Netherlands by appointing him Governor-General of the Dutch Gold Coast (now part of Ghana). In the aftermath of the abolition of the Atlantic slave trade, Daendels tried to redevelop the rather dilapidated Dutch possessions as an African plantation colony driven by legitimate trade. [Boeknr.: 2383 ]

€ 35,00

DALZEL, Archibald. The history of Dahomey, an inland kingdom of Africa; compiled from authentic memoirs; with an introduction and notes. London, T. Spilsbury and Son, 1793.4to. Later half calf, spine gilt. With folding engraved map with cartouche depicting an elephant after R. Norris, and 6 engraved plates by Chesham (one partly cut short and tipped in). XXXII,XXVI,(4),230 pp. First edition. - One of the first published descriptions of Dahomey. He drew partly on his own experience as a merchant and slave trader. He was the former governor at Whydah, West-Africa, and at time of publication of the present work, governor at Cape-Coast-Castle. His official position enabled him opportunities of obtaining valuable and accurate information. Parts of the history are compiled from i.a. the memoirs of Robert Norris, who spent eighteen years in the African trade, and from the communications of Lionel Abson, Dalzel's successor as British governor at Whydah. 'His History was both a historical compilation and propaganda against the abolition of the slave trade. He argued that the slave trade saved African victims from human sacrifice and slaughter' (The Paolo Bianchi Collection 102). The plates are showing scenes of the audience of the king of the of Dahomey, the king marching out at the head of his armed women, victims for sacrifice, the procession of the kings women, the last day of the annual customs for watering the graves of the kings ancestors, Adahoonzou cuts off 127 heads to complete the ornament of his wall,. The book is a polemic written in order to counter the charges of the British anti-slave trade movement and to prevent any further Parliamentary action being taken against the trade. 'His book remains important for its contents, pleasant style, and influence' (DNB). - (Occasionally sl. foxed; small library stamp on title-page).Cardinall 396; Hogg 170; Work p.8; Afro-Americana 2902. [Boeknr.: 11910 ]

€ 1950,00

DOMIS, Hendrik Jacob. Aanteekeningen betreffende het eiland St. Helena. Kampen, K. van Hulst, 1835.Original wrappers. (30) pp. Offprint De Oosterling Nr.4 Tijdschrift .. in het licht gegeven door J. Olivier. [Boeknr.: 35804 ]

€ 35,00

DRAGTENSTEIN, Frank. Van Elmina naar Paramaribo. De slavenhaler. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2017. Wrappers. With illustrations. 176 pp. A true story of Jan Wils about the purchase on the gold coast and the transport to Paramaribo of 500 slaves with the slave ship De Coninck in 1686. [Boeknr.: 34568 ]

€ 20,00

ELET, Jacobus. Naar de koning van Dahomey. Het journaal van de gezantschapsreis van Jacobus Elet naar het West-Afrikaanse koningrijk Dahomey in 1733. Ingeleid door Henk den Heijer. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2000. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With 17 illustrations. 208 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging XCIX. - In 1732, Agaja, king of Dahomey, captured the Dutch Company factory Jaquin after a conflict with the merchant Hendrik Hertogh. After one year the oppercommies Jacobus Elet was sent to re-establish the contacts, but he was not succesfull. [Boeknr.: 22486 ]

€ 30,00

EMMER, P.C. Engeland, Nederland, Afrika en de slavenhandel in de 19de eeuw. Dl.II: De afschaffing van de slavenhandel; de reactie op de Goudkust en de werkzaamheid van de Engels-Nederlandse gerechtshoven ter wering van de slavenhandel. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1974. Cloth. (100) pp. - (In: Economisch- en Sociaal-Historisch Jaarboek). [Boeknr.: 29060 ]

€ 30,00

ENDURAN, L(odoïx). De slavenhandel of twee zeelieden in Senegal. Gent, H. vander Schelden, 1893.Sm.8vo. Original decorated gilt wrappers. 126 pp. Dutch edition of: La traite des nègres, ou, deux marins au Sénégal. Lile, Lefort, 1869. - Scarce.Hess & Coger, 7342; Joucla p.99. [Boeknr.: 33112 ]

