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ALLEN, W.E.D. (Ed.). Russian embassies to the Georgian kings (1589-1605). Edited with introduction, additional notes, commentaries and bibliography. Texts translated by Anthony Mango. Cambridge, 1970-1972. 2 volumes. Cloth, with dust-jackets. With 8 maps and 18 plates. XXXII, IX, 640 pp. Hakluyt Society, 2nd series, 138 - 139. - The Russian embassy of Zvenigorodski and Antonov (1589-90) to the king ruling in Kakheti in eastern Georgia. [Boeknr.: 19951 ]

€ 65,00

ALPS. - JAHRBUCH DES SCHWEIZER ALPENCLUB. Jhrg. 32 - 1896 bis 1897. Bern, Schmid & Francke, 1897.Contemporary half morocco. With folding panoramic view, 2 coloured plates and many photographic plates. VIII,452 pp. [Boeknr.: 27836 ]

€ 75,00

ANDRIESSEN, Pieter Jacob. De tocht naar Rusland of het begin van den val van't keizerrijk, 1812. 2e druk. Leiden, A.W. Sijthoff, (1882).Original decorated red cloth. With 4 coloured plates. VIII,190 pp. First published in 1875. - Children's book dealing with the invasion by the French army in Russia in 1812. [Boeknr.: 33134 ]

€ 35,00

ANNA PAVLOVNA & WILLEM II. Guillaume II, Roi des Pays-Bas. - Anna Pavlovna, Reine des Pays - Bas, Grande Duchesse de Russie. Amsterdam, François Buffa et Fils, (ca. 1850).2 full-length portraits, mezzotint with etching, depicting Willem II after J.A. Kruseman and Anna Pavlovna after De Keyser, by Alfred Cornelliet, printed by Chardon Jeune et Fils. Each ca. 67 x 45 cm. Willem Frederik George Lodewijk (1792 - 1849), Prince of Oranje-Nassau, King of the Netherlands (1840 - 1849), with kepie and in military uniform and Anna Paulowna of Russia, Queen of the Netherlands (1795-1865), with curled hair, coronet, pearl necklace, and low velvet gown, holding pearls in right hand and with left resting on a table. - Two superb portraits.Not in Muller, Portretten. [Boeknr.: 35833 ]

€ 450,00

AUGUSTINOS, Olga. French Odysseys. Greece in French travel literature from the Renaissance to the Romantic era. Baltimore, London, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. Cloth. With illustrations. XIII,345 pp. A comprehensive treatment of French travel literature about Greece, from the mid-16th-century arrival of the first French travellers to the outbreak of the Greek Revolution in 1821. [Boeknr.: 36101 ]

€ 45,00

BAEDEKER, Karl. Belgien und Holland nebst Luxemburg. Handbuch für Reisende. 25. Auflage. Leipzig, Karl Baedeker, 1914.Sm.8vo. Original red cloth (spine sl. discoloured). With 18 maps and 44 plans (mostly folding). XLVIII,504 pp.. [Boeknr.: 36691 ]

€ 25,00

BAEDEKER, Karl. Nordwest-Deutschland (von der Elbe und der westgraenzen Sachsens an, nebst Hamburg und der Westküste von Schleswig-Holstein). 31. Auflage. Leipzig, Karl Baedeker, 1914. Sm.8vo. Cloth. With 56 maps, and 84 plans. XXX,459 pp. [Boeknr.: 25172 ]

€ 25,00

BAEDEKER, Karl. Northern Italy including Leghorn, Florence, Ravenna and routes through France, Switzerland, and Austria. Handbook for travellers. 14th remodelled edition. Leipzig, Karl Baedeker, 1913.Sm.8vo. Cloth. With 82 partly folding maps and plans. LXVIII,698 pp. [Boeknr.: 13076 ]

€ 25,00

BAEDEKER, Karl. Paris und Umgebungen. Handbuch für Reisende. 14te Auflage. Leipzig, Karl Baedeker,1896.Sm.8vo. Cloth. With 14 maps, and 27 plans, partly folding. XXXVI,388. Inserted the street-index with plans. [Boeknr.: 13116 ]

€ 25,00

BARGRAVE, Robert. The travel diary of Robert Bargrave Levant merchant (1647-1656). Edited by Michael G. Brennan. London, 1999. 8vo. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With 17 plates and illustrations. XIX,288 pp. Hakluyt Society, 3rd series, 3. - The introduction provides an assessment of the historical, literary, and geographical importance of Robert Bargrave's journal. [Boeknr.: 34636 ]

