



AUBIN, Jean. Le royaume d'Ormuz au début du XVIe siècle. Genève, Librairie Droz, 1973. Wrappers. With 3 maps and 6 facsimiles. (160) pp. - (Mare Luso-Indicum). [Boeknr.: 37662 ]

€ 45,00

BLUNT, WilfrId. Pietro's pilgrimage. A journey to India and back at the beginning of the seventeenth century. London, James Barrie, 1953. Boards, with dust-jacket. XII,320 pp. 'Pietro Della Valle was in the east for some twelve years. He knew Constantinople well in the sunset of its glory; he visited Cairo, Jerusalem, Damascus, Aleppo and Bagdad; he spent seven years in Persia .. and he visited parts of India reached by few other travellers of his day'. [Boeknr.: 37665 ]

€ 45,00

BRUYN, Cornelis de. Pont Alla-Werdie-Chan. Amsterdam, Wetstein, 1718.A fine panoramic view of the magnificent bridge of Ispahan, Persia. Ca. 61 x 20,5 cm. From the French edition Voyages par la Moscovie, en Perse et aux Indes, translated from the Dutch edition of Reizen over Moskovie door Persie en Indie. Cornelis Le Bruyn (1652-1726/28) left the Netherlands on his second journey in 1701. He travelled first to Russia for a year before going on to Persia. There he remained for the years 1704-1705. On his return voyage he resided in Persia again between 1706 and 1707 described the ruins of Persepolis. His narratives are largely valued for the engravings executed from De Bruyn's drawings. - (Blank left corner missing; some small tears rep.). - Fine. [Boeknr.: 35878 ]

€ 125,00

BRUYN, Cornelis de. Seconde vûé de Persepolis. Amsterdam, Wetstein, 1718.A fine panoramic view of the ruins of Persepolis, Persia. Ca. 61,5 x 30 cm. From the French edition Voyages par la Moscovie, en Perse et aux Indes, translated from the Dutch edition of Reizen over Moskovie door Persie en Indie. Cornelis Le Bruyn (1652-1726/28) left the Netherlands on his second journey in 1701. He travelled first to Russia for a year before going on to Persia. There he remained for the years 1704-1705. On his return voyage he resided in Persia again between 1706 and 1707 described the ruins of Persepolis. His narratives are largely valued for the engravings executed from De Bruyn's drawings. - (Blank lower margin cut off). - Fine. [Boeknr.: 35876 ]

€ 125,00

BRUYN, Cornelis de. Troisième vûé de Persepolis. Amsterdam, Wetstein, 1718.A fine panoramic view of the ruins of Persepolis, Persia. Ca. 61 x 28 cm. From the French edition Voyages par la Moscovie, en Perse et aux Indes, translated from the Dutch edition of Reizen over Moskovie door Persie en Indie. Cornelis Le Bruyn (1652-1726/28) left the Netherlands on his second journey in 1701. He travelled first to Russia for a year before going on to Persia. There he remained for the years 1704-1705. On his return voyage he resided in Persia again between 1706 and 1707 described the ruins of Persepolis. His narratives are largely valued for the engravings executed from De Bruyn's drawings. - Fine. [Boeknr.: 35877 ]

€ 125,00

DRIJVERS, Jan Willem, Jan de HOND, Heleen SANCISI-WEERDENBURG. (Red.). 'Ik hadde de nieusgierigheid'. De reizen door het Nabije Oosten van Cornelis de Bruijn (ca. 1652-1727). Leiden, 1997. Wrappers. With illustrations. 201 pp. Ex Oiente Lux. - Contributions by Jan de Hond, Kiki Hannema, Janneke van der Torn, Annemieke Versteeg, Jan Willem Drijvers, etc. [Boeknr.: 19759 ]

€ 35,00

FLOOR, Willem. Pearl fishing in the Persian Gulf in 1757. (No pl.), 1982. Wrappers. (14) pp. - (Offprint Persica). [Boeknr.: 37660 ]