€ 95,00

EQUIANO, Olaudah. Equiano's reizen. De autobiografie van een negerslaaf. (Uitgegeven door) Paul Edwards. Haarlem, Fibula-Van Dishoeck, (1977). Wrappers. With illustrations. 114 pp. Curious autobiography by Olauda Equiano, born in Eboe (Benin) in 1745 and sold into slavery as a boy. A classic work of black writing including an account of the wreck of the slaver Nancy in the Bahamas. [Boeknr.: 20596 ]

€ 18,00

HAM, Gijs van der. Dof goud. Ghana en Nederland sinds 1593. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, Nijmegen, VanTilt, 2016. 4to. Pictorial boards. With many coloured illustrations. 170 pp. [Boeknr.: 33961 ]

€ 25,00

HAM, Gijs van der. Dof goud. Nederland en Ghana, 1593 - 1872. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, Nijmegen, VanTilt, 2013. 4to. With many coloured illustrations. 200 pp. [Boeknr.: 33354 ]

€ 25,00

HARTENSTEIN, Karl. Anibu. De 'nieuwe tijd' op de goudkust en onze zendingstaak. Geautoriseerde vertaling door E.C. Brouwer-Van Dijk. Met een inleiding door K.J. Brouwer. Culemborg, De Pauw, 1933. Cloth. With photographic plates. 175 pp. [Boeknr.: 6826 ]

€ 18,00

HEIJER, H. den. Goud, ivoor en slaven. Scheepvaart en handel van de Tweede Westindische Compagnie op Afrika, 1674-1740. (Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 1997). Wrappers. With illustrations. XV,445 pp. Thesis on the Dutch slave-trade in West Africa; with summary in English. [Boeknr.: 19467 ]

€ 40,00

HEUL, Frank van der. Van kreeftskeerkring tot Kaap de Goede Hoop. Van 'spiegeltjes en kralen', piraten en slavernij tot de laatste reis van de Holland-Afrika Lijn. Haarlem, Hollandia, (2002). Wrappers. With plates. 272 pp. [Boeknr.: 29080 ]

€ 18,00

HEUVEL, Aad van den. Een verre moordenaar. Amsterdam, de Arbeiderspers, (1998). Wrappers. 229 pp. Crime novel about the diary of David van Nijendaal and the WIC and his visit to the Ashene people in West Africa.. [Boeknr.: 28842 ]

€ 18,00

HEUVEL, Aad van den. Willem Bosman in goud en slaven. Een reisverslag naar aanleiding van dagboeknotities. Amsterdam, Meulenhoff, (1981). 8vo. Boards. With many illustrations (some in colours). 160 pp. Willem Bosman (1672 - ?), employee of the Dutch West India Company (WIC) and chief Dutch factor at the castle of Elmina, wrote the first authoritative and detailed account of the West Coast of Africa, during a 14 years' residence there. It is the chief source for the knowledge of the Dutch slave-trade during the second half of the 17th century. [Boeknr.: 6579 ]

€ 18,00

HEYN, Piet. De Westafrikaanse reis van Piet Heyn 1624-1625. Uitgegeven door K. Ratelband. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1959. Cloth. With portrait, map and 2 facsimiles. CV,79 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging LXI. - Piet Heyn firmly established the WIC's position on the African coast. [Boeknr.: 262 ]

€ 35,00

ISERT, Paul Erdmann. Reis na Guinea en de Caribische eilanden in Columbien. Uit het Hoogduitsch. Dordrecht, De Leeuw en Kraf, 1790.Contemporary half calf, spine gilt (top of spine sl. dam.). With 2 engraved plates. VIII,418 pp. First Dutch edition; first published in Copenhagen in 1788 Reise nach Guinea und den Caribäischen Inseln in Colombien. - In twelve letters Paul Erdmann Isert (1756-1789), describes his voyage from Copenhagen to the Gold Coast and gives an account of the Danish settlements and considerable details of the customs of the natives. In 1786, he describes the voyage from Africa to the Danish West Indies with a cargo of 452 blacks who rose against the whites on the second day at sea, with a resulting loss of 34 of their number and 2 of the crew wounded after a heated battle. He gives good descrptions of St. Croix, St. Thomas, St. John, Guadeloupe and Martinique. The complete round trip took four years. The book is a source work and, because of being one of the few accounts of a person actually making the Guinea voyage and because of the sensational nature of its contents, it has been heavily drawn on by writers on the slave traffic for nearly a century and a half (Ragatz p. 226). He was the first European explorer of Ashanti and is also known for his attempts to end the Danish-Norwegian slave trade. Cat. NHSM I, p.140 (later ed.); Cardinall 397; Sabin 35245; Cf. Gay 2812; Hough, The Beinecke Lesser Antilles Collection 405; Work p.11; Hogg 160; Not in Tiele. [Boeknr.: 27468 ]

