



ANELL, Bengt. Hunting and trapping methods in Australia and Oceania. (Uppsala), 1960. Folio. Wrappers. With 8 plates, 17 maps and 54 illustrations. XIV, 130 pp. Studia Ethnographica Upsaliensia. - First scientific monograph on the subject. [Boeknr.: 19422 ]

€ 45,00

BOUGAINVILLE, Louis-Antoine de. The Pacific journal of Louis-Antoine de Bougainville 1767-1768. Translated and edited by John Dunmore. London, 2002. 8vo. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With 11 maps and plates. LXXVII,322 pp. Hakluyt Society, 3rd series, 9. - Although Bougainville published an account of his voyage in 1771, his original journal was published only in 1977; the present volume makes the latter text available for the first time in English translation. [Boeknr.: 34638 ]

€ 55,00

BOUGAINVILLE, Louis-Antoine de. Reis rondom de weereld, gedaan op bevel des konings van Frankrijk, in de jaren 1766 tot 1769, met het fregat La Boudeuse en het fluitschip L'Etoile. Uit het Fransch vertaeld en met eenige aenteekeningen verrijkt, door Pieter Leuter. Dordrecht, Abraham Blussé en Zoon, 1772.4to. Contemporary half calf, spine lettered in gilt (sl. soiled). With engraved title-vignette, engraved plate and 21 folding engraved maps by A. van Krevelt (1 repaired; mostly browned). XXVI, 412 pp. First Dutch edition, first published in Paris in 1771 Voyage autour du monde. - First French circumnavigation of the world. Louis Antoine Bougainville (1729 - 1811) gives an account of the discovery, occupation and natural history of the Falkland Islands, which he handed over to Spain. He describes in detail the expulsion of the Jesuits of Paraguay. He visited Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo, Patagonia, Buenos Aires, the Tuamotu Archipelago, Tahiti, the Samoa Islands, the New Hebrides, the Solomon, Luisiada, and New Britain archipelago, and the Moluccas, Batavia and Mauritius were visited before he sailed for home by way of the Cape of Good Hope and Ascension Island and arrived once again in France in 1769. He created a great deal of interest among the French in the Pacific and his work echoed Jean Jacques Rousseau's concept of the 'noble savage'. - (Small part of p. 141/142 missing with some loss of text). Tiele 177; Cat. NHSM I, p.137 (French ed. only); Sabin 6872; Hill 163; Borba de Moraes I, p.115; Howgego B142. [Boeknr.: 36706 ]

€ 650,00

BRASSEY, Annie. Voyage d'une famille autour du monde a bord de son yacht Le Sunbeam .. traduit de l'Anglais par J. Butler. Paris, Maurice Dreyfous, (1878).8vo. Original decorated red cloth gilt, a.e.g. With 6 coloured maps and 120 woodengraved plates and illustrations. XIV,360 pp. First French edition; first published in London in 1878: A voyage in the Sunbeam: our home in the Ocean for eleven months. - Voyage from England to South America, South Sea islands, Japan, China, Ceylon and Suez. One of the most popular and best-selling Victorian travel writters was Lady Annie Brassey (1839-1887), who circumnavigated the globe with her wealthy husband, Thomas Brassey, in his schooner, the Sunbeam, and recorded the journey in A voyage in the Sunbeam, first published in 1878, frequently reprinted, and translated into five languages. It included an account of Lady Annie's diversion overland with her children to visit Cairo and the pyramids while the Sunbeam passed through the Suez Canal (Tuson, Western women travelling East, p.199). - Some foxing as usual otherwise fine. Robinson, Wayward women, p. 203/204; Theakstone p.32. [Boeknr.: 1052 ]

€ 125,00

CHRISTIAN, F.W. The Caroline Islands. Travel in the sea of the little lands. London, Methuen & Co., 1899.Original green pictorial cloth gilt (sl. soiled). With folding coloured map, 4 plans, and 41 photographic plates and illustrations. XIII,412; 40 pp. First edition; with autograph dedication by the author. - A comprehensive work on exploration and travel in the Caroline Islands in the South Pacific. Including information about topography, local culture and history. - (Some wormholes affecting the text). [Boeknr.: 10413 ]

€ 175,00

COOK, James. Captain Cook's voyages of discovery. Edited by John Barrow. Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black, 1860.Sm.8vo. Contemporary cloth. With portrait on title-page, frontispiece, facsimile, and 5 engraved plates. 633 pp. The three famous expeditions to the Pacific of the English navigator and hydrographer James Cook (1728-1779). - (Library stamp on title-page).Beddie 165. [Boeknr.: 32912 ]

€ 95,00

COOK, James. James Cook 1778- 1978. Hawaii bicentenary. Royal Copenhagen plate. Diameter 18 cm. Decorated in classic shades of cobalt blue depicting James Cook, and his sailing ship off the coast of Hawaii. Limited edition. - Den Kongelige Porcelainsfabrik started with the tradition of producing a Christmas plate in 1908. This one was produced to celebrate Captain James Cook discovery of Hawaii in 1778. - Fine. [Boeknr.: 35706 ]

