


Nova Zembla

BALEN, Johan Hendrik van. De scheepsjongen van Willem Barends. De Nederlanders aan de Noordpool, 1594-1597. Amsterdam, Jan Leendertz, (1882). Original pictorial gilt cloth (backcover sl. soiled). With map, facsimile and 4 chromolithographed plates by Braakensiek. 199,(1) pp. De Nederlanders in Oost en West, te water en te land. - Account of Barentsz three expeditions to the far north in search for a Northeast passage. Written by Johan Hendrik van Balen (1851-1921), a prolific writer of children's books on Dutch national history. [Boeknr.: 36334 ]

€ 35,00

BALEN, Johan Hendrik van. De scheepsjongen van Willem Barends. De Nederlanders aan de Noordpool, 1594-1597. 2e druk. Amsterdam, Jan Leendertz en Zoon, (ca. 1887). Original illustrated gilt cloth. With map, facsimile and 4 plates. 190 pp. De Nederlanders in Oost en West, te water en te land. - Account of Barentsz three expeditions to the far north in search for a Northeast passage. Written by Johan Hendrik van Balen (1851-1921), a prolific writer of children's books on Dutch national history. [Boeknr.: 36335 ]

€ 45,00

BLANKESTEIJN, Herbert & Louwrens HACQUEBORD. Op zoek naar het Behouden Huys. Een expeditie naar Nova Zembla in het kielzog van Willem Barentsz. 's Gravenhage, BZZTÔH, 1993. Wrappers. With illustrations. 128 pp. [Boeknr.: 19913 ]

€ 15,00

BRAAT, J., J.H.G. GAWRONSKI, J.B. KIST, e.a. Behouden uit het Behouden Huys. Catalogus van de voorwerpen van de Barentsexpeditie (1596), gevonden op Nova Zembla. De Rijksmuseumcollectie, aangevuld met Russische en Noorse vondsten. Amsterdam, De Bataafsche Leeuw, 1998. 4to. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With many illustrations (some in colours). 343 pp. Full description of all the found objects on land during the wintering on Novaya Zemblya in 1596 - 1597. [Boeknr.: 2819 ]

€ 95,00

BURGER, C.P. De Poolzee-reizen van 1595-1596. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1921. Cloth. With 13 facsimiles. 73 pp. Offprint 'Het Boek'. - Analyses of accounts of Barents' 2nd and 3rd Dutch expeditions to the Pole. [Boeknr.: 24489 ]

€ 40,00

COCHERET, Pierre L. Mannen van ijzer. De overwintering der Hollanders op Nova-Zembla. Rotterdam, D. Bolle, (1897). Original pictorial cloth. With 2 folding maps, and illustrations and plates by J. Linse after Louis Apol. (4), 224,(2) pp. A celebrated story of the Dutch wintering on Novaya Zemlya in a wooden cabin by Willem Barentsz and his crew in 1596-97. [Boeknr.: 36346 ]

€ 95,00

DEKKER, Kees & Frieda van ESSEN. De Nederlandse Poolexpeditie van 1882-1893. Overwintering op een ijsschots. Zeist, KNNV, 2014. 4to. Boards. With many illustrations (several in colours. 200 pp. The year 1882 was the first International Pole Year and Dutch meteorologists participated by exploring western Siberia, initiator was Buys Ballot. The crew shipwrecked in the Kara Sea near Novaya Zemlya and was forced to spend the winter in the middle of the frozen sea. [Boeknr.: 36299 ]

€ 45,00

FROE, A. de. The voyage of Barendz and Heemskerk to Nova Zembla. Groningen, P. Noordhoff, 1918. Original decorated wrappers. With illustrations by Daan Hoeksema. 32 pp. The Interlinear Series. - Schoolbook. [Boeknr.: 36375 ]

€ 15,00

GRAMBERG, Hans. De overwintering op Nova Zembla. Hilversum, Verloren, 2001. 4to. Wrappers. With many illustrations (several in colours). 93 pp. The Dutch wintering on Novaya Zemlya 1596-1597. [Boeknr.: 24211 ]