€ 495,00

JOBSON, Richard. The discovery of River Gambia (1623). Edited, with additional material, by David P. Gamble and P.E.H. Hair. London, 1999. 8vo. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With 19 plates and illustrations. XVI,341 pp. Hakluyt Society, 3rd series, 2. - 'Jobson's account of the river, its commerce, natural history, peoples, religion and politics, was the earliest to appear in print, in this fullness of details in any language. Itwas also the earliest detailed account of any part of Black Africa, by an Englishman'. [Boeknr.: 34637 ]

€ 45,00

KAN, C.M. Nederland en de kust van Guinea. Utrecht, J.L. Beijers, 1871.Original printed wrappers. 57 pp. Treatise against the transfer of the Dutch West-Africa possession to Britain (realized in 1872). [Boeknr.: 15238 ]

€ 95,00

KERDIJK, Lodewijk. West-Afrika 1857/1858. Reisjournaal van Lodewijk Kerdijk. Ingeleid door A.F. Schepel. Schiedam, Interboek, 1978. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With 30 plates. 228 pp. In his diary Lodewijk Kerdijk gives a vivid picture of the slave trade, naval officers who fought against the slave trade, and the Dutch and English factories who occupied fortresses on the Gold Coast. [Boeknr.: 14355 ]

€ 20,00

KERNKAMP, J.H. Johan van der Veken en zijn tijd. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, (1952). Wrappers. With 3 plates. 35 pp. Johan van der Veken ( 1549 - 1616) was a Rotterdam merchant in West Africa. [Boeknr.: 6830 ]

€ 15,00

KINGSLEY, Mary Henrietta. Travels in West Africa. Congo Français, Corisco and Cameroons. 2nd edition, abridged. London, Macmilland and Co., 1898.Original cloth, spine lettered in gilt. With photographic illustrations and plates. XX,541 pp. First published in 1897. - 'This is arguably the best-known of all books by Victorian and Edwardian women travellers. She travelled in the forests of Africa dressed much as she would have done at home' (Theakstone p.153). 'The author made an ascent of Mount Cameroon by a new route in 1895, during the course of an enterprising expedition, vividly described in her book' (Neate K26). 'The two travel accounts she produced were immediate best sellers, both for their serious scientific content and their exuberant raciness. They are masterpieces' (Robinson p.138).Hess-Coger 5571. [Boeknr.: 32257 ]

€ 150,00

KLOOSTER, Wim. Tussen honger en zwaard. Nederlands Atlantische rijk in de zeventiende eeuw. Leiden, University Press, 2018. Wrappers. With illustrations (some in colours). 341 pp. Dealing with the Dutch on the Gold Coast, Caribbean islands, North American east coast and Brazil. [Boeknr.: 35864 ]

€ 40,00

KOERT, Robert van. Afrikaanse Dutch Wax. Dutch wax design technology. Van Helmond naar West-Africa. Uniwax en GTP in postkoloniaal Ivoorkust en Ghana. (Helmond, 2007). 4to. Boards. With many coloured illustrations. 160 pp. On Dutch batiks made for West-Afrika. [Boeknr.: 30728 ]

€ 40,00

LAM, Jan Dircksz. Expeditie naar de Goudkust. Het journaal van Jan Dircksz Lam over de Nederlandse aanval op Elmina, 1624-1626. Ingeleid en bezorgd door Henk den Heijer. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2006. Cloth. With illustrations. 208 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging CV. - Eye-witness account of the defeat of the Dutch on the West African coast at the beginning of the 17th century. [Boeknr.: 29456 ]