€ 45,00

COOK, James. Reize rondom de waereld. Vertaald door J.D. Pasteur. Leyden, Amsterdam, 's Hage, Honkoop, Allart en van Cleef, 1795-1803.13 volumes + index volume. Contemporary half calf (top of spines of 3 volumes sl. dam.) with morocco labels to spines. With engraved portrait, 13 engraved title-pages, 52 folding engraved maps by C. van Baarsch and 134 engraved plates (mostly folding) by J.S. Klauber. First Dutch edition; with bookplate of B.J. van Dongen. - First collected accounts of the three great voyages by James Cook (1728-1779), the first really scientific navigator, providing 18th century Europeans with their first virtually complete insight into the previously more or less unexplored region of the Pacifc.Volume I-III contain the life of Cook and his first voyage 1768-1771. The expedition sailed aboard HMS Endeavour to Tahiti, then sailed to New Zealand.where he mapped the complete coastline. He was the first European in New Zealand since Abel Tasman in 1643. Cook then voyaged west, reaching the southeastern coast of Australia near today's Point Hicks on 19 April 1770, and in doing so his expedition became the first recorded Europeans to have encountered its eastern coastline. Cook returned to England via Batavia. Volume IV-VII contain his second voyage 1772-1775. Cook commanded HMS Resolution on this voyage, while Tobias Furneaux commanded its companion ship, HMS Adventure. Cook's expedition circumnavigated the globe at an extreme southern latitude, becoming one of the first to cross the Antarctic Circle. On his return voyage to New Zealand in 1774, Cook landed at the Friendly Islands, Easter Island, Norfolk Island, New Caledonia, and Vanuatu. Volume VIII-XIII contain his third voyage 1776-1780. On his last voyage, Cook again commanded HMS Resolution, while Captain Charles Clerke commanded HMS Discovery. On this expedition he became the first European to begin formal contact with the Hawaiian Islands. From the Sandwich Islands, Cook sailed north and then northeast to explore the west coast of North America north of the Spanish settlements in Alta California. He charted the majority of the North American northwest coastline on world maps for the first time. Cook returned to Hawaii where he was killed in a fight between his men and the natives of Hawaii in 1779. 'Cook earned his place in history by opening up the Pacific to western civilization and by foundation of British Australia. The world was given for the first time an essentially complete knowledge of the Pacific Ocean and Australia, and Cook proved once and for all that there was no great southern continent, as had always been believed. He also suggested the existence of antarctic land in the southern ice ring, a fact which was not proved until the explorations up the 19th century. Cook was a brilliant navigator and hydrographer, an excellent administrator and planner, and probably the first sea captain to realize the importance of preserving the health and well-being of his crew' (P.M.M. p.135). - James Cook contributed much to European knowledge of the Pacific, several islands were encountered for the first time by Europeans and charting of large areas of the area was a major achievement. - (Some volumes sl. waterstained). - A fine set.Tiele 268; Cat. NHSM I, p.140; Beddie 52. [Boeknr.: 12736 ]

€ 5750,00

D'IVOI. Paul. Sergant Kordaat. Naar het Fransch. Vrij bewerkt door Ed. van den Gheijn jr. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1901.8vo. Original pictorial cloth. With 15 woodengraved plates and 114 illustrations after Lucien Métivet. 340 pp. Dutch translation of Le sergent simplet - A travers les Colonies Françaises. - A very nice binding. [Boeknr.: 37196 ]

€ 125,00

DAMPIER, William & Lionel WAFER. Nieuwe reystogt rondom de wereld, waarin omstandiglyk beschreeven worden de land-engte van Amerika, verscheidene kusten en eilanden in West-Indiën, de eilanden van Cabo Verde, de doortogt van de Straat Le Maire na de Zuid-zee, de kusten van Chili, Peru, Mexico; 't eiland Guam een van de Ladrones, 't eiland Mindanao een van de Filippines; en de Oost-Indische eilanden omtrent Cambodia, China, Formosa; Luconia, Celebes, enz. Voorts Nieuw Holland, Sumatra, de eilanen van Nicobar, de Kap de Goede Hoop, en 't eiland Sante Helena. In't Engelsch beschreeven .. en daaruyt vertaald door W. Sewel. Nymegen, Isaac van Campen, 1771 - 1772.4 volumes in 1. 4to. Contemporary half calf, spine richly gilt (foot of spine skilfully rep.). With 2 engraved title-pages and 43 engraved maps and plates (including worldmap) by C. Luyken en J. Lamsvelt. 13,405,(9); 305,(7); 80,(6); (92 pp. Second and third Dutch edition, first published in Dutch in 's Gravenhage 1698-1704; first published in English in 1697 A new voyage round the world.. - Dampier's descriptions of his wide-ranging buccaneering travels (he sailed around the world three times) include the account of the first English visit to Australia in 1688. His voyages marked the beginning of British scientific exploration of the Pacific. Countries visited are in America the West-Indies, Chili, Peru, Mexico, Brazil (including the earliest written description of Bahia), in Africa the Cape of Good Hope, Isles of Cape Verd and in Asia the Dutch East Indies, the Philippines and Formosa, Australia and various islands in the Pacific. 'Generally regarded as the greatest explorer and navigator before Cook, Dampier was also a popular and an exciting storyteller who inspired both Swift and Defoe. His books went through many editions and, in some form, have remained in print untill the present day' (The Davidson Collection 32). William Dampier (1651-1715) combined a swashbuckling life of adventure with pioneering scientific achviements. Parts IV contains Lionel Wafer. Nieuwe reistogt en beschryving van de land-engte van America. - Some waterstaining in blank margin part I, otherwise a very fine large paper copy.Tiele 290; Cat. NHSM I, p.135; European Americana V, p.214; Sabin 18388; Borba de Moraes I, p.242; Mendelssohn I, p.409-10; SAB II, p.10; Van Eeghen-van der Kellen 319; Howgego pp.294-298. [Boeknr.: 12785 ]

€ 2450,00

DARWIN, Charles Robert. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle round the world, under the command of capt. Fitz Roy. 5th edition. London, New York, Melbourne, Ward, Lock and Co., John Murray, 1889.Original pictorial green cloth (damaged). With portrait and 15 plates. XIX,,381 pp. + booklist of 14 pp. The Minerva Library, edited by G.T. Bettany. - From the corrected and enlarged edition of 1845. - The first major scientific work by Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882). As a young man, he accompanied HMS Beagle on her voyage around the world (1831-1836). Darwin's many excursions ashore, particulary into the Andes and on the Galápagos Islands, led him to develop his theory of the evolution of the species. Throughout the trip, he had sent back reports and speciments to Henslow in England, and by the time of his return, he had earned a reputation as one of the nation's foremost naturalists. - A classic travel-account.P.M.M. 344b. [Boeknr.: 22331 ]

