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ALLEN, W.E.D. (Ed.). Russian embassies to the Georgian kings (1589-1605). Edited with introduction, additional notes, commentaries and bibliography. Texts translated by Anthony Mango. Cambridge, 1970-1972. 2 volumes. Cloth, with dust-jackets. With 8 maps and 18 plates. XXXII, IX, 640 pp. Hakluyt Society, 2nd series, 138 - 139. - The Russian embassy of Zvenigorodski and Antonov (1589-90) to the king ruling in Kakheti in eastern Georgia. [Boeknr.: 19951 ]

€ 65,00

ANDRIESSEN, Pieter Jacob. De tocht naar Rusland of het begin van den val van't keizerrijk, 1812. 2e druk. Leiden, A.W. Sijthoff, (1882).Original decorated red cloth. With 4 coloured plates. VIII,190 pp. First published in 1875. - Juvenile dealing with the invasion by the French army in Russia in 1812. [Boeknr.: 33134 ]

€ 35,00

ARCTIC. Half hours in the Far North. Life amid snow and ice. London, James Nisbet & Co., (1875).Original decorated red gilt cloth (spine discoloured). With numerous illustrations. XI,340 pp. The half hour library of travel, nature and science for young readers. - On Iceland, Northern Russia, Greenland, Orkney, Shetland, Arctic Seas, Norway, & Sweden. [Boeknr.: 37302 ]

€ 65,00

BARNES, Hugh. Gannibal. The Moor of Petersburg. London, Profile Books, 2006. Wrappers. With plates. XVIII,300 pp. Gannibal (1696-1781) was an African, kipnaped and brought to Russia were he became a major-general and nobleman of the Russian empire. He is the great-grandfather of Alexander Pushkin [Boeknr.: 33156 ]

€ 20,00

BAUMGARTNER, Alexander. Durch Skandinavien nach St. Petersburg. 3. Auflage. Freiburg, Herder, 1901.Original decorated front board, spine half cloth. With coloured frontispiece, folding map and 161 illustrations. XXI,619 pp. First published in Freiburg in 1890. - Nordische Fahrten. Skizzen und Studien. II. - (Small stamp on title-page). [Boeknr.: 13045 ]

€ 45,00

BOSSHARD, Walter. Kühles Grasland Mongolei. Zauber und Schönheit der Steppe. Berlin, Im Deutschen Verlag, (1938). Decorated green cloth (spine discoloured). With 2 maps and 71 photographic illustrations by the author. 217 pp. Walter Bosshard (1892 -1975) was a Swiss pioneer photographer and reporter. His early work involved photography of Southeast Asia and China. [Boeknr.: 24640 ]

€ 25,00

BRAAT, J., J.H.G. GAWRONSKI, J.B. KIST, e.a. Behouden uit het Behouden Huys. Catalogus van de voorwerpen van de Barentsexpeditie (1596), gevonden op Nova Zembla. De Rijksmuseumcollectie, aangevuld met Russische en Noorse vondsten. Amsterdam, De Bataafsche Leeuw, 1998. 4to. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With many illustrations (some in colours). 343 pp. Full description of all the found objects on land during the wintering on Novaya Zemblya in 1596 - 1597. [Boeknr.: 2819 ]

€ 95,00

BRONTMAN, L(azar). Op de top van de wereld. De Russische Noordpoolexpeditie en de overwintering van Papanin en zijn mannen op de drijvende ijsschots 1937-1938. Met medewerking en een voorwoord van O.J. Schmidt. Geautoriseerde vertaling uit het Russisch van Is. van Crefeld en W. de Vries-Lucks. Amsterdam, Scheltens & Giltay, (1938). Original decorated cloth, with dust-jacket. With folding map and many photographic plates. 336 pp. Dutch translation of Na vershine mira. Moskva, 1938, English edition On top of the world. - Narrative of the U.S.S.R. expedition to the North Pole with a description of the planes' flights thither, and short day-to-day notes of the author's sojourn at the north Pole, in June 1937. - A fine copy.Arctic Bibl. 2239. [Boeknr.: 16453 ]