€ 45,00

BARKER, Edward Harrison. Wanderings by southern waters. Eastern Aquitaine. London, Richard Bentley and Son, 1893.Original red cloth (soiled). With frontispiece, 2 illustrations and 4 plates. 403 pp. Wanderings in Aquitaine, a historical region of Southwestern France. It was a kingdom and a duchy, whose boundaries fluctuated considerably. [Boeknr.: 8669 ]

€ 40,00

BARTHELEMY, Jean Jacques. Reis door Italië. Uit het Fransch vertaald door P.G. Witsen Geysbeek. Amsterdam, Gerbarnd Roos, 1803.Contemporary half calf, with title-label (top of spine sl. dam.). With engraved title-page by D.A. v.d. Wart and engraved plate. VIII,402,(8) pp. Dutch translation of Voyage en Italie de M. l'abbé Barthélemy. Paris 1801. - In 1755, Jean-Jacques Barthélemy (1716 - 1795) accompanied the French ambassador, de Stainville to Italy, where he spent three years in archaeological research. - (Stained).Not in Tiele. [Boeknr.: 1105 ]

€ 125,00

BARTHELEMY, Jean Jacques. Reise des jungen Anacharsis durch Griechenland vierhundert Jahr vor der gewöhnlichen Zeitrechnung. Aus dem Französischen. Berlin, Libau, Lagarde und Friedrich, 1789-1793.7 volumes. Original embossed cloth, spines lettered in gilt. With 7 portrait frontispieces and 34 plans and maps (mostly folding). First German edition, first published in French in 1788, Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grèce. Abbé J.J. Barthélemy's (1716-1795) magnum opus is fiction, the product of thirty years study of ancient, medieval and modern authors. The work became immense popular and its influence was far greater than that of any other travel account previously published. More than forty editions appeared and translations were made into almost every European language throughout the 19th century. Although there had been earlier attemps to popularize what was known of Greek antiquity, none was so immediately succesful and influential as Barthelemy's Anacharsis, which played an important part in the development both of neo-classicism and philhellenic sentiment in France (Contominas p. 17). - (Age-browned). - A fine set.Fromm 2082; Cf. Blackmer Collection 83 and Atabey Collection 67; Eutiner Landesbibliothek 0085 (later ed. only). [Boeknr.: 33119 ]

€ 575,00

BAUMGARTNER, Alexander. Reisebilder aus Schottland. 3. vermehrte Auflage. Freiburg im Breisgau, Herder, 1906. Original decorated cloth (small printed library number on front). With folding map and 87 plates and illustrations. XIV,369 pp. First published in 1884. - Nordische Fahrten. Skizzen und Studien. [Boeknr.: 22713 ]

€ 45,00

BAUMGARTNER, Alexander. Durch Skandinavien nach St. Petersburg. 3. Auflage. Freiburg, Herder, 1901.Original decorated front board, spine half cloth. With coloured frontispiece, folding map and 161 illustrations. XXI,619 pp. First published in Freiburg in 1890. - Nordische Fahrten. Skizzen und Studien. II. - (Small stamp on title-page). [Boeknr.: 13045 ]

€ 45,00

BAYLE ST. JOHN. The Subalpine Kingdom; or experiences and studies in Savoy, Piedmont, and Genoa. London, Chapman and Hall, 1856.2 volumes in 1. Sm.8vo. Original red embossed cloth gilt, spine richly gilt (extremities of spine dam.), a.e.g. XIV,322;318 pp. First edition. - Detailed account of Piedmont, Genoa and Sardinia in the mid nineteenth century at the height of great political changes to the region. [Boeknr.: 36608 ]

€ 125,00

BEMMEL, Abraham van. Beschryving der stad Amersfoort, behelzende derzelver gelegenheid, oorspronk, benaaming, oude en tegenwoordige gedaante; als mede de stigtingen, kerken, kloosters, godshuizen, en andere openbare gebouwen; mitsgaders de oude en hedendaagse regeeringsform, privilegien, rampen, en andere merkwaerdige zaken. Meest uit echte stukken, brieven en handvesten zaamengesteld. Utrecht, Henrikus Spruyt, 1760.2 volumes. 19th century half calf, spines lettered in gilt. With plate depicting coats of arms and 8 folding engraved views by Paul van Liender. (20),1018,(8) pp. First edition. - A very fine copy, with nice views of Amersfoort.Nijhoff- Van Hattum 19. [Boeknr.: 37200 ]