€ 175,00

DRAKE, Francis. Drie voornaame zee-togten van Franciscus Draak, na America, door de Suyd-Zee en vervolgens rond-om den geheelen aard-kloot gedaan, in't jaar 1577 en vervolgens. Behelsende een naauwkeurige beschrijving der kusten van die gewesten, veele bysondere voor-vallen, en aanmerkelijke saaken. Op ordre van den admiraal beschreeven, door een sijner reys-gesellen; nu alder-eerst uyt het Engels vertaald. Leyden, Pieter van der Aa, 1706.Sm.8vo. Later half calf. With engraved title-vignette, folding map and 5 engraved folding plates. 45, (3) pp. Issued in Pieter van der Aa's collection of voyages. - Famous accounts of the three voyages of the English seafarer and pirate Sir Francis Drake (ca. 1540-1596) to America and the West Indies. Including the first circumnavigation of the globe by an Englishman, and the second after that of Ferdinand Magellan. Including the earliest descriptions of coastal California. - (Soiled).Tiele 5; Cat. NHSM I, p.107; Howgego p.322; not in Sabin or European Americana. [Boeknr.: 33370 ]

€ 950,00

ELLIS, John. Natuurlyke historie van de koraal-gewassen, en andere dergelyke zee-lighamen, die men gemeenelyk vind op de kusten van Groot-Brittanien en Ierland; benevens eene beschryving van een grooten zee-polyp, in den zomer van't jaar 1753, by den Noord-Pool door de walvis-vangers gevonden. Uit het Engels vertaald door Jan Tak. 's Gravenhage, Pieter de Hondt, 1756.4to. Contemporary mottled calf, spine ribbed and gilt (top of spine rep.). With title printed in red and black, handcoloured engraved frontispiece and 39 handcoloured engraved plates after Ehret. XVI,118 pp. First and only Dutch edition, first published in London in 1755: Essay towards the natural history of the corallines. - 'Ellis's scientific interests possessed a strong aesthetic cast. With these miniature marine landscapes, the ancestors of today's indoor aquaria, Ellis amused the Princess Dowager of Wales and the young princesses. Solander, who brought back many rare corals from the Pacific, co-operated closely with Ellis in his work' (Smith, European vision and the South Pacific, p.104). An extensive illustrated treatise on corals, sponges, and marine plants from the coasts of Britain. With fine handoloured plates, the last one shows Mr. Cuff's microscope which the author used for his research. - Marginal staining in lower corner otherwise fine.Landwehr, Coloured plates, 57; Nissen ZBI,1281; Nissen BBI, 590. [Boeknr.: 33544 ]

€ 950,00

GODDIO, Franck & Evelyne JAY GUYOT DE SAINT MICHEL. Griffin on the route of an indiaman. London, Periplus, (1999). Folio. Boards, with dust-jacket. With many illustrations (several in colours). 351 pp. The authors present the final results and conclusions of fifteen years of research and preservation of the thousands of items found on the wreck of the East India Company ship Griffin which sank with a cargo of porcelain, silks and tea from China in the Sulu Sea off the coast of the Philippines in 1761. [Boeknr.: 31911 ]

€ 75,00

GODDIO, Franck, Monique CRICK, Peter LAM, Stacey PIERSON, Rosemary SCOTT. Lost at sea. The strange route of the Lena Shoal junk. London, Periplus, 2002. Folio. Boards. With numerous coloured illustrations. XII,288 pp. The Lena Shoal junk carried with it a valuable cargo from China, Siam and Annam when it wrecked north-east of the Philippine island of Palawan round 1490. High quality ceramics such as blue and white wares, ewers, boxes and inkstands, and other merchandise such as iron and tin ingots, copper utensils and cooking pots comprise some of the more than 3000 artefacts retrieved from the site (Foreword). [Boeknr.: 31910 ]

€ 75,00

HARRISSON, Tom. Savage civilisation. London, Victor Gollancz, 1937. Original blue cloth. With maps (1 folding), illustrations and photographic illustrations. 461 pp. Tom Harnett Harrisson (1911 - 1976) was the officially ornithologist of the Oxford expedition to the New Hebrides. When the rest of the Oxford party left Santo Island for home in 1934, Harrisson got to Malekula, Vanuatu, where cannibalism was still widespread. [Boeknr.: 1343 ]

€ 95,00

HENRY, John Frazier. Early maritime artists of the Pacific Northwest coast, 1741-1841. Seattle & London, University of Washington Press, (1984). 4to. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With 173 illustrations (16 in colours). 240 pp. 'Brief accounts of twenty-six voyages and biographical sketches of fifty artists establish the historical framework for the drawings and paintings'. [Boeknr.: 35990 ]

€ 65,00

HEYERDAHL, Thor. American Indians in the Pacific. The theory behind the Kon-Tiki expedition. Chicago, Rand McNally & Comp., (1953). 4to. Modern cloth. With 11 maps and 90 plates. XV,821 pp. Thor Heyerdahl (1914-2002), Norwegian ethnologist, zoologist, geographer and scientific explorer, proved his theories, which were met with resistance and criticism in 1947 on his celebrated 'Kon-Tike' expedition. 'The question to be dealt with in the present work is that of the complex origins of the Polynesian people, the easternmost islanders of the Pacific' (Introduction). [Boeknr.: 18536 ]

€ 95,00

HOVING, A. & C. EMKE. De schepen van Abel Tasman. Met een inleiding van Pieter Sigmond. Hilversum, Verloren, 2000. 4to. Wrappers. With many illustrations. 144 pp. Abel Tasman had two ships under his command during his memorable voyage to the mysterious 'Southland' in 1642: the yacht 'Heemskerck' and the fluyt 'Zeehaen'. [Boeknr.: 17193 ]

€ 25,00

(JOHNSON, James). An account of a voyage to India, China, &c. in His Majesty’s Ship Caroline, performed in the years 1803-4-5, interspersed with descriptive sketches and cursory remarks. By an Officer of the Caroline. London, printed for Richard Philips by J.G. Barnard, 1806.Later half calf, spine gilt with red morocco title label to spine. With large folding engraved chart exhibiting the tracks of His Majesty's ships Caroline and Medusa to and from India in the years 1803-1806 and folding table. 138, III pp. First edition. - This work was intended to describe a topographical and picturesque sketch of all the principal places which were annually or occasionally visited by the East India and China fleets. Places visited included Madeira, Cape of Good Hope, Ceylon, Madras, Bengal, the Andaman Islands, Penang, Malacca, Sumatra, Macao, and Canton. - (The 2 plates mentioned on the Errata leaf not present in any copy or bibliography; age-browned).Cordier, BSI, col. 2106; Lust 375; Mendelssohn II, 693. [Boeknr.: 36985 ]