€ 25,00

LATROBE, Christian Ignatius. Journal of a visit to South Africa, in 1815, and 1816, with some account of the missionary settlements of the United Brethren, near the Cape of Good Hope. London, L.B. Seeley & R. Ackermann, 1818.4to. Later half calf, spine gilt, with red morocco title-labels. With folding map, 4 engraved plates and 12 handcoloured aquatint plates. (8),406 pp. First edition. - Latrobe was sent out to South Africa in response to the request of Moravian missionaries at Genadendal and Groenekloof for a minister to visit them. The Governor of the Cape had expressed a wish that a third station should be opened, and in order to choose a site the author travelled through a large part of the country right up to the Fish River. There is a full description of the district of Groenekloof, and of the missionary settlements, about thirty miles north of Cape Town also an account of the church and village of Caledon. Some information is afforded regarding the life of the up-country farmers at this period. In 1816 he started for a journey into the interior, the route taken from Genadendal being via Zwellendam, Zeekogat near George, Welgelegen, Uitenhage, to the Witte River, and then to the Little Fish River, returning via Plettenberg and Mossel Bays (Mendelssohn p.866-867). The book is much enhanced by the superbly coloured plates after sketches by the author himself and John Melville, Government Surveyor of the Cape, who accompanied him. Also included is a visit to St. Helena, and 'the first description of the fledgling colony' of Ascension Island (Howgego). - A good specimen of the early literature of missionary effort, giving a sufficiently vivid record of personal experiences, native customs, and objects of natural interest that come under his notice (Prideaux p.240). - A very attractive copy.Abbey, Travel, 325; Howgego, II, p.9; SAB III, p.59; Tooley 292; Gordon-Brown p.187. [Boeknr.: 35000 ]

€ 2450,00

LENZ, Oskar. Skizzen aus Westafrika. Selbsterlebnisse. Berlin, A. Hofmann & Co., 1878.Old half cloth with paper label to spine. With folding map. (8),346 pp. First edition. - 'Eine Sammlung von untereinander selbstständigen Essays über die natürlichen und socialen Zustände jener wenig durchforschten und selten besuchten Küste, wie sich mir dieselben während einer dreijährigen (1874 bis 1877), im Auftrag der 'deutschen Gesellschaft zur Erforschung Aequatorial-Afrika's' unternommenen Reise dargestellt haben. Oscar Lenz (1848-1925) is 'einer der letzten aus der Heroenzeit der Afrikaforschung' (Hassert). - (Two margins restored; some foxing).Kainbacher p. 241; Cf. Henze III, p.211-217. [Boeknr.: 6240 ]

€ 75,00

LINSCHOTEN, Jan Huygen van. Itinerario .. Deel III: Beschryvinghe van de gantsche custe van Guinea, Manicongo, etc. volcht noch de beschryvinghe van West Indien. Uitgegeven door C.P. Burger en F.W.T. Hunger. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1934. Cloth (stained). With portrait and 3 folding maps. XXXIV,337 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging XXXIX. - Description of East and West Africa and America from Nova Francia (Canada) to Strait Magalhâes, taken from Bernardus Paludanus and others. [Boeknr.: 30809 ]

€ 25,00

LIVINGSTONE, (William Pringle). Mary Slessor of Calabar. Pioneer missionary. 6th edition. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1916.Original cloth (stained). With frontispiece portrait, 2 maps, and illustrations on 9 plates. X,(2),347 pp. Mary Slessor (1848-1915) was a Scottish missionary who lived among the Efik people in Calabar in present day Nigeria. [Boeknr.: 11232 ]

€ 45,00

MANNING, Patrick. Slavery and African life. Occidental, oriental, and African slave trades. Cambridge, University Press, (1990). Wrappers. With maps. XI,236 pp. [Boeknr.: 27313 ]

€ 25,00

MEILINK, John. Kroesvee. Historische roman. Edam, LM Publishers, 2023. Wrappers. With illustrations by John Meilink. 429 pp. Zonen van Jafeth, over Hollanders en de slavenhandel in de zeventiende eeuw. [Boeknr.: 37630 ]