€ 650,00

BENNET, J. Henry. Winter and spring of the shores of the Mediterranean: or, the Riviera, Mentone, Italy, Corsica, Sicily, Algeria, Spain, and Biarritz, as winter climates. 4th edition. London, John Churchill & Sons, 1870.Original green cloth, lettered in gilt. With chromolithographed frontispiece, folding table, 6 folding coloured maps, 11 engraved plates and 20 illustrations. XVI,621 pp. First published in 1861, its success led to subsequent editions. A handsome companion guide. [Boeknr.: 37321 ]

€ 275,00

BERLIN. ALBUM VON BERLIN, CHARLOTTENBURG UND POTSDAM. Berlin, Globus, (1905).Oblong 8vo. Original decorated cloth (soiled; loose). With 5 panoramic views and 132 photographic plates. [Boeknr.: 2099 ]

€ 35,00

BETOUW, Johannes in de. Annales Noviomagi, oppidi olim Batavorum, hodie primariae Gelrorum civitatis. Noviomagi, Ahasverus van Goor en Zoon,1790.Original boards. (4),244,(4) pp. The Dutch city of Nijmegen, in the province of Gelderland, is one of the oldest cities in the Netherlands. In the first century BC the Romans built there a military limes-camp. - (Stained).Begheyn, Gheprint te Nymeghen, 45.1. [Boeknr.: 13127 ]

€ 75,00

BOLLAERT, Nathan. Annotatien van meest alles dat is voorgevallen en verrigt aan en in het Borger-weeshuis, van de stigting Anno 1720, tot op heden, nevens de stichting van een apotheek, in den jaare 1749. En verdere resolutien, apostillen en extracten, van Anno 1717 tot op heden, alles bijeengebracht door Nathan Bollaert, bode van het Burgerweeshuis. 1792.Half cloth. With plate. 225 pp. 'Afschrift van een manuscript, betrekkelijk de stichting enz. van het Burgerweeshuis te Middelburg'. [Boeknr.: 37533 ]

€ 350,00

BORROW, George (Henry). The Zincali; or, an account of the gypsies of Spain. 4th edition. London, John Murray, 1846.Sm.8vo. Contemporary polished calf with gilt fillets on both sides, spine richly gilt. XX,264 pp. First published in 1841 in an edition of 750 copies. - A very nice copy.Black 558. [Boeknr.: 9716 ]

€ 295,00

BORROW, George. The bible in Spain; or, the journeys, adventures, and imprisonments of an Englishman, in attempt to circulate the scriptures in the peninsula. 3rd edition. London, John Murray, 1843.3 volumes. Sm.8vo. Contemporary half red morocco, spines lettered in gilt (binding J. Carss & Co). XXIII,370; VIII,398; VIII,391 pp. First published in 1842. - George Borrow (1803 - 1881) joined the British and Foreign Bible Society in 1833. In Spain, civil war made his expeditions risky, while the hostile attitude of the authorities, coupled with his own provocative approach, led twice to his imprisonment. The Bible in Spain was 'a runaway success' (Oxford DNB). - A very fine set.Foulché-Delbosc 358. [Boeknr.: 36613 ]

€ 495,00

BOSCHMA, C. & J. PEROT. Antoine-Ignace Melling (1763-1832), reizend kunstenaar. Met medewerking van H. Sorbé, Th. Laurentius en R. Anhegger. Abcoude, Uniepers, (1991). Folio. Original boards, with dust-jacket. With over 190 illustrations (several in colours). 240 pp. Antoine-Ignace Melling was a painter, architect and voyager who is counted among the 'Levantine artists'. In this book his journey in 1812 to the Netherlands and Germany is documented. [Boeknr.: 31810 ]

€ 35,00

BOSSHARD, Walter. Kühles Grasland Mongolei. Zauber und Schönheit der Steppe. Berlin, Im Deutschen Verlag, (1938). Decorated green cloth (spine discoloured). With 2 maps and 71 photographic illustrations by the author. 217 pp. Walter Bosshard (1892 -1975) was a Swiss pioneer photographer and reporter. His early work involved photography of Southeast Asia and China. [Boeknr.: 24640 ]

€ 25,00

BOURGOING, Jean François. Modern state of Spain: exhibiting a complete view of its topography, government, laws, religion, finances, naval and military history, establishments; and of society, manners, arts, sciences, agriculture, and commerce in that country. Translated from the last Paris edition of 1807, to which are added, essays on Spain by M. Peyron and the book of post roads. London, John Stockdale, 1808.4 volumes. Contemporary mottled calf, spines gilt, with morocco lables on spines. With large folding map of Spain and 28 folding engraved plates, including 6 of bullfighting, plan of the Bay of Cadiz, Madrid, Gibraltar, Aranjuez, Seville, Alhambra, Cordova, etc. First published in Paris in 1807 Tableau de l'Espagne moderne. The title calls for an atlas volume, but this seems to have been issued separately and is not present here. - A very attractive copy. Foulché-Delbosc 189J; Palau 34062. [Boeknr.: 36620 ]