€ 15,00

HACQUEBORD, Louwrens & Pieter van LEUNEN. (Red.). 400 jaar Willem Barentsz. (1596-1996). Harlingen, Flevodruk, 1996. 8vo. Boards. With many illustrations (several in colours). 192 pp. Memorial volume on the Dutch wintering on Novaya Zemlya in a wooden cabin by Willem Barentsz and his crew in 1596-97. [Boeknr.: 16344 ]

€ 65,00

ISINGS, Johan Herman. 'Behouden huys' op Nova - Zembla. Groningen, J.B. Wolters, (1958).Coloured schoolplate, mounted on boards, after J.H. Isings. (2 corners dam. without affecting the image). Ca. 77 x 106,5 cm. Schoolplaten voor de vaderlande geschiedenis. - Added texbook by J.J. Moerman & D. Wijbenga. Groningen, 1958. 4to. Wrappers. With illustrations. 40 pp.The school plate The Wintering on Nova Zembla by Johan Herman Isings contributed strongly to the national feeling. Famous scene of The Beouden Huys a wooden emergency shelter that was built by Willem Barentsz on Nova Zembla in September 1596 for the forced wintering on Nova Zembla. - Fine [Boeknr.: 36212 ]

€ 75,00

ISINGS, Johan Herman. Het behouden Huys on Nova Zembla. (No pl.), VARA, (ca. 1965). Puzzle of 1200 pieces after the schoolplate by Johan Herman Isings. [Boeknr.: 36205 ]

€ 65,00

ISINGS, Johan Herman. Overwintering op Nova Zembla. (No pl.), Kompas puzzle, (ca. 1965). Puzzle of 400 pieces after the schoolplate by Joan Herman Isings, in box. [Boeknr.: 36206 ]

€ 35,00

JONGE, Jan Karel Jakob de. Nova Zembla. De voorwerpen door de Nederlandsche zeevaarders na hunne overwintering aldaar in 1597 achtergelaten en in 1871 door kapitein Carlsen teruggevonden, beschreven en toegelicht. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1872.Original printed wrappers (sl. damaged.). With lithographed frontispiece, lithographed plate, and large folding map. 36 pp. Concerns relics of Willem Barendsz, who died in 1597, when an expedition from Amsterdam seeking a Northeast Passage to China made a forced wintering on Novaya Zemlya.Tiele 559; Cat. NHSM I, p.308; Cf. Arctic Bibl. 8250. [Boeknr.: 26084 ]

€ 125,00

(KALFF, Martin). De nalatenschap van Barents en zijne togtgenooten op Nova Zembla. (No pl., Het Leeskabinet), 1872. With 2 tinted lithographed plates depicting 4 illustrations of the wintering on Nova Zembla by P. Blommers. 26 pp. [Boeknr.: 36227 ]

€ 75,00

KOOLEMANS BEYNEN, L.R., A. de BRUIJNE, a.o. L.R. Koolemans Beynen. De reis der Pandora naar de Noordpoolgewesten, in den zomer van 1875 & 1876. - De verslagen omtrent den tocht met de Willem Barents naar en in de IJszee, in den zomer van 1878 & 1879. Uitgebracht aan het Comite van Uitvoering door A. de Bruijne, L.R. Koolemans Beijnen, H.M. Speelman, C.P. Sluyter en P.J. Hijmans van Anrooy. Amsterdam, C.L. Brinkman, Utrecht, J.L. Beijers, 1880.4 volumes in 1. 4to. Original decorated cloth (some stains). With 2 folding coloured maps of the track of the Pandora, 2 folding coloured maps by A. Braakensiek of the Barents Sea, 2 plates depicting profiles, 5 tables, and 7 plates. 30; 37; 84; 40 pp. Bijbladen Tijdschrift Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Noordpool-expeditie. - Laurens Rijnhard Koolemans-Beijnen accompanied the Franklin search expedition under Allen William Young in the Pandora. The crew examined relics of Franklin's expedition at Beechey Island, but when halted by impenetrable ice in the Franklin Strait, returned to England. He made a second voyage with Young in the Pandora the follwing year, but on this occasion the vessel was diverted to Smith Sound to support George Nares' expeditionThe Willem Barents cruised the Greenland Sea to Jan Mayen and northwest West Spitsbergen, thence southward to Bear Island, and eastward across Barents Sea in north-south traverses as far as Novaya Zemlya. In 1879 the ship's course ran from Amsterdam northward in the Greenland Sea, thence eastward in north-south traverses of the Barents Sea as far as Novaya Zambla, thence north and westward to a point off Franz Josef Land. - A fine copy.Tiele 1111; Arctic Bibliography 2393- 2394; Howgego III, p.298-299.. [Boeknr.: 36316 ]