€ 25,00

NETTELBECK, Joachim. Ein Mann. Des Seefahrers und aufrechten Bürgers Joachim Nettelbeck wundersame Lebensgeschichte von ihm selbst erzählt.Verlag: Ebenhausen bei München, Wilhelm Langewiesche - Brandt, Ebenhausen bei München, Wilhelm Langewiesche - Brandt, 1910. Contemporary half calf. With portrait and woodcut initials. 459 pp. Joachim Nettelbeck (1738-1824) extensively reports on his second slave journey in his memoirs. He opposes the image that slave traders such as himself had committed daily atrocities towards slaves. Nettelbeck is the only sailor to have published his experiences aboard a Dutch slave ship (Henk den Heijer, Nederlands slavernij-verleden, p. 222-223). [Boeknr.: 36393 ]

€ 65,00

NEW NETHERLAND. A catalogue of rare Dutch pamphlets relating to New-Netherland and to the Dutch West- and East-India Companies and its possessions in Brazil / Angola / etc. (The Hague, 1911). Reprint. Amsterdam, S. Emmering, 1970. Wrappers. With facsimiles. 42 pp. [Boeknr.: 6515 ]

€ 20,00

NEWTON, Johan. Cardiphonia, of gemeenzaame brieven .. zijnde deezen geschreeven aan zijne egtgenoote, geduurende drie reizen naar Afrika, in de jaaren 1750 tot 1754. Uit het Engelsch vertaald, door M. van Werkhoven, en uitgegeeven met een Voorbericht, door Cornelis Brem. Amsterdam, Martinus de Bruyn, 1792 -1794.3 volumes. Contemporary half green calf, spines gilt (top of spine vol. II skilfully rep.). XXXVIII,(2),496; (4),518,(31); XXXVI,458 pp. VolumeVol. I-II third edition, vol. III first edition, first published in English Cardiphonia or the utterance of the heart in the course of a real correspondence, London 1781. -- Several contemporary accounts of slave captains survive. John Newton (1725-1807) is probably the best known of the captains, not only because his published journals contain one of the most detailed descriptions of everyday life in the trade, but also because he later fought vigorously for abolition. His hymn 'Amazing Grace' has been a particular favorite of black congregations for generations (Rodriguez, Historical encyclopedia of world slavery, I, p.128). He went from command of a slave ship to repentance and, ultimately, to a curacy in the Church of England. His letters are one of the most inspiring antislavery stories. - (Blank margins end of vol. III stained). - A fine set of this rare Dutch edition..Cardinall 372 & 398; Cf. Hogg 727. [Boeknr.: 36401 ]

€ 625,00

PAESIE, Ruud. Geschiedenis van de MCC (Middelburgse Commercie Compagnie). Opkomst, bloei en ondergang. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2014. 4to. Picorial boards. With many coloured illustrations. 208 pp. Fine illustrated standard work on the Middelburgse Commercie Compagnie, founded in 1720. Especially known for the trans-Atlantic slavetrade. [Boeknr.: 33431 ]

€ 30,00

PAESIE, Ruud. Lorrendrayen op Africa. De illegale goederen- en slavenhandel op West-Afrika tijdens het achttiende-eeuwse handelsmonopolie van de West-Indische Compagnie, 1700-1734. Amsterdam, Bataafsche Leeuw, 2008. Boards. With many illustrations (some in colours). 428 pp. - (Thesis). [Boeknr.: 30795 ]

€ 35,00

PAESIE, Ruud. Slavenopstand op de Neptunus. Kroniek van een wanhoopsdaad. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2016. Boards. With plates (several in colours). 143 pp. Account of the shipwreck of the Dutch slave ship Neptunis off the coast in West Africa in 1785. [Boeknr.: 34182 ]

€ 20,00

PAIEWONSKY, Isidor. Eyewitness accounts of slavery in the Danish West Indies also graphic tales of other happenings on ships and plantations. New York, Fordham University Press, 1989. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With many illustrations. IX,166 pp. Signed by the author. - On the Danish settlement in Guinea, Christiansborg, and the Danish West Indies, St. Thomas and St. Croix. [Boeknr.: 32551 ]