€ 15,00

FREYGANG, Wilhelm & Frederika von. Brieven over den Kaukasus en Georgie, en verslag van eene reis in Perzie in 1812. Uit het Fransch oorspronkelijke der reizigers zelve den heer Wilhelm van Freygang en deszelfs echtgenoote. Amsterdam, Johannes van der Hey, 1817.Contemporary half calf (top of spine sl. damaged). With engraved view on title-page after De la Belle by D. Veelwaard and engraved folding map by D. Veelwaard. VIII,340 pp. First Dutch edition, first published in Hamburg in 1816: Lettres sur le Caucase et la Géorgie suivies d'une rélation d'un voyage en Perse en 1812. - The correspondence sent by Frederika Afanas'eva von Freygang's (née Kudriavskaia) to her husband contains an account of the journey to the Caucasus in the years 1811-1812. It is one of the earliest accounts by a Russian woman writer. The second part of the book, by Frederika Freygang's husband Wilhelm, is a historico-political account of the Transcaucasus region compiled from notes taken in the field. - (Age-browned).Muller, Bibl. Neerlando-Russe 113; Catalogue Russica F761; Miansarof p.348; Wilson p.76 (not the Dutch ed.); Not in Tiele. [Boeknr.: 8279 ]

€ 525,00

HERBERT, Thomas. Zee- en lant-reyse na verscheyde deelen van Asia en Africa: beschryvende voornamelijck de twee beroemde rijcken van den Persiaen, en den Grooten Mogul. Als mede/ verscheyde machtige en groote koninckrijcken van Oost-Indien/ en andere gedeelten van Asia/ te samen met de aenleggende eylanden. Beneffens een verhael van den eersten vinder van America. Uyt het Engels in de Nederlandtsche tale overgeset door L.V. Bosch. Dordrecht, Abraham Andriessz., 1658.4to. Contemporary vellum. With engraved frontispiece and 12 large engravings in the text. (12),192 pp. First Dutch edition, first published in English in London in 1634 A relation of some years travaile, begunne anno 1626. Into Afrique and the Greater Asia. - 'In 1627 Herbert travelled to Persia as a member of the entourage of Sir Dodmore Cotton, accompanied by Sir Robert Sherley. Cottton had been appointed ambassador to Persia as a result of the return of Robert Sherley in 1623. The embassy had produced two rival ambassadors, Sherley and Nagd Ali Beg (Nogdi Ali Beg), each of whom had denounced the other as an imposter. James I therefore decided to send Cotton as his ambassador to Persia to clarify these matters, accompanied by the two interested parties, Sherley and Ali Beg. Thomas Herbert was to accompany the mission. Sailing via the Cape of Good Hope, Madagascar and Goa, the party landed at Surat on 27.11.27. There Ali Beg deliberately took on overdose of opium and killed himself .. Herbert sailed on 18.12.27 for Persia and landed at Gombroon .. they continued to Teheran, and then to Qazvin where both Robert Sherley and Cotton died of dysentery. Herbert, however, continued his travels, visiting Lar, Shiraz, Esfahan, Tehran, Qum, Kashan and eventually returning to Gombroon. From there he made his way to Surat (December 1628), and in April 1629 sailed for London, visiting en route Ceylon, the Coromandel coast, Mauritius and St. Helena' (Howgego p.503/504). Herbert 'gives a description of Persian coffee customs which is probably the earliest in English language' (Hünersdorff/Hasenkamp p.686). Pages 188--192 contain the Ontdeckingh van America door Madoc ap Owen Gwyneth. He was a 12th-century apocryphal Welsh voyager (Howgego M12). - A very fine copy of the earliest significant English travel account of the Near East.Tiele 468; Cat. NHSM I, p.133; Mendelssohn I, p.705-706; Cordier, B.I., p.875; Wilson p.94. [Boeknr.: 36167 ]