€ 475,00

KEATE, George. An account of the Pelew Islands, situated in the western part of the Pacific Ocean, composed from the journals and communications of Captain Henry Wilson, and some of his officers, who, in august 1783, were there shipwrecked, in the Antelope, a packet belonging to the honourable East India Company. Dublin, Luke White, 1788.8vo. Contemporary tree calf, spine richly gilt with red morocco title-label. With large folding engraved chart and 16 engraved portraits and plates. XXVIII,378,(8) pp. Edition in 8vo published in the same year as the 4to edition; with armorial bookplate of colonel Cooper. - In 1783 the East India Packet Antelope under command of Henry Wilson, ran onto a reef near one of the Palau Islands, a previously unexplored group, and was wrecked. The crew reached shore and were well treated by the natives. From the wreck they built a small boat which they managed to get to Macao, taking with them Prince Lee Boo, the son of king Abba Thule. Lee Boo soon died of smallpox in England. Captain Wilson allowed Keate (1729-97) to write a faithful account of the events from Wilson's journals and communications. This account did much to reinforce the idea of the noble savage and it is one of the most popular 18th century books on the Pacific and also the main source of early knowledge of the Palau Islands, the most western group of the Caroline archipelago. Includes a vocabulary of the Pelew language. - A fine copy of the rare Dublin edition.Hill 907; Huntress 107C; Cox II, 302-303; Howgego p.1105. [Boeknr.: 21857 ]

€ 1500,00

KERN, J.D.H. De schrik der Zuidzee. Leven en daden van een vrijbuiter uit den tegenwoordigen tijd. Zutphen, Schillemans & Van Belkum, (1893).Original pictorial red cloth. With plates by Joh. Gehrts. 448 pp. First edition. - Dealing with William Henry "Bully" Hayes (1827/1829 - 1877) a notorious American ship's captain who was engaged in blackbirding in the 1860s and 1870s. Hayes operated across the breadth of the Pacific Ocean from the 1850s until his murder on 31 March 1877. He has been described as a South Sea pirate and "the last of the buccaneers". [Boeknr.: 37297 ]

€ 95,00

KOTZEBUE, Otto van. Ontdekkingsreis in de Zuid-Zee en naar de Berings-Straat in de jaren 1815, 1816, 1817 en 1818. Uit het Hoogduitsch. Amsterdam, Johannes van der Hey, 1822.3 volumes. Later half blue morocco, spines gilt, with red title labels to spines. With 3 different engraved title-pages by D. Veelwaard (1 handcoloured), 3 folding plates, 4 handcoloured plates and 6 folding engraved maps. VIII,428; IV,413; VIII,492 pp. First Dutch edition; first published in Weimar in 1821 Entdeckungs-Reise in die Süd-See und nach der Berings-Strasse. - A celebrated narrative of the second Russian expedition into the Pacific with instructions to find a passage across the Arctic Ocean and to explore the islands of the Pacific. Leaving Kronstadt in 1815, the Rurik rounded Cape Horn and visited Chili, Easter Island and the Marshall Islands. Kotzebue explored the North American coast and Hawaii and searched unsuccessfully for a passage to the Arctic Ocean. The description of the northwest coast of America is a most important contribution (Hill p.333). Kotzebue descripion of the missions in California is considered one of the most important early accounts of that state, also important is its descriptions of Alaska. The Hawaiian portion is extensive and contains important observations on life and customs - (Some waterstains at end of volume 1). - A beautiful copy of the very rare Dutch edition of one of the great Pacific exploratory voyages. Cat. NHSM I, p.144; not in Tiele; Landwehr, Coloured Plates, 336; Forbes 551, Cf. Hill 943 (English and German ed. only); Lada-Mocarski 80; Howgego II, p. 327-328. [Boeknr.: 32817 ]

€ 2950,00

KRUSENSTERN, A.J. von. Atlas zur Reise um die Welt. St. Petersburg, 1814. Facsimile edition: Atlas van een reis om de wereld 1803-1806. Inleiding Fred Pelt. Weesp, ROBAS facsimile fonds, Haarlem, Teylers Museum, 1996. Folio. Original cloth, with dust-jacket. With many plates. [Boeknr.: 36631 ]

€ 40,00

L'HERMITE, Jacques. De reis om de wereld van de Nassausche vloot 1623-1626. Uitgegeven door W. Voorbeijtel Cannenburg. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1964. Cloth (discoloured). With portrait, folding map and 10 plates. CXXVII,133 pp. Linschoten Vereeniging LXV. - Account of a Dutch circumnavigation. L'Hermite died off the coast of Chili. The command was taken over by Gheen Huygen Schapenham who died on the way back to Batavia. After coasting South America and plundering a few Spanish settlements, the fleet continued across the Pacific and was eventually disbanded at Batavia. [Boeknr.: 263 ]

€ 30,00

LE MAIRE, Jacob & Willem Cornelisz. SCHOUTEN. De ontdekkingsreis van Jacob le Maire en Willem Cornelisz. Schouten in de jaren 1615-1617. Journalen, documenten en andere bescheiden uitgegeven en toegelicht door W.A. Engelbrecht en P.J. van Herwerden. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1945. 2 volumes. Cloth. With 2 facsimiles, 12 illustrations and 17 maps. XXIV,229; XV,265 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging XLIX. - Voyage of great importance for the exploration of the Pacific Ocean. [Boeknr.: 3721 ]

€ 55,00

LEENHARDT, Maurice. Notes d'ethnologie Néo-Calédonienne. Paris, Institut d'Ethnologie, 1930. 8vo. Original cloth. With 2 folding coloured maps, 36 plates (4 in colours) and 48 illustrations. VIII,340 pp. Maurice Leenhardt (1878 - 1954), was a French pastor and ethnologist specialising in the Kanak people of New Caledonia. He spent more than 30 years of his life to the study of their culture. He was the founder of oceanic ethnology and established the Société des Oceanistes in 1927. [Boeknr.: 24359 ]