€ 650,00

BRENNAN, Michael G. (Ed.). The origins of the grand tour. The travels of Robert Mantague, Lord Mandeville (1649-1654), William Hammond (1655-1658), Banaster Maynard (1660-1663). London, 2004. 8vo. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With 49 illustrations and plates. XVII,331 pp. Hakluyt Society, 3rd series, 14. - The longterm English fascination with the Grand Tour was firmly rooted in the mid-tudor and early Stuart periods. Such travels were usually prompted by one of three reasons: the prectical needs of diplomacy, the aesthetic allure of cultural tourism, and the expediences of political or religious exile. [Boeknr.: 34639 ]

€ 45,00

BRUYN, Cornelis de. Reizen over Moskovie. Een Hollandse schilder ontmoet tsaar Peter de Grote. Ingeleid en van commentaar voorzien door Kiki Hannema. (Amsterdam, Terra Incognita, 1996). Wrappers. With folding plate and illustrations. 125 pp. Cornelis de Bruijn (ca. 1652-1727) was a Dutch artist and traveller. His visits also included Persia and parts of Asia.. [Boeknr.: 15955 ]

€ 18,00

BUYS, M(arius). Uit alle werelddeelen. Merkwaardige ontdekkingen, avonturen te land en ter zee, tafereelen uit het leven der natuur en der volken, enz. Leiden, D. Noothoven van Goor, (1878).Original decorated cloth. With 6 plates (3 chromolithographs by Emrik & Binger depicting Faroe Islands, London and the English Channel). 533,(3) pp. From all parts of the world. Remarkable discoveries, adventures on land and at sea, scenes from the life of nature and peoples, etc. [Boeknr.: 31972 ]

€ 65,00

CAILLETTE DE L'HERVILLIERS, Edmond. Compiègne sa forèt ses alentours. Etudes & souvenirs historiques & archéologiques suivi de documents relatifs a la vie du B. Simon, Comte de Crespy et d'Amiens. Compiègne, Paris, 1869.8vo. Original printed wrappers (sl. soiled), uncut. 508,96 pp. Compiègne its forest and its surroundings. Historical & archaeological studies & memories followed by documents relating to the life of Simon de Créspy (ca. 1047 - 1081), Count of Amiens, of the Vexin and of Valois from 1074 until 1077. He is also known as Simon de Vexin and Saint Simon. [Boeknr.: 10813 ]

€ 60,00

CALONNE, Charles Alexandre de. Requête au roi. - Eclaircissemens et pieces justificatives; Réponse de M. de Calonne a l' écrit de M. Necker, publiée en Avril 1787; contenant l'examen des comptes de la situation des finances, rendus en 1774, 1776, 1781, 1783 & 1787: avec des observations sur les résultats de l'assembée des notables. - Pieces justificatives ou accessoires. London, T. Spilsbury, 1787-1788. 2 works in 1 volume. Contemporary half calf, spine ribbed with green title-label. 137,(3),66; 8,215,(3),65,(1),36 pp. Charles Alexandre, vicomte de Calonne (1734 - 1802) was called in to take control of France's financial affairs during the terrible crisis which preceded the Revolution. His audacious plan of reform might have succeeded had the king been wholeheartedly behind him. He was finally exiled in 1787 and the present work is a defence of his conduct while in office, written after he had fled to England, and published in London.Kress B-1174; Goldsmith's 13433. [Boeknr.: 13537 ]

€ 150,00

CAMUSSO, Lorenzo. Reisboek Europa 1492. Vertaling uit het Duits door Frans Hille. Den Haag, SDU, 1991. 8vo. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With ca. 260 coloured illustrations of paintings. 288 pp. Ten different journeys along the most important routes in 1492, stretching from Moscow and Istanbul to Edinburgh and Seville. [Boeknr.: 37173 ]