€ 375,00

LOUWERSE, P(ieter). Janmaat in de IJszee of de overwintering der Hollanders op Nova Zembla. Amsterdam, Tj. van Holkema, 1885.Original decorated blue cloth, with gilt lettering. With map and 4 coloured lithographed plates. VIII,232 pp. First edition. - Juvenile on the famous Dutch wintering on Nova Zembla, 1596-1597. [Boeknr.: 36344 ]

€ 75,00

LOUWERSE, P(ieter). Janmaat in de IJszee. Een verhaal van de overwintering der Hollanders op Nova Zembla. 3e verbeterde druk. Zutphen, Schillemans & Van Belkum, (ca. 1898).Original pictorial green cloth, with gilt lettering. With 4 plates. VIII,252 pp. First published in 1885; Wat voorbij ging !. Nederlandsche geschiedverhalen. - Juvenile on the famous Dutch wintering on Nova Zembla, 1596-1597. - Fine binding. [Boeknr.: 36350 ]

€ 45,00

TOLLENS, (Hendrik). L' hivernage des Hollandais a la Nouvelle-Zemble, 1596 - 1597. Traduit .. par Auguste Clavareau. 3. édition. Maestricht, F. Bury-Lefebure, 1839.4to. Original printed boards (spine sl. dam.). With lithographed portrait and 8 lithographed plates (blank margins stained). 73 pp. First published in Dutch in 1819: Tafereel van de overwintering der Hollanders op Nova Zembla in de jaren 1596 en 1597. - A celebrated poem on the Dutch wintering on Novaya Zemlya in a wooden cabin by Willem Barentsz and his crew in 1596-97.Cf. Cat. NHSM I, p.304; Arctic Bibl. 17782. [Boeknr.: 7842 ]

€ 150,00

TOLLENS, Hendrik. De overwintering der Hollanders op Nova Zembla. Gedicht. Leeuwarden, G.T.N. Suringar, 1843.4to. Modern half cloth (old boards). With woodcuts after J.H.J. van den Bergh by Henry Brown. 62 pp. First published in Dutch in 1819: Tafereel van de overwintering der Hollanders op Nova Zembla in de jaren 1596 en 1597. - Barentsz's journey gradually disappeared from memory. This only changed again around 1810, when Dutch pride revived under French influence. When poet Hendrik Tollens published his sentimental poem Tafereel van de overwintering der Hollanders op Nova Zembla in 1819, in which he called on his fellow countrymen to carry out such deeds again, people were very pleased with this and he received a literature prize for this .A celebrated poem on the Dutch wintering on Novaya Zemlya in a wooden cabin by Willem Barentsz and his crew in 1596-97. - (Waterstained).Cat. NHSM I, p.306; Arctic Bibl. 17782 (other ed.). [Boeknr.: 32916 ]

€ 95,00

VEER, Gerrit de. Hoedaanig de Hollanders in de jaaren 1596 en 1597 in Nova Zembla hebben overwintert. (Amsterdam, 1730). 4 engraved scenes from the Dutch winter camp on Novaya Zemlya on 1 sheet after Gerrit de Veer. Ca. 27 x 34 cm. Third state. - From: Le Clerc. Geschiedenissen der Vereenigde Nederlanden. - This is one of many different versions of the engraving on the title-page of Gerrit de Veer, Waerachtige beschryvinghe van drie seijlagien (1598). This engraving depicts four images of the Dutch wintering on Novaya Zemlya in a wooden cabin by Willem Barentsz and his crew in 1596-97. This is the earliest over-wintering this far north. - Fine.Muller, Historieplaten, 1053b; Atlas van Stolk 978; Cf. Ingalls, Lothrop Collection, 2. [Boeknr.: 33046 ]