€ 175,00

LIPSCOMB, Charles J. Tiki. A Tahitian adventure. New York, The Dial Press, (1935). Cloth (soiled). With photographic plates. 334 pp. First edition. - L'auteur, jeune Américain, après avoir donné un résumé de l'histoire de Tahiti, raconte d'une manière vivante et simple, un séjour fait à Tahiti où il a été attitré par la réputation de l'île (O'Reilly & Reitman 1667). [Boeknr.: 18339 ]

€ 18,00

LYNCH, Bohun. (Ed.). Isles of illusion. Letters from the South Seas. (New Hebrides). London, Constable and Company, 1923. Cloth (soiled). XVI,334 pp. [Boeknr.: 29378 ]

€ 18,00

MALASPINA, Alejandro. Expedición Malaspina. Un viaje científico-político alrededor del mundo 1789-1794. (Edited by) Javier Reverte, Miguel Angel Puig-Samper, José María Moreno Martin, Fernando Vallespín. Turner, 2010. 4to. Original boards, with dust-jacket. With numerous illustrations (some in colours). 143 pp. The Malaspina Expedition (1789-1794) was a five-year maritime scientific exploration commanded by Alejandro Malaspina and José de Bustamante y Guerra. The expedition was funded by the Spanish government and originally pursued strictly scientific goals. They were to survey and chart the islands and coasts under Spanish control or claim, visit the major settlements throughout the Pacific, and collect information on botany, zoology, ichthyology, ethnography and geography. [Boeknr.: 36632 ]

€ 40,00

MALASPINA, Alejandro. The Malaspina expedition 1789-1794. Journal of the voyage by Alejandro Malaspina. Edited by Andrew David, Felipe Fernandez-Armesto, Carlos Novi, Glyndwr Williams. Introduction by Donanld C. Cutter. Translated by Sylvia Jamieson. London, 2001-2004. 3 volumes. 8vo. Cloth, with dust-jackets. With many maps and illustrations. XCVIII,338; XX,511; XXI,487 pp. Hakluyt Series, 3rd series, 8,11,13. - The Malaspina Expedition (1789-1794) was a five-year maritime scientific exploration commanded by Alessandro Malaspina and José de Bustamante y Guerra. The expedition was funded by the Spanish government and originally pursued strictly scientific goals. They were to survey and chart the islands and coasts under Spanish control or claim, visit the major settlements throughout the Pacific, and collect information on botany, zoology, ichthyology, ethnography and geography. Volume 1- Cadiz to Panama, Volume II - Panama to the Philippines and Volume III - Manila to Cadiz. [Boeknr.: 34646 ]

€ 175,00

(MARRA, John). Journal of the Resolution's voyage, in 1772, 1773, 1774, and 1775, on discovery to the southern hemisphere, by which the non-existence of an undiscovered continent, between the equator and the 50th degree of southern latitude, is demonstratively proved. Also a journal of the adventure's voyage, in the year 1772, 1773, and 1774. With an account of the separation of the two ships, and the most remarkable incidents that befel each. Interspersed with historical and geographical descriptions of the islands and countries discovered in the course of their respective voyages. London, F. Newbery, 1775.Contemporary calf, skilfully rebacked, spine lettered in gilt. With large chart and additional chart of 'Part of the tropical discoveries of the Resolution sloop, Captain J. Cook in 1774' and 5 engraved plates. (14),328 pp. First edition. - Preceding Cook's official account by some 18 months, this was 'the first account of Cook's second voyage and the first account of exploration within the Antarctic circle' (Davidson 81). This eye-witness account was written by the Irish gunner's mate on the Resolution whom Cook had picked up in Batavia during his first voyage. It contains many events not recorded in the official account by Cook and gives the reasons which caused Sir Joseph Banks and his twelve assistants to withdraw from the expedition at the last moment. Marra made an unsuccessful attemp to desert at Tahiti on May 14, 1774, during this second voyage. With the very rare additional chart showing the track of the Resolution from Norfolk Island to the New Hebrides. This book is actually the first book published, based on first-hand knowledge, relating to the Antarctic regions and the fine plates are the first depictions of the region. - A fine copy with the extremely rare extra folding engraved map.Beaglehole II, p.CLIII-CLV; Beddie 1270; Hill 1087; Roscove 214; Spence 758; Kroepelien 809; O'Reilly-Reitman 379; Hocken p.14; Conrad p.13; Sabin 16247. [Boeknr.: 33193 ]

€ 6500,00

MARTIN, Henry Byam. The Polynesian journal of Captain Henry Byam Martin, R.N. In command of H.M.S. Grampus - 50 guns at Hawaii and on station in Tahiti and the Society Islands August 1846 to August 1847. Salem, Peabody Museum, (1981). Cloth, with dust-jacket. With water colours, wash drawings and decorative pen and ink sketches after Martin, several in colours. 192 pp. From the original manuscript in the British Museum. Introduction, editing and notes are by Edward Dodd, with the assistance of Bengt and M.Th. Danielsson and P. Montillier. [Boeknr.: 29308 ]

€ 35,00

MERRILL, Elmer Drew. The botany of Cook's voyages and its unexpected significance in relation to anthropology, biogeography and history. Waltham, Chronica Botanica Company, 1954. Cloth. With plates and illustrations. (220) pp. - (Chronica Botanica, vol. 14, number 5/6). [Boeknr.: 34651 ]

€ 30,00

MOSELEY, H(enry) N(ottidge). Notes by a naturalist. An account of observations made during the voyage of H.M.S. 'Challenger' round the world in the years 1872-1876, under the command of G.S. Nares and F.T. Thomson. New revised edition .. with a brief memoir of the author. London, John Murray, 1892.Original cloth (sl. soiled). With portrait, folding map, and many woodengravings. XXIV,540 pp. First published in London in 1879. - The HMS Challenger was the first steam vessel to cross the Antarctic Circle (1874). Includes a general description of Tristan da Cunha, Marion Islands, Iles Crozet, Iles Kerguelen, Heard Island, Juan Fernandez, Magellan Strait and the Falkland Islands, Hawaii, Tahiti, Fiji & Cape York and Queensland, with numerous observations on natural history, especially birds. Conrad p.69; Headland 1039; Spence 820; Ferguson 12883b; Forbes III, 3267; O'Reilly & Reitman 1302. [Boeknr.: 21802 ]