€ 1250,00

KELLERMANN, Bernhard. Auf Persiens Karawanenstrassen. Berlin, S. Fischer, 1928.Original cloth. With 72 photographic illustrations. 204 pp. First edition. - Interesting account of a trip through Persia. - Some light foxing otherwise fine. Wilson p.116. [Boeknr.: 1107 ]

€ 35,00

KETELAAR, Joan Josua. Journaal van J.J. Ketelaar's hofreis naar den Groot Mogol te Lahore 1711-1713. Uitgegeven door J.Ph. Vogel. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1937. Cloth. With folding map and 30 plates. XXVII,454 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging XLI. - Fine illustrated account of a journey to the Moghul court by an envoy of the Company. Including the embassy to Isfahan. [Boeknr.: 3718 ]

€ 55,00

LEãO, Francisco G. Cunha. O Índico na Biblioteca da Ajuda. Catálogo dos manuscritos relativos a Moçambique, Pérsia, Índia, Malaca, Molucas e Timor. Lisboa, 1998. Wrappers. 483 pp. [Boeknr.: 34336 ]

€ 45,00

MOSER, Henri. A travers l'Asie centrale. La steppe Kirghize, le Turkestan Russe, Boukhara, Khiva, le pays des Turcomans et la Perse. Impressions de voyage. Paris, E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie, (1885).8vo. Original decorated red cloth gilt, a.e.g. With folding map, 16 heliotypes and ca. 170 illustrations (several full-page), mostly after E. van Muyden. XI,463 pp. First edition. - Moser's knowledge of the area earned him a place, in 1882, in the suite of General Tchernaieff, who was going to Tashkent as the Czar's governor general. From Tashkent, Moser continued to Samarkand and Bukhara, sailed down the Amu Darya River on a boat to Khiva, crossed the Karakum Desert to Ashkabad, and then made his way via Bojnurd to Teheran, and across the Caspian to the Caucasus, the Black Sea and finally, in 1883, Istanbul. A fine illustrated eye-witness account of the Russian parts of Asia undertaken in 1882-83. - (Some foxing as usual). A nice binding.Yakushi M262a; Hage Chahine 3316; Wilson p.151. [Boeknr.: 32467 ]

€ 375,00

POLO, Marco - Henry YULE. The book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the East. Translated and edited, with notes. Third edition, revised throughout in the light of recent dfiscoveries by Henri Cordier. With a memoir of Henry Yule by his daughter Amy Frances Yule. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1926.2 volumes. Original red cloth, with printed paper labels to spines. With numerous illustrations, plates and maps (many folding). CII,462; XXII,662 pp. The standard edition of the travels of Marco Polo (1254-1324), divided into four books. Book one describes the lands of the Middle East and Central Asia that Marco encountered on his way to China. Book two describes China and the court of Kublai Khan. Book three describes some of the coastal regions of the East: Japan, India, Sri Lanka, South-East Asia, and the east coast of Africa. Book four describes some of the then-recent wars among the Mongols and some of the regions of the far north, like Russia. - An attractive set. [Boeknr.: 36619 ]

€ 450,00

SCHUSTER-WALSER, Sibylla. Das Safawidische Persien im Spiegel Europäischer Reiseberichte (1502-1722). Untersuchungen zur Wirtschafts- und Handelspolitik. Baden-Baden, Bruno Grimm, 1970. Cloth. With 5 coloured illustrations. 124 pp. [Boeknr.: 37655 ]

€ 40,00

WESTARP, Eberhard-Joachim von. Unter Halbmond und Sonne. Im Sattel durch die asiatische Türkei und Persien. Berlin, Hermann Paetel, (1913).Original pictorial cloth (spine sl. dam.). With map and 58 photographic illustrations. VII,326 pp. Veröffentlichungen des Algemeinen Vereins für Deutsche Literatur. [Boeknr.: 36083 ]

€ 65,00

WRIGHT, Denis. The English amongst the Persians during the Qujar period 1787-1921. London, Heinemann, (1977). Cloth, with dust-jacket. With coloured frontispiece and many photographic illustrations. XV,218 pp. [Boeknr.: 15883 ]

€ 30,00

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