€ 45,00

BRUYN, Cornelis de. Reizen over Moskovie. Een Hollandse schilder ontmoet tsaar Peter de Grote. Ingeleid en van commentaar voorzien door Kiki Hannema. (Amsterdam, Terra Incognita, 1996). Wrappers. With folding plate and illustrations. 125 pp. Cornelis de Bruijn (ca. 1652-1727) was a Dutch artist and traveller. His visits also included Persia and parts of Asia.. [Boeknr.: 15955 ]

€ 18,00

CARR, John. Een zomer in het Noorden, of reize rondom de Baltische zee, door Denemarken, Zweden, Rusland en een gedeelte van Duitschland. Naar het Engelsch. Leeuwarden, Wed. Boij, 1809 - 1811.2 volumes in 1. Later half cloth. (6),288; VIII,404 pp. First published in English A Northern summer, or travels round the Baltic, through Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Prussia and part of Germany, in the year 1804. London 1805. - John Carr (1772-1772) was called to the bar at the Middle Temple, but from reasons of health found it advisable to travel, and published accounts of his journeys in different European countries, which though without much intrinsic merit, obtained a wide circulation on account of their light, gossipy style, and the fact that in the species if literature there was then comparatively little competition (DNB). - (Hole in title-page).Muller, Bibliographie Neerlando-Russe, 770; Catalogue Russica C148; not in Tiele or Cat. NHSM. [Boeknr.: 2104 ]

€ 295,00

CHAPPE d'AUTEROCHE, Jean. Reize naar Siberië, op bevel des konings van Vrankryk ondernomen in 1761. Behelzende deszelfs waarnemingen nopens de zeden, gewoonten, regeering, godsdienst, krygs- en burger-staat, koophandel, luchts- en grondsgesteldheid, landsbeschryving, natuurlyke historie, enz. Uit het Fransch vertaald. Deventer, Lucas Leemhorst, 1771-1772.2 volumes in 1. Contemporary half calf, spine gilt. With folding coloured map and 8 engraved plates (including a table and 2 folding plates) after J.B. le Prince by J.C. Philips. XIV,(2)331,(1); (2),327,(1) pp. First Dutch edition, first published in Paris in 1768: Voyage en Sibérie, fait par ordre du roi en 1761. - Jean Chappe d' Auteroche (1728-1769) was a French priest and astronomer who travelled to Siberia to observe the transit of Venus in 1761. From Paris he reached St. Petersburg, then sledged to Tobolsk.This work deserves attention for its forthright and sometimes provocative descriptions of Russian manners and character (Hill 277). The expedition carried out a large number of scientific measurements en route, and reported on the geography of the region and the customs of its inhabitants (Howgego p.216). - Age-browned otherwise fine.Cat. NHSM I, p.302; not in Tiele; Muller, Bibl. Neerlando-Russe, 77; Cat. Russica 496; Boucher de la Richarderie V, p. 447-448 (French ed.). [Boeknr.: 33660 ]

€ 850,00

CHESNEY, Francis Rawdon. The Russo-Turkish campaigns of 1828 and 1829: with a view of the present state of affairs in the East. 2nd edition. London, Smith, Elder & Co., Bombay, Smith, Taylor & co, 1854.Original embossed green cloth. With two folding maps, coloured in outline. XXXVIII, 448; (16) pp. Three editions were issued in 1854. - Colonel Francis Rawdon Chesney went to Constantinople in 1829 with the intention of joining the Turkish forces, but he was delayed by a tour of inspection of Syria and Egypt, and the peace of Adrianople was announced just as he arrived. In this work, composed of materials collected on the spot, he has provided an account of the Russo - Turkish war of 1828-29, and in the final chapter he gives a history of past and present Russo-Turkish wars and a background to the Eastern Question. (Atabey p.118). Chesney was clearly an explorer of the first order and his courage and perseverance were matched only by his attention to detail and thoroughness in the surveys he produced. - (Some foxing).Atabey Collection 235; not in Blackmer. [Boeknr.: 35184 ]

€ 225,00

CRÉHANGE, Gaston. Histoire de la Russie. Depuis la mort de Paul Ier jusqu'à nos jours. Paris, Germer Baillière et Cie, 1882.Sm.8vo. Contemporary half red morocco, original front-wrapper preserved, top edge gilt. (4),300,(32) pp. - First edition. [Boeknr.: 12948 ]