€ 35,00

PARK, Mungo. Travels in the interior districts of Africa: performed under the direction and patronage of the African Association, in the years 1795, 1796, and 1797. With an appendix, containing geographical illustrations of Africa by Major Rennell. Second edition. London, W. Bulmer and Co., 1799.4to. Contemporary mottled calf, skilfully rebacked with the original spine laid down, spine richly gilt. . With engraved portrait, 2 plates with musical scores, 3 folding maps (1 tear rep.) and 5 engraved plates (2 folding). XXVIII,372,XCII,(2) pp. Published in the same year as the first edition; with bookplate of J.S.W.S. Erle Drax. - Mungo Park (1771-1806) was the first European to reach the well-nigh fabulous waters of the Niger. He followed the river almost to the Senegal valley. He finally reached Gambia after a lengthy return journey. His journal included a detailed description of travel conditions, the nature of the area, rivers, and customs of various tribes. 'Park's Travels had an immediate success and was translated into most European languages. It has become a classic of travel literature, and its scientific observations on the botany and meteorology of the region, and on the social and domestic life of the negroes, have remained of lasting value. Park's career was short, but he made the first great practical advance in the opening-up of Central Africa' (PMM 253). Written in a straightforward unpretentious, narrative style, it gave readers their first realistic description of everyday life in west Africa, depicting without the censorious, patronizing contempt which so often has disfigured European accounts of Africa (DNB).- Some age-browning and offsetting of the plates otherwise a beautiful copy of one of the most popular accounts of African exploration. Cox I, p.394; Gay 2788; Ibrahim-Hilmy II, p.93; Hess & Coger 5655; Scheybeler,The Paolo Bianchi Collection, 279; Howgego P21. [Boeknr.: 5492 ]

€ 1450,00

PIELAT, Barthelemy. La vie et les actions memorables de Sr. Michel de Ruyter. Amsterdam, Henry & Theodore Boom, 1677.2 volumes in 1. 12mo. Contemporary vellum. With engraved title-page, portrait and 2 engraved title-vignettes. (18), 480; 250 pp. First edition; with the bookplate of H. de la Fontaine Verwey. - First monograph on the great Dutch admiral Michiel de Ruiter (1607-1676) who fought the English and French and scored several major victories against them, the best known probably being the Raid on the Medway. This monograph was based on the first biography of De Ruyter written by Lambertus van den Bosch in his Leeven en daden der doorluchtighste zeehelden (Amsterdam 1676). The book by Pielat was published after De Ruiter was given an elaborate state funeral, the publishing date of his book must be around 1681 but it was issued before the famous biography of Gerard Brandt. It also contains the account of De Ruiter's expedition to the West Indies.- (Light staining). - Rare.Not in Cat. NHSM; European Americana IV, p.32. [Boeknr.: 34171 ]

€ 450,00

POPE-HENNESSY, James. De zonden der vaderen. Een studie over de Atlantische slavenhandelaars (1441-1807). (Nederlandse vertaling P. Verstegen). Amsterdam, H.J. Paris, (1968). Cloth, with dust-jacket. With plates. 342 pp. [Boeknr.: 20382 ]

€ 18,00

PREVOST, Antoine François. Reizen langs de westkust van Afrika, van Kaap Blanko tot Sierra Leona: vervattende de Engelse bezittingen, en koophandel, op de riviere Gambra, met de aardrykskundige- en natuurkundige historie der nabuurige landen. - Reizen naar Guinee en Benin, vervattende de kust van Sierra-Leona, tot aan Kaap Gonsalvo. 's Gravenhage, Pieter de Hondt, 1748.2 volumes. 4to. Contemporary half calf, spines gilt in compartments (top of spines rep.). With title-pages printed in red and black, 12 engraved maps (6 folding) and 43 engraved plates (13 folding) by J. van Schley. 435,(5); (4),532,(6) pp. Historische beschryving der reizen, volume IV-V, enlarged and improved Dutch edition of the French series started by Antoine François Prévost d' Exiles (1697 - 1763), usually known simply as the Abbé Prévost. This volume covers a detailed description of trade castles and forts of West-Africa. Between 1482 and the abolition of the slave trade, scores of fortified trading-stations were maintained in West Africa under the crowns of Portugal, Spain and Sweden or the chartered companies of Brandenburg, Prussia, Courland, Denmark, England, France and Holland. - With many fine engraved maps and plates. - (Some minor foxing).Tiele 103; Cat. NHSM I, p.108. [Boeknr.: 7817 ]