€ 375,00

MYTINGER, Caroline. Headhunting in the Solomon Islands around the Coral Sea. New York, Macmillan Company, 1942. Decorated cloth (spine sl. discoloured). With illustrations and plates by the author. IX,416 pp. Caroline Mytinger (1897 - 1980), was an American portrait painter. She is best known for her paintings of indigenous people in the South Seas during the late 1920s. These paintings are in the custody of the Phoebe Apperson Hearst Museum of Anthropology on UC Berkeley's campus in Berkeley, CA. [Boeknr.: 18984 ]

€ 25,00

NICOLL, M.J. Three voyages of a naturalist being an account of many little-known islands in three oceans visited by the 'Valhalla' R.Y.S. With an introduction by the Earl of Crawford. 2nd edition. London, Witherby & Co., 1909.Brown cloth, spine lettered in gilt. With 4 maps and many photographic plates. XXX,246 pp. First published in 1908. - Contains: A voyage round Africa, A voyage to the West Indies, A voyage round the world. [Boeknr.: 36753 ]

€ 95,00

NIJLAND, E(vert). John Williams, de apostel van Polynesië. Nijkerk, G.F. Callenbach, (1898). Original cloth. 103 pp. John Williams (1796-1839) was an English missionary, active in the South Pacific. He was killed and eaten by cannibals on the island of Erromango, Vanuatu archipelago, during an attempt to bring them the Gospel. [Boeknr.: 18903 ]

€ 25,00

NOROIT, Michel. De Marseille à Toulon par les Antipodes. Paris, Société, Maritimes et Coloniales, 1933. Half morocco (sl. rubbed; original wrappers preserved). With many photographic plates. 179 pp. One of 400 copies printed on Vélin Bibliophile. - From the French Antilles to the Pacific Islands, Australia and Asia. [Boeknr.: 8935 ]

€ 65,00

PACIFIC OCEAN. Pacific Ocean. Compiled and drawn in the Cartographic Section of the National Geographic Society for the National Geographic Magazine. Washington, The Nationa Geographic Society, 1936. Coloured map of the Pacific, surrounded by inset maps. Ca. 76 x 95 cm. [Boeknr.: 36587 ]

€ 65,00

PACIFIC. Philips' Authentic Imperial Maps for Tourists & Travellers: Oceania and Pacific Ocean. London, George Philip & Son Ltd., 1942. Folding coloured map with the original wrappers. Ca. 54 x 65 cm. Fine large map of the Pacific Ocean and Oceania. - An attractive map for tourists. [Boeknr.: 37550 ]

€ 95,00

PAESIE, Ruud. Voor zilver en Zeeuws belang. De rampzalige Zuidzee-expeditie van de Middelburgse Commercie Compagnie, 1724-1727. Bezorgd en ingeleid. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2012. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With illustrations. 239 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging CXI. - Account of the disastrous South Sea-expedition by Hubregt Kempe and his stay in South America. [Boeknr.: 32935 ]

€ 30,00

PATON, Frank H.L. Lomai of Lenakel. A hero of the New Hebrides. A fresh chapter in the triumph of the gospel. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1903.Original cloth, lettered in gilt (sl. faded). With map and many photographic illustrations. XII,315 pp. Francis Hume Lyall (Frank) Paton (1870-1938), Presbyterian missionary and theologian, was born on the island of Aniwa in the New Hebrides (Vanuatu). Together with his wife Clara Sophie, sister of Rev. Johannes Heyer, he served at Lenakel on the west coast of Tanna from 1896 until 1902 [Boeknr.: 10890 ]

€ 45,00

PATON, James. John G. Paton, missionary to the New Hebrides. An autobiography. Edited by his brother. 5th edition. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1894.Original blue cloth. With portrait (map missing). VIII,493 pp. First edition published in London in 1889. - John Gibson Paton (1824-1907) came to the mission station, together with his wife Mary Ann Robson, at Aneitym, New Hebrides, in 1858. The pair were soon sent on to establish a new station in the island of Tanna, the natives of which were then entirely untouched by Western civilisation. They were thus the first white residents in an island full of naked and painted wildmen, cannibals, utterly regardless of the value of even their own lives, and without any scence of mutual kindness and obligation (DNB). Ferguson 13921a. [Boeknr.: 18880 ]

€ 45,00

PATON, Maggie Whitecross. Letters and sketches from the New Hebrides. Edited by her brother-in-law Jas. Paton. 5th edition. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1905.Original green pictorial cloth gilt. With map and 24 illustrations. XI,382,(2) pp. First published in London in 1894. - Margaret Paton was the second wife of pioneer missionary John G. Paton, she went to the Pacific in 1865. They settled on the island of Aniwa. She was 'a woman of great piety and strong character. She showed literary ability in her 'Letters and sketches' (DNB). The book was edited by her brother in law, James Paton. - A fine copy.Robinson, Wayward women, p.168/169. [Boeknr.: 8775 ]

€ 65,00

PATON, Maggie Whitecross. Letters and sketches from the New Hebrides. Edited by her brother-in-law Jas. Paton. second edition. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1894.Original green pictorial cloth gilt. With coloured map and 23 photographic plates and illustrations. XI,382,(2) pp. First published in London the same year. - Margaret Paton was the second wife of pioneer missionary John G. Paton, she went to the Pacific in 1865. They settled on the island of Aniwa. She was a woman of great piety and strong character. She showed literary ability in her 'Letters and sketches' (DNB). Her account of life on Aniwa is by turns high-spirited and despairing - the latter particularly when one by one her children are sent for their own safety to live with relatives in Australia; it is less saccharine than many a missionary's tale and one of the most often reprinted of them all (Robinson, Wayward women, p.168/169).Theakstone p.209. [Boeknr.: 36770 ]

€ 75,00

PÄTZOLD, Klaus. Die Palau-Sprache und ihre Stellung zu anderen indonesischen Sprachen. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer, 1968. Half cloth. XI,186 pp. [Boeknr.: 34504 ]