€ 45,00

CARR, John. Een zomer in het Noorden, of reize rondom de Baltische zee, door Denemarken, Zweden, Rusland en een gedeelte van Duitschland. Naar het Engelsch. Leeuwarden, Wed. Boij, 1809 - 1811.2 volumes in 1. Later half cloth. (6),288; VIII,404 pp. First published in English A Northern summer, or travels round the Baltic, through Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Prussia and part of Germany, in the year 1804. London 1805. - John Carr (1772-1772) was called to the bar at the Middle Temple, but from reasons of health found it advisable to travel, and published accounts of his journeys in different European countries, which though without much intrinsic merit, obtained a wide circulation on account of their light, gossipy style, and the fact that in the species if literature there was then comparatively little competition (DNB). - (Hole in title-page).Muller, Bibliographie Neerlando-Russe, 770; Catalogue Russica C148; not in Tiele or Cat. NHSM. [Boeknr.: 2104 ]

€ 295,00

CAWLEY, Robert Ralston. The voyagers and Elizabeth drama. Boston, D.C. Heath and Comp., 1938. Original cloth. XIV,428 pp. [Boeknr.: 36097 ]

€ 45,00

CERRI, Urbano. Staat van de Roomsch Catholyke religie, door de geheele werreld: geschreeven tot dienst van Paus Innocentius de XI. Uyt een echt Italiaansch handschrift in't Engelsch overgezet .. door Richard Steele. Uyt het Engelsch vertaald door A.G.L.R.C. Amsterdam, Nicolaas ten Hoorn, 1715.Sm.8vo. Contemporary half calf. Title page printed in red and black. 340 pp. First published in London the same year: An account of the state of the Roman-Catholick religion throughout the world .. now first translated from an authentick Italian MS never publish'd. - Translation from an Italian manuscript written from 1675 to 1679, containing an account of the state of the Roman-Catholic religion throughout the world: Europe, Asia, Africa and America. - (Age-browned).European-Americana V, p. 192; Streit I, 802. [Boeknr.: 36635 ]

€ 225,00

CHESNEY, Francis Rawdon. The Russo-Turkish campaigns of 1828 and 1829: with a view of the present state of affairs in the East. 2nd edition. London, Smith, Elder & Co., Bombay, Smith, Taylor & co, 1854.Original embossed green cloth. With two folding maps, coloured in outline. XXXVIII, 448; (16) pp. Three editions were issued in 1854. - Colonel Francis Rawdon Chesney went to Constantinople in 1829 with the intention of joining the Turkish forces, but he was delayed by a tour of inspection of Syria and Egypt, and the peace of Adrianople was announced just as he arrived. In this work, composed of materials collected on the spot, he has provided an account of the Russo - Turkish war of 1828-29, and in the final chapter he gives a history of past and present Russo-Turkish wars and a background to the Eastern Question. (Atabey p.118). Chesney was clearly an explorer of the first order and his courage and perseverance were matched only by his attention to detail and thoroughness in the surveys he produced. - (Some foxing).Atabey Collection 235; not in Blackmer. [Boeknr.: 35184 ]

€ 225,00

CLAPARDèDE, Arthur de. L'ile de Porquerolles (Iles d'Hyères). (La France). Neuchatel, 1891.Original printed wrappers. 16 pp. - (Bull. de la Société Neuchâteloise de Géographie). [Boeknr.: 10471 ]

€ 30,00

COMETTANT, Oscar. Le Danemark tel qu'il est. Paris, Achille Faure, 1865.Sm.8vo. Contemporary half red morocco, spine gilt. XII,486 pp. Oscar Comettant (1819 - 1898) was a 19th-century French composer, musicologist and traveller. He visited Denmark on a journey in 1864. [Boeknr.: 10936 ]

€ 45,00

CORTGEEN VAN DER GOUDE, Jacobus Fransz. van. Stichtsche cleyne chronicke, waer in gheschiedenissen, des stadts, steden, ende landen van Utrecht, in tijdt van vrede en oorloghe, van begin des stadts, int jaer ons Heeren 80 tot den jaere 1578, int cort verhaelt werden. Waer achter bygevoegt is Beschryving van Utrecht door Cornelis Booth. Amsterdam, Jan Hartig, 1745.Sm.8vo. 19th century half cloth, spine lettered in gilt. Title-page printed in red and black. (24),152 pp. History of the city and province of Utrecht. - A fine copy. [Boeknr.: 37229 ]