€ 65,00

DAILEY NEWS. The war correspondence of the 'Daily News' 1877 with a connecting narrative forming a continuous history of the war between Russia and Turkey. Including the letters of Archibald Forbes, J.A. Macgahan and many other special correspondents in Europe and Asia. 2nd edition containing a full description of the taking of Kars. London, Macmillan and Co., 1878.Original red cloth (sl. rubbed, spine ends sl. damaged). XVI,643 pp. With the bookplate and stamp of Girton College. - Of the letters 'may be said, that they were welcomed by the public as affording the earliest, fullest, and most specific information at critical moments of the campaign, and if it should further be found that these same letters, hastily written in the bivouac, on the field of victory, or in some hovel on the line of retreat, have at the same time the merit of being among the most vivid and truthful pictures of war that have at any time been offered to the public, the popularity they have attained would be accounted for (Preface). [Boeknr.: 35188 ]

€ 125,00

DAILEY NEWS. The war correspondence of the 'Daily News' 1877-8 continued from the fall of Kars to the signature of the preliminaries of peace. With a connecting narrative forming a continuous history of the war between Russia and Turkey. London, Macmillan and Co., 1878.Original red cloth (sl. rubbed, spine ends sl. damaged). XVI,599 pp. With the bookplate and stamp of Girton College. - 'The collection, which now forms a complete history of the war, comprises the correspondence of Archibald Forbes, J.A. MacGahan, F.D. Millet, E. Pears, E. O'Donovan, J.H. Skinner, V. Julius, and other correspondents - in all seventeen in number - to each of those letters a conventional sign has been affixed' (Preface). [Boeknr.: 35189 ]

€ 125,00

DIOSZEGI, V. (Ed.). Glaubenswelt und Folklore der sibirischen Völker. Budapest, Ungarische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1963. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With 151 illustrations (several in colours). 534 pp. 'Die Fachliteratur wird um ein Wek bereichert, das auf das Interesse der weiten Kreise von Sibirienforschern, Fokloristen, Ethnographen, Linguisten, Religions- und Kulturhistorikern rechnen darf'. [Boeknr.: 31750 ]

€ 65,00

DOUMERGUE, Emile. Un petite nationalité en souffrance les Lettons. Les provinces Baltiques et le Pangermanisme Prussien en Russie. Paris, Éditions de 'Foi et Vie', 1917. Original printed wrappers. IV,150 pp. Latvians are a Baltic ethnic group in Latvia and the immediate geographical region, the Baltics. [Boeknr.: 24636 ]

€ 30,00

FRENCH - RUSSIAN DIALOGUES. CHOIX D'ENTRÉTIENS FRANÇAIS ET RUSSES, composés sur le modèle des meilleurs auteurs modernes et arrangés en 150 leçons. 1831. Contemporary half green morocco (spine damaged; 1 hinge broken). VII,315 pp. Rare. - No copy in Worldcat. [Boeknr.: 31726 ]

€ 275,00

FREYGANG, Wilhelm & Frederika von. Brieven over den Kaukasus en Georgie, en verslag van eene reis in Perzie in 1812. Uit het Fransch oorspronkelijke der reizigers zelve den heer Wilhelm van Freygang en deszelfs echtgenoote. Amsterdam, Johannes van der Hey, 1817.Contemporary half calf (top of spine sl. damaged). With engraved view on title-page after De la Belle by D. Veelwaard and engraved folding map by D. Veelwaard. VIII,340 pp. First Dutch edition, first published in Hamburg in 1816: Lettres sur le Caucase et la Géorgie suivies d'une rélation d'un voyage en Perse en 1812. - The correspondence sent by Frederika Afanas'eva von Freygang's (née Kudriavskaia) to her husband contains an account of the journey to the Caucasus in the years 1811-1812. It is one of the earliest accounts by a Russian woman writer. The second part of the book, by Frederika Freygang's husband Wilhelm, is a historico-political account of the Transcaucasus region compiled from notes taken in the field. - (Age-browned).Muller, Bibl. Neerlando-Russe 113; Catalogue Russica F761; Miansarof p.348; Wilson p.76 (not the Dutch ed.); Not in Tiele. [Boeknr.: 8279 ]

€ 525,00

GERRITSZ., Hessel. Beschryvinghe van der Samoyeden Landt en Histoire du pays nommé Spitsberghe. Uitgegeven door S.P. l'Honoré Naber. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1924. Cloth. With plate and 5 maps. LIV,125 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging XXIII. - Contains Isaac Massa's description of Siberia. The second part deals with Spitsbergen based on the logs of Willem Barentsz. [Boeknr.: 7716 ]