€ 65,00

PEARD, George. To the Pacific and Arctic with Beechey. The journal of lieutenant George Peard of H.M.S. 'Blossom' 1825-1828. Edited by Barry M. Gough. Cambridge., 1973. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With 2 maps and 6 plates. X,272 pp. Hakluyt Society, 2nd series, 143. - Peard's journal of the voyage of Captain Frederick William Beechey is a lucid account of one of the most comprehensive British naval voyages to the Pacific since the days of Cook. [Boeknr.: 20994 ]

€ 30,00

RAVENEAU DE LUSSAN. Journal du voyage fait a la Mer de Sud, avec les flibustiers de l'Amerique en 1684. & années suivantes. 2e edition (= 3e edition). Paris, la veuve de Jean Bapt. Coignard et Jean Baptiste Coignard fils, 1693.Sm.8vo. Contemporary calf, spine ribbed and richly gilt with red morocco title-label to spine (spine ends dam., lower part of hinges splitting but firmly holding). With woodcut printer's mark on title-page. (16),448,(1) pp. Third edition, first published in Paris in 1689. - An adventurer of aristocratic descent, Raveneau de Lussan sailed at the age of 22 in 1679 from Dieppe to Santo Domingo. To pay off his debts he joined the buccaneers under Laurens de Graaf but soon left him at the head of a band of his own raiding in the West Indies, and several years raiding the Pacific coast between Guatemala and Chile. He details both the romantic and the bleak sides of the buccaneering profession, interwoven with colorful descriptions of the natives of the regions and a clear picture of the Spanish colonies on the Pacific' (Hill 1423). It gave Defoe inspiration for his Robinson Crusoe. - Final leaves waterstained in outer margin, otherwise fine. - An interesting account of buccaneering. Sabin 67985; European Americana 693/142; Leclerc 487; Polak 7962; Chadenat 678; Boucher de la Richarderie VI, p.346; Cox II, p.270: A very famous and entertaining work. [Boeknr.: 28511 ]

€ 950,00

SARYCHEV, Gavriill Andreevich. Account of a voyage of discovery to the north-east of Siberia, the frozen ocean, and the north-east sea. Translated from the Russian. London, Richard Phillips, 1806 - 1807.2 volumes in 1. Later half calf. With 2 hand-coloured engraved costume plates and 3 folding engraved views. 70; 80 pp. First English edition; an abridged translation of the first Russian edition of 1802 Puteshestvie flota kapitana Sarycheva po severovostochnoi? chasti Sibiri. - Sarychev, a surveyer, served as deputy of Captain Joseph Billings, the English leader of this Russian expedition to explore the Arctic and North Pacific Oceans. Catherine II sent out this official expedition, which lasted from 1785 to 1793, and during which Alaska and the Aleutians, especially Unalaska, were first carefully charted (Hill 1527). One of the fundamental and early books on the Aleutian Islands (Lada-Mocarski 57). - Sarychev's journal gives an account of the first major exploring expedition sent out by the Russians to the Frozen Sea and the North Pacific after Bering's second expedition of 1741. (Age-browned).Sabin 77126; not in Arctic Bibliography. [Boeknr.: 36654 ]

€ 2250,00

SEIPEL, Wilfried. (Hrsg.). Die Entdeckung der Welt. Die Welt der Entdeckungen. Österreichische Forscher, Sammler, Abenteuer. Wien, Künstlerhaus, 2002. 4to. Pictorial boards. With numerous illustrations (mostly in colours). 437 pp. 'Eine Ausstellung des Kunsthistorischen Museums Wien mit Museum für Völkerkunde und des Bundesministeriums für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Naturhistorischen Museum und dem Heeresgeschichtlichen Mueum'. Focus on Ferdinand Lukas Bauer, Ferdinand Max, Karel Alexander Anselm, Ferdinand Stoliczka, Johann Natterer, Theodor Kotschy, Ida Pfeiffer, Oscar Baumann, Emil Holub, Emin Pascha, Richard Payer, Philipp Franz von Siebold, etc. - Fine. [Boeknr.: 35176 ]

€ 45,00

SIWERTZ, Sigfrid. Unter dem Gluthimmel der Tropen. Durch die Südsee, Fidschi, Sumatra, Australien usw. Lübeck, O. Quitzow, 1926. Original pictorial cloth (sl. dam.). With 189 photographic illustrations. 440 pp. [Boeknr.: 18837 ]

€ 45,00

SPEISER, Felix. Südsee/Urwald/Kannibalen. Reisen in den Neuen Hebriden und Santa-Cruz-Inseln. 2. durchgesehene Auflage. Stuttgart, Strecker und Schröder, 1924. Pictorial cloth (discoloured and sl. dam.). With 2 maps and 132 photographic illustrations. XII,356 pp. First edition published in Leipzig in 1913. - Felix Speiser (1880 - 1949) was professor of ethnology in the university and director of the ethnographical museum of Basle. In 1910 he went to the New Hebrides where, for a year and a half, he carried out his well-known fieldwork. [Boeknr.: 17293 ]

€ 45,00

SPILBERGEN, Joris van. De reis door Straat Magelhaes naar Oost-Indië en terug rond Zuid-Afrika in 1614-1617. Uitgegeven door R. Posthumus Meyjes. Amsterdam, J.H. de Bussy, 1952. Cloth. With many folding maps and plates. XXXIX,231 pp. Between 1614 and 1617 Spilbergen traveled around the world on behalf of the VOC through the Strait Magellan. [Boeknr.: 6177 ]

€ 30,00

STEVENSON, Robert Louis. The beach of Falesá. Introduction by H.E. Bates. London, The Folio Society, (1959). Original decorated cloth, in slipcase. With plates by Clarke Hutton. 127 pp. [Boeknr.: 18223 ]

€ 35,00

STOMMEL, Henry. Lost islands. The story of islands that have vanished from nautical charts. With a forword by G.S. Ritchie. Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 1984. 4to. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With maps. XXI,146 pp. Henry Stommel's often exciting research in documenting the false discoveries of hundres of islands. Arranged essentially by location, the tale's combine historical and geographic interests with fascinating anecdotal material (text on dust-jacket). [Boeknr.: 35602 ]