€ 275,00

COURT VAN DER VOORT, Pieter de la. Byzondere aenmerkingen over het aenleggen van pragtige en gemeene landhuizen, lusthoven, plantagien en aenklevende cieraeden: waer by gevoegt is eene verhandeling aengaende het snoeijen en voortteelen van vrugt- en wilde boomen ... als mede om onfeilbaer ananas-vrugten, ook citroen-, limoen- , oranje-boomen, en andere gewassen van warmer luchtstreek, onder onze koude voort te queeken en te vermenigvuldigen, nevens een berigt om de benoodigde weer-glazen daer toe te maken; nog beproefde waerneemingen wegens het voortteelen van aerd- en warmoes vrugten, het behandelen der moestuinen, het aanleggen der broeibakken voor meloenen en soortgelyke gewassen. 2e druk, vermeerderd met twee aenhangzels, handelende over het aanleggen der trekkassen voor de persikken enz. en over het kweeken der bloemen. Amsterdam, K. van Tongerlo & F. Houttuin, 1763.4to. Contemporary half calf (boards with later marbled paper). With illustration and 16 engraved plates (13 folding). XII,(4),522,(18) pp. Second and best edition, first published in 1737. - Pieter de la Court van der Voort (1664-1739) was, through his wife, the owner of the Berbice country estate in Voorschoten from 1688 to 1716. Under his leadership, the property grew into a beautiful country estate with a formal garden layout that was customary for the time, with an orangery, barge house, orchards, a walled vegetable garden and several experimental espalier fruit walls. He designed the Berbice orangery from 1696 after he had traveled around Europe to gain knowledge and inspiration. His international network was large and included people like Tsar Peter the Great of Russia, who even came to Berbice to admire the orangery. Pieter is the first to get a pineapple to flower and fruit in the Netherlands, which was very special at that time. His knowledge about growing (tropical) fruits and his ideas about the construction and design of country estates became widespread with the publication of his book. Because it was also translated into French and German, it reached an unprecedentedly wide audience. - The first book on succesful ananas-growing in Europe. - (Age-browned). [Boeknr.: 36897 ]

€ 1650,00

CRÉHANGE, Gaston. Histoire de la Russie. Depuis la mort de Paul Ier jusqu'à nos jours. Paris, Germer Baillière et Cie, 1882.Sm.8vo. Contemporary half red morocco, original front-wrapper preserved, top edge gilt. (4),300,(32) pp. - First edition. [Boeknr.: 12948 ]

€ 65,00

DAILEY NEWS. The war correspondence of the 'Daily News' 1877 with a connecting narrative forming a continuous history of the war between Russia and Turkey. Including the letters of Archibald Forbes, J.A. Macgahan and many other special correspondents in Europe and Asia. 2nd edition containing a full description of the taking of Kars. London, Macmillan and Co., 1878.Original red cloth (sl. rubbed, spine ends sl. damaged). XVI,643 pp. With the bookplate and stamp of Girton College. - Of the letters 'may be said, that they were welcomed by the public as affording the earliest, fullest, and most specific information at critical moments of the campaign, and if it should further be found that these same letters, hastily written in the bivouac, on the field of victory, or in some hovel on the line of retreat, have at the same time the merit of being among the most vivid and truthful pictures of war that have at any time been offered to the public, the popularity they have attained would be accounted for (Preface). [Boeknr.: 35188 ]

€ 125,00

DAILEY NEWS. The war correspondence of the 'Daily News' 1877-8 continued from the fall of Kars to the signature of the preliminaries of peace. With a connecting narrative forming a continuous history of the war between Russia and Turkey. London, Macmillan and Co., 1878.Original red cloth (sl. rubbed, spine ends sl. damaged). XVI,599 pp. With the bookplate and stamp of Girton College. - 'The collection, which now forms a complete history of the war, comprises the correspondence of Archibald Forbes, J.A. MacGahan, F.D. Millet, E. Pears, E. O'Donovan, J.H. Skinner, V. Julius, and other correspondents - in all seventeen in number - to each of those letters a conventional sign has been affixed' (Preface). [Boeknr.: 35189 ]

€ 125,00

DAUDET, Alphonse. Tartarin sur les Alpes. Nouveaux exploits du héros Tarasconnais. Paris, C. Marpon & E. Flammarion, 1886.Sm.8vo. Contemporary half morocco (spine discoloured). With many illustrations after Aranda, de Beaumont, Montenard, de Myrbach, and Rossi. (6),365,(4) pp. First published in 1885. - Novel about Tartarin, a middle-aged hunter living in the town of Tarascon situated at the extreme west of the Bouches-du-Rhône department of France in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. He has many adventures during his travels to the Alps. [Boeknr.: 36718 ]