€ 45,00

GOURGAUD, (Gaspard). Napoléon et la Grande-Armée en Russie, ou examen critique de l'ouvrage de M. le Comte Ph. de Ségur. Bruxelles, H. Tarlier, 1825. Modern cloth (original printed frontwrapper mounted). XI,427 pp. General Gourgaud (1783-1852) was aide-de-camp to Napoleon during the Russian campaigne in 1812. He accompanied Napoleon to Saint Helena, left the island in 1818. French territory being forbidden to him, he settled in England. Finally in March 1821, authorized to return to France, he devoted himself to writing various works, the army having removed him from his ranks for "absence without authorization". His criticism of Ségur's examination earned him a duel with the latter, whom he injured. - (Age-browned).Catalogue Russica I, p.476. [Boeknr.: 32795 ]

€ 95,00

GRAMBERG, Hans. De overwintering op Nova Zembla. Hilversum, Verloren, 2001. 4to. Wrappers. With many illustrations (several in colours). 93 pp. The Dutch wintering on Novaya Zemlya 1596-1597. [Boeknr.: 24211 ]

€ 15,00

HALL, M(aurits) C(ornelis) van. Het leven en karakter van den admiraal Jhr. Jan Hendrik van Kinsbergen. Amsterdam, Johannes Müller, 1841.Contemporary half morocco, spine richly gilt. With engraved portrait and 7 plates with facsimile signatures. XXVI,340, (2) pp. Original edition. - The official biography of admiral Van Kinsbergen (1735-1819). From 1771-1775 he was in the service of the Russian empress Catharina. He fought in the Crimea and the Black Sea.Cat. NHSM II, p.848; Muller, Bibl. Neerl.-Russe, 176. [Boeknr.: 1523 ]

€ 225,00

HAMLEY, E. Bruce. The story of the campaign of Sebastopol written in the camp. Edinburgh, London, W. Blackwood and Sons, 1855.Original red embossed cloth (spine damaged; 1 hinge weak). With folding plan of Sevastopol, 4 coloured lithographed plates (1 folding) and 5 tinted lithographed plates (1 folding) after E.B. Hamley by M. & N. Hanhart. XV,339 pp. First edition. - Edward Bruce Hamley went out to the Crimea as adjudant to Colonel Richard Dacres,commanding the batteries in the First Division. On the death of General Strangways at Inkerman, Dacres was promoted to chief command of the artillery, Hamley becoming his aide-du-camp. Originally submitted to Blackwoord’s as a serie of letters, with work probably represents the most vivid published portrayal of the siege. The attractive lithographs are from the author’s own sketches. Includes descriptions of the charges of the Heavy Brigade and of Florence Nightingale in her hospital. - (Some spotting).Abbey, Travel, 236; Bibl. Russica 125. [Boeknr.: 1849 ]

€ 375,00

HEDIN, Sven. En färd genom Asien 1893-97. Stockholm, Albert Bonniers, 1898.2 volumes. Original pictorial cloth (spines sl. discoloured). With 4 maps (2 large folding and one double page) and 258 illustrations (many full page plates and some in colours). XIV,565,(4); (4),537,((6) pp. First Swedish edition. - Account of Sven Hedin's first scientific expedition in Central Asia. He traveled across Russia to Tashkent, and in winter 1893-94 he crossed the Pamir region. Returning to Kashgar in western Chinese Turkestan, he explored the Tarim Basin, then made a harrowing crossing of the Takla Makam Desert, during which some of his guides died of thirst. On his expedition, he also came upon ruins of ancient settlements that had lined the old Silk Road. Hedin next explored Lop Nop, a large shallow lake in western China, its shifting location long a puzzle to European geographers. He went on to Peking, then returned to Europe. He travelled through regions never before visited by Europeans. - A fine set.Hess 4; Yakushi H97C, Cordier, BS, col.2853. [Boeknr.: 34626 ]

€ 225,00

HOLTROP, P.N. (Red.). Twee eeuwen Nederlanders in Sint-Petersburg. De Hollandse Kerk als sociaal en religieus middelpunt. Zutphen, Walburg, 2012. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With illustrations. 288 pp. [Boeknr.: 32934 ]

€ 20,00

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