€ 950,00

RATELBAND, K. (Red.). Vijf dagregisters van het kasteel Sao Jorge da Mina (Elmina) aan de Goudkust (1645-1647). 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1953. Cloth. With plan, 3 maps, 7 plates and 7 facsimiles. CX,439 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging LV. - Provides insight into the daily routine at the castle of Sao George da Mina, headquarter of the Dutch West India Company in West Africa, during the years 1645-1647. [Boeknr.: 3728 ]

€ 45,00

RATELBAND, Klaas. Nederlanders in West-Afrika 1600-1650. Angola, Kongo en São Tomé. Bezorgd door René Baesjou. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2000. Wrappers. With illustrations. 319 pp. [Boeknr.: 15193 ]

€ 30,00

READE, William Winwood. Savage Africa: being the narrative of a tour in equatorial, south-western, and north-western Africa; with notes on the habits of the gorilla; on the existence of unicorns and tailed men; on the slave-trade; on the origin, character, and capabilities of the negro, and on the future civilization of Western Africa. 2nd edition. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1864.Original red embossed cloth (rebacked with the original spine laid down; soiled). With folding map (some tears rep.) and 9 wood-engraved plates. XIV, 587 pp. First published in London in 1863. - William Winwood Reade (1838-75) spent several months observing gorillas in South Africa and Angola, and provides some of the earliest depictions of gorillas and their habits, only a few years after the publication of Paul Du Chaillu's description of the first sighting of a living gorilla by a western explorer. He also describes the people, culture, and way of life in Western Africa, with chapters covering cannibalism, the slave trade, fever and malaria, Sierra Leone, elephants, the Niger, the Congo and more. In 1873 he became The Time correspondent during the Ashanti War. Cardinall 606; Howgego IV, p.758. [Boeknr.: 31699 ]

€ 195,00

REINDERS FOLMER-van PROOIJEN, Corrie. Van goederenhandel naar slavenhandel. De Middelburgse Commercie Compagnie 1720-1755. Middelburg, Koninklijk Zeeuws Genootschap, 2000. Wrappers. With illustrations. 222 pp. [Boeknr.: 22056 ]

€ 30,00

ROE, Henry. West African scenes: being descriptions of Fernando Po, its climate, productions, and tribes, the cause and cure of sickness; with missionary work, trials and encouragements. London, Elliot Stock, 1874.Sm.8vo. Original pictorial green cloth, lettered in gilt. With 6 engraved plates by S. Iller. VI,(2),215 pp. First edition. - As far as we know, this is the first time the general and varied aspects of Fernando Po have been presented in a book (Preface). - A very fine copy.Hess & Coger 6141. [Boeknr.: 36666 ]

€ 275,00

ROGGEVEEN, Arent. The burning fen. With an introduction by C. Koeman. Amsterdam, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1971. 2 volumes. Large folio. Cloth, with dust-jackets. With many illustrations and 52 double-page charts. First edition published in Dutch: Het Brandende Veen. Part 1 reprinted from the 1675 Amsterdam edition, published by Pieter Goos. Part 2 reprinted from the 1687 Amsterdam edition, published by Jacob Robijn. Containing charts of the Central American coasts and islands, west coast of Africa and the coast of Brazil. The first printed West Indian Pilot, a prototype of the pilote guides for America. - A fine copy. [Boeknr.: 34985 ]

€ 175,00

RUGGENBERG, Rob. Slavenhaler. Amsterdam, Em. Querido, 2007. Boards. 304 pp. Juvenile on slave-trade. [Boeknr.: 30736 ]

€ 15,00

RUYTER, Michiel Adriaansz. de. De reis van Michiel Adriaanszoon de Ruyter in 1664-1665. Uitgegeven door P. Verhoog en L. Koelmans. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1961. Cloth. With 8 plates and 9 maps. XVIII,364 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging LXII. - De Ruyter visited West-Africa and the Caribbean. [Boeknr.: 3729 ]