€ 150,00

VEER, Gerrit de. Kort verhael van d'eerste schipvaerd der Hollandsche ende Zeeuwsche schepen by Noorden, Moscovien ende Tartarien om nae de Coningrijcken van Cathay ende China. Amsterdam, 1646. Reprint. Amsterdam, (1969). Oblong 8vo. Boards. With plates. (2),71 pp. Facsimile edition from 'Begin ende voortgangh'. [Boeknr.: 7632 ]

€ 18,00

VEER, Gerrit de. Nova Zembla. (Amsterdam, 1681). Engraving by Jan Luyken with 4 engraved scenes from the Dutch winter camp on Novaya Zemlya on 1 sheet after Gerrit de Veer. Ca. 22 x 31,5 cm. From: Bor. Oorsprongk, begin, en vervolgh der Nederlandsche oorlogen. - This is one of many different versions of the engraving on the title-page of Gerrit de Veer, Waerachtige beschryvinghe van drie seijlagien (1598). This engraving depicts four images of the Dutch wintering on Novaya Zemlya in a wooden cabin by Willem Barentsz and his crew in 1596-97. This is the earliest over-wintering this far north. Muller, Historieplaten, 1052; Atlas van Stolk 977; Van Eeghen & Van der Kellen, p.15; Ingalls, Lothrop Collection, 2. [Boeknr.: 4129 ]

€ 150,00

VERGERS, Pieter. Nova-Zembla. Een merkwaardige zeetocht onzer voorvaderen. Schoonhoven, S. & W.N. van Nooten, 1873.Original pictorial boards (spine rep.). With 3 tinted lithographed plates by Emrik & Binger. 162,(1) pp. First edition - Historical novel on the famous Dutch wintering on Nova Zembla, 1596-1597. - (Name cut from title-page). [Boeknr.: 36363 ]

€ 95,00

VISSER, Pieter. Heemskerck op Nova Zembla. Geschiedkundig verhaal. Alkmaar, P.Kluitman, (1900).Original pictorial cloth. With map and plates by A.H. Gouwe. 155 pp. First edition. - Juvenile. In 1595 Jacob van Heemskerck (1567 - 1607) took part in the second northern journey led by Cornelis Nay, together with Jan Huyghen van Linschoten. He was also present on the third and last northern voyage led by Willem Barentsz (1596-1597), which ended in the famous Wintering on Nova Zembla. - Nice binding. [Boeknr.: 36347 ]

€ 35,00

WILLEM BARENTSZ. Special number Spiegel Historiael Jrg. 31, no.10: Gevangen in het ijs. Amsterdam, 1997. Pictorial wrappers. With illustrations. (69) pp. Contributions by Louwrens Hacquebord, Diederick Wildeman, Jerzy Gawronski, Nop Maas, Peter Sigmond, a.o. Added Poster and cut-out of the Behouden Huys and another issue of Spiegel Historiael with articles by Hans Bonke & Pieter Floore. Het Behouden Huys. Hollandse boerenschuur op Nova Zembla and W.F.J. Mörzer Bruyns. Het panorama Nova Zembla van Louis Apol.. [Boeknr.: 36257 ]

€ 18,00

ZEEBERG, Jaap Jan & Pieter FLOORE. (Red.). Nova Zembla. Recente expedities in het Noordpoolgebied. Met bijdragen van Pieter Floore, Rene Gerritsen, Mark Glotzbach, Jan Goos, Frans Heeres, Taco Slagter, Jan Jaap Zeeberg. Rijswijk, Elmar, 1996. Wrappers. With many photographic illustrations. XVI,296 pp. [Boeknr.: 22165 ]

€ 30,00

ZEEBERG, Jaap Jan. Into the Ice Sea. Barents' wintering on Novaya Zemlya - a renaissance voyage of discovery. With contributions by Pieter Floore. Amsterdam, Rozenberg, (2005). Wrappers. With illustrations. 317 pp. [Boeknr.: 33029 ]

€ 25,00

ZEEBERG, Jaap Jan. Terugkeer naar Nova Zembla. De laatste en tragische reis van Willem Barents. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2007. Cloth. With many illustrations (some in colours). 254 pp. The dramatic last voyage of Willem Barentsz to Novaya Zemlya. [Boeknr.: 29707 ]

€ 18,00

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