€ 45,00

STUART, Martinus. De mensch zoo als hij voorkomt op den bekenden aardbol. Amsterdam, Johannes Allart, 1802-07.6 volumes.Contemporary half calf, spines gilt. With coloured frontispiece, 2 folding archeological plates, 6 engraved titles with coloured title-vignettes and 41 coloured aquatint plates by L. Portman after J. Kuyper, depicting ethnic types. First edition. - The first Dutch treatise on geographical anthropology, phrenology and ethnography. Martinus Stuart (1765-1826) was a minister of the church at Amsterdam, scientist and author of many popular educational works, he was assigned historian to king Willem I in 1815. He describes the manners and customs of the natives of America, Africa, Australia and the Pacific. The fine costume plates are printed in colour and finished by hand, quite a few are after the travel accounts of Captain Cook, La Perouse, Carver, Levaillant, etc. Each plate depict a native man and woman. - A very fine large paper copy.Landwehr, Coloured Plates, 448; Tiele 1065; Lipperheide I, p.376. [Boeknr.: 1033 ]

€ 1500,00

SURVILLE, Jean de & Guillaume Labé. The expedition of the St Jean-Baptiste to the Pacific 1769-1770. Translated and edited by John Dunmore. London, 1981. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With 4 maps and 10 illustrations. X,310 pp. Hakluyt Society, 2nd series, 158. - Providing a valuable picture of a Pacific expedition in the heroic period of exploration, of the men who took part in it and the difficulties and hardships they encountered. [Boeknr.: 20985 ]

€ 30,00

(SUTCLIFFE, Thomas). Crusoniana; or, truth versus fiction, elucidated in a history of the islands of Juan Fernandez. By the retired governor of that colony. Manchester, printed by P. Grant, 1843.Original pictorial green cloth, a.e.g. With engraved frontispiece depicting Alexander Selkirk, engraved vignette on title page, lithographed map, 2 lithographed portraits and 3 engraved plates. VI,(2),213,34,VIII pp. First edition; published by the author. - The Juan Fernández Islands are a sparsely inhabited island group in the South Pacific Ocean off the coast of Chile. They are composed of three main volcanic islands: Robinson Crusoe, Alejandro Selkirk and Santa Clara. The islands are primarily known for having been the home to the marooned sailor Alexander Selkirk for more than four years from 1704, upon whom Daniel Defoe based his famous novel The life and strange surprizing adventures of Robinson Crusoe, mariner (1719). It belongs to the literary genre Robinsonade. 'In 1817 Thomas Sutcliffe joined the Colombians as a colonel of cavalry against the Spanish. Later he served Chile in various military and administrative posts, including that of governor of the Juan Fernandez. He was made chief of that Chilean convict station in 1834, and thus he was an eye-witness to the appalling earthquake in 1835' (Hill p.589). Sabin 93946. [Boeknr.: 36781 ]

€ 850,00

TAPRELL DORLING, H. Sea venturers of Britain. 'Taffrail'. London, Collins' Clear-Type Press, (ca. 1930). Original pictorial cloth. With maps. XV,317 pp. On John Hawkins, Martin Frobisher, Drake, William Dampier, Anson, Cook, Franklin and Scott. [Boeknr.: 18487 ]

€ 18,00

WILLIAMS, Thomas & James CALVERT. Fiji and the Fijians. Edited by George Stringer Rowe. New York, D. Appleton and Company, 1859.Original cloth, rebacked with the original spine laid down. With coloured frontispiece, folding map and 40 woodengraved plates and illustrations (2 in colours). X,551 pp. First published in London in 1858. - 'One of the outstanding works on Fiji. Reverend Thomas Williams, of Adelaide, Australia, lived as a Wesleyan missionary in Fiji for thirteen years. Reverend James Calvert, considered the 'father' of the Fiji missions, worked there for seventeen years. The preface to the first volume gives a few guidelines to the pronunciation of the Fijian language. The book contains information on the origins of the natives, their warlike tendencies, industrial produce, manners, customs, religion, and language. The enormity of the task attempted and accomplished in Fiji is a tribute to the persistent endeavors of the various missionary societies at work in the South Seas' (Hill 1885). - A fine copy. [Boeknr.: 28548 ]

€ 275,00

WILLIAMS, John. A narrative of missionary enterprises in the South Sea Islands; with remarks upon the natural history of the islands, origin, languages, traditions, and usages of the inhabitants. 9th edition. London, John Snow, 1838.Contemporary half calf (top of spine restored). With engraving on titlepage, fine coloured portrait of Te Po (Baxter print), folding map and 25 wood-engravings by G. Baxter. XVIII,(2),506 pp. First edition published in 1837. - The nice frontispiece depicting a tattooed chief of Raotonga is printed in oil colours by George Baxter. Rev. Williams was the ablest missionary to the Polynesian people, and his book was the most often printed and widely read of all the contemporary accounts. In 1839 he was killed and eaten while visiting the island of Erromango in the New Hebrides. Mainly dealing with the Hervey Islands group now called the Cook Islands, Rarotonga and Samoa.Hill 1876; O'Reilly/Reitman 7568. [Boeknr.: 10869 ]

€ 395,00

YOUNG, George. Het leven en de reizen van Kapitein James Cook, beschreven naar naauwkeurige berigten in zijne dagboeken en andere bescheiden voorhanden. Uit het Engelsch. Utrecht, C. van der Post, 1854.2 volumes in 1. Original illustrated cloth (sl. soiled;1 hinge sl. dam.). With 2 tinted lithographed title-pages by P.W.M. Trap, portrait of Cook and 4 lithographed plates (map missing). X,VI,306; (2),246,(1) pp. First published in London in 1836 The life and voyages of Captain James Cook; drawn up from his journals and other authentic documents. - The life and voyages of the English navigator and hydrographer Captain James Cook (1728-79). His travels had led to a variety of scientific knowledge in navigation and natural history. - (Some staining).Beddie 2023. [Boeknr.: 31681 ]

€ 95,00

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