€ 85,00

DAUMONT, Alexandre. Reis door Zweden in den jare 1830, behelzende uitvoerige berigten wegens den tegenwoordigen staat van dat koningrijk en deszelfs bewoners: benevens vele bijzonderheden aangaande de regering van Karel XIV (Bernadotte), en de gebeurtenissen, zijne troonsverheffing voorafgegaan. Naar het Fransch. Haarlem, Wed. A. Loosjes, 1835.2 volumes in 1. Contemporary half calf (hinges weak). With 2 engraved frontispieces by D. Veelwaard. XII,280; XII,290 pp. First published in French Voyage en Suède. Paris 1834. - This enlarged Dutch translation has an appendix: Gustafson. De dertiende maart of de belangrijkste bijzonderheden der Zweedsche omwenteling, in den jare 1809. Not in Tiele. [Boeknr.: 1830 ]

€ 125,00

DIOSZEGI, V. (Ed.). Glaubenswelt und Folklore der sibirischen Völker. Budapest, Ungarische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1963. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With 151 illustrations (several in colours). 534 pp. 'Die Fachliteratur wird um ein Wek bereichert, das auf das Interesse der weiten Kreise von Sibirienforschern, Fokloristen, Ethnographen, Linguisten, Religions- und Kulturhistorikern rechnen darf'. [Boeknr.: 31750 ]

€ 65,00

DORN, Alexander. (Ed.). Die Seehäfen des Weltverkehrs. Wien, Alexander Dorn, 1891-1892.2 volumes. Contemporary half morocco, spines decorated. With 389 woodengraved seaport plans and views. (12),1100; (8),828 pp. Volume I: Häfen Europas sowie der asiatischen und afrikanischen Küsten des Mittelmeerbeckens. Volume II: Häfen ausserhalb Europas und des Mittelmeerbeckens. - Fine. [Boeknr.: 32925 ]

€ 175,00

DOUMERGUE, Emile. Un petite nationalité en souffrance les Lettons. Les provinces Baltiques et le Pangermanisme Prussien en Russie. Paris, Éditions de 'Foi et Vie', 1917. Original printed wrappers. IV,150 pp. Latvians are a Baltic ethnic group in Latvia and the immediate geographical region, the Baltics. [Boeknr.: 24636 ]

€ 30,00

DREW GAY, J. Plevna, the Sultan and the Porte; reminiscences of the war in Turkey. London, Chatto and Windus, 1878.Original red cloth (sl. soiled). VI,(1),298; 40 pp. First edition. - With the bookplate of Sefik E. Atabey. - 'During my stay in Turkey as Special Correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, it was my high privilege to have unusual facilities for obtaining information respecting what inspired within the Palace, the Seraskierate, and the Porte. It was, moreover, my fortune to be present at the heavy fighting which, early in September 1877, took place at Plevna. What I heard at Constntinople, and what I witnessed on the memorable battlefields where Osman Pasha and his gallant army gained for themselves and their country undying renown, I have transcribed, and to my observations appended sundry notes respecting the present condition and what I take to be the needs of Turkey in the future' (Preface). - Rare.Not in the Blackmer Collection. [Boeknr.: 35210 ]

€ 375,00

DU ROY, Bernard. Nieuwe kaart van den lande van Utrecht. Amsterdam, Johannes Covens & Cornelis Mortier, 1743.Engraved wall map after G. Hoet by T. Doesburgh. 40 sheets pasted on linen. With fine large cartouche, several cities coloured in red and the Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie (New Dutch Waterline ) is shown in blue. Ca. 124 x 193 cm. The first edition from a total of four editions, was published by Nicolas Visscher in 1696; this is the second, revised edition. - The rare wall map shows Utrecht in the centre, Amsterdam with the Haarlemmermeer in the northwest. In the north Naarden at the Zuiderzee (now Gooimeer) up to Schoonhoven, Nieuwpoort, Leerdam, Asperen and Heukelum in the south. It shows cities, villages and settlements and the differentiation of the land ownerships. The boundaries of the polders of the entire region with the designation of the owners are presented. Also depicted are drainage canals, windmills, landscape areas, ornamental gardens, as well as larger buildings and churches.The large Dutch wall maps are rare because most of the copies were used in their actual purpose to decorate the walls of the houses of the wealthy citizens. Those examples have not been preserved in most cases. This fine wall map is one of the most famous and spectacular graphic representations of the province of Utrecht, it was authoritative until the 19th century. [Boeknr.: 37139 ]