€ 40,00

SHAW, Th. Excavation at Dawu. Report on an excavation in a Mound at Dawu, Akuapim, Ghana. (Legon), University College of Ghana, (1961). 4to. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With 55 plates and 178 illustrations. VIII,90 pp. Detailed report of the scientific excavation of a 24.ft. high midden mound in Akwapim (Ghana) which appears to have been in use for about four hundred years from a date in the 14th or 15th century. [Boeknr.: 26869 ]

€ 45,00

THOMAS, Hugh. The slave trade. The history of the Atlantic slave trade: 1440-1870. (London, Picador, 1997). Cloth, with dust-jacket. With plates. 925 pp. - A comprehensive study. [Boeknr.: 33087 ]

€ 30,00

VOORST, Jan van. Huwelyks-zangen voor ... Jan van Voorst, oud opperbestuurder van Nederlands Africa; met ... Willemina Aletta Kien; in den echt vereenigd binnen Utrecht den 1 van slachtmaand 1757. Utrecht, Willem en W. Henrik Kroon, 1757.4to. With large engraved vignette after C.F. Fritzsch by T. Crajenschot on title page, title page printed in red and black. 26 pp. Wedding poems on the occasion of the wedding of Jan van Voorst and Willemina Aletta Kien, Utrecht 1757. With contributions by N. Kien, A. de Bucquoy, J.A. van Wachendoff and W. Kroon with allusions to the 17 years on the Gold Coast and Elmina. 'Jan van der Voorst was directeur-generaal in Elmina van 1747 tot 1754. Hij moest veel onderhandelen met de Ashanti over de moeilijkheden in de toevoer van tot slaaf gemaakten naar Elmina. Na zijn diensttijd als belangrijkste man op Elimina, zorgde Van Voorst goed voor zichzelf, want in 1764 liet hij 275 tot slaaf gemaakten naar Suriname verschepen, waar ze voor 103.939 gulden werden verkocht, zo'n 375 gulden per persoon. Een jaar later kocht Jan van Voorst Janskerkhof 13 in Utrecht, nu een van de panden van de Universiteit Utrecht, waar religiewetenschappen huist' (Slavernij en de stad Utrecht p.15-16). - Rare. [Boeknr.: 37793 ]

€ 375,00

WENTHOLT, Arnold. (Red.). In kaart gebracht met kapmes en kompas. Met het koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap op expeditie tussen 1873 en 1960. (Heerlen, 2003). 4to. Boards. With many maps (3 folding) and many photographic illustrations (several in colours). 382 pp. Dutch expeditions, organized by the Royal Geographical Society, in Indonesia, Suriname, Arabia, America and Africa, 1873-1960. [Boeknr.: 26452 ]

€ 35,00

WERUMÉUS BUNING, A. De Ruijter's Afrikaansche reis. Een vergeten bladzijde uit het leven van onze grooten zeeheld. Aan het volk verteld. Rotterdam., D. Bolle, (1905).Original decorated cloth (sl. soiled). With portrait. 168 pp. De Ruijter's journey to West Africa and the West Indies, 1664-1665. [Boeknr.: 27340 ]

€ 35,00

ZEE, Henri van der. 's Heeren slaaf. Het dramatische leven van Jacobus Capitein (1717-1747). (Amsterdam), Balans, 2000. Wrappers. With portrait. 176 pp. Jacobus Elisa Johannes Capitein (ca. 1717 - 1747) was a Dutch Christian minister of Ghanaian birth who was one of the first known sub-Saharan Africans to study at a European university and one of the first Africans to be ordained as a minister in the Dutch Reformed Church. He is credited with spreading the use of the written word in his native Ghana. Though a former slave, Capitein wrote a dissertation defending the right of Christians to keep slaves. [Boeknr.: 2815 ]

€ 18,00

ZUIDHOEK, Arne. De mooiste schepen van De Holland West-Afrika Lijn. Zaltbommel, Aprilis, 2006. Boards. With 150 photographic plates. 124 pp. [Boeknr.: 29065 ]

€ 20,00

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