€ 1450,00

DUFRENOY. Cabinet du petit-naturaliste. 3me édition. Paris, Alexis Eymery, 1818.16mo. Contemporary half calf (spine ends skilfully restored). With engraved frontispiece and title-page, and 12 engraved plates. VI,235 pp. Fine illustrated book on natural history, incuding one plate of a sperm whale. Written by Adélaïde Gillette Billet Dufrénoy (1765-1825), a French poet and painter from Brittany. - (Age-browned). [Boeknr.: 37558 ]

€ 125,00

DWIGHT, H.G. Constantinople old and new. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1915.Original blue cloth, top edge gilt. With many photographic illustrations. XXI,567 pp. First edition. - Harrison Griswold Dwight, was born in Constantinople in 1875, died in Holyoke, Massachusetts in 1959. He prepared for Amherst College at the preparatory school of Robert College, Constantinople, with which his father was connected, and St. Johnsbury, Vermont Academy. After graduation from Amherst, he entered the consular service. [Boeknr.: 36061 ]

€ 65,00

EBELING, E. Straatsburg in 1681. Een geschiedkundig verhaal uit de dagen van de afscheuring dezer stad van het Duitsche Rijk, en hare bemachtiging door Lodewijk XIV; voor de rijpere jeugd. Gouda, G.B. van Goor Zonen, 1873.Original embossed red cloth, spine gilt. With 4 coloured plates by P.W.M. Trap. 232 pp. Juvenile. A historical story from the days of the separation of Strasbourg from the German Empire, and its seizure by Louis XIV. [Boeknr.: 33131 ]

€ 35,00

EISENSTEIN, Richard von. Reise nach Konstantinopel, Kleinasien, Rumänien, Bulgarien und Serbien. Beschreibung mit Erörterungen, um zu Reisen und Unternehmungen auszuregen. Wien, Karl Gerolds Sohn, 1912.Original decorated cloth. With 6 maps (1 folding) and 458 photographic illustrations. 416 pp. First edition. - A fine illustrated journey. [Boeknr.: 36057 ]

€ 75,00

(ELIOT, Charles Norton Edgcumber). Turkey in Europe. By Odysseus. London, Edward Arnold, 1900.Original blue cloth, spine lettered in gilt. With 2 folding coloured maps. 475 pp. First edition. - Sir Charles Norton Edgcumbe Eliot (1862 - 1931) was a British diplomat, colonial administrator and botanist. He describes the Turks, the Greeks, the Bulgarians and Serbs, the Albanians and Vlachs, and the Armenians. [Boeknr.: 36070 ]

€ 95,00

FAUCHER, Léon. Études sur l'Angleterre. Paris, Guillaumin, 1845.2 volumes. Contemporary half vellum, with red and green morocco labels on spines. XXXI,470; 433 pp. First edition. - Léonard Joseph Faucher (1803 - 1854) was a French politician and economist. - (Some foxing). [Boeknr.: 10433 ]

€ 95,00

FEHMI, Youssouf. Histoire de la Turquie. Préface de M. Antoine Baumann. Paris, Perrin et Cie., 1909. Original printed wrappers. With portrait of the author. XVIII,360 pp. [Boeknr.: 15725 ]

€ 45,00

FELL, Ralph. A tour through the Batavian Republic during the latter part of the year 1800. Containing an account of the revolution and recent events in that country. London, printed for R. Phillips, 1801.Contemporary half calf, spine richly gilt (top of spine rep.). XII,395 pp. First edition. - Ralph Fell visited in October and November 1800 several cities in Holland: Brielle, Maassluis, Delft, Rotterdam, Overschie, 's Gravenhage, Scheveningen, Leiden, Haarlem, Amsterdam, Broek in Waterland, Zaandam, Utrecht and Nijmegen. [Boeknr.: 37108 ]

€ 225,00

FINDEN & BARTLETT, William Henry. The ports, harbours, watering-places, and coast scenery of Great Britain. Illustrated by views taken on the spot, by W.H. Bartlett; with descriptions by William Beattie. London, George Virtue, 1842.2 volumes. 4to. Contemporary richly decorated gilt morocco, rebacked with the original gilt spines laid down (rubbed), a.e.g. With frontispiece portrait of Queen Victoria, woodcut of Blackwall and 125 steelengravings (incl. 2 frontispieces and title-pages), with the tissue guards. (4),190; (4),155 pp. The first edition was issued in 1838 Finden's ports, harbours and watering places of Great Britain. This is the revised, much enlarged edition. - The plates present the harbours and shores of England, Scotland and Wales in the most dramatic, picturesque, or romantic light possible. Depictions of port cities range from stormy scenes of wreckage to calm sunny days. The romantic views by William Henry Bartlett (1809-1854) are among the best produced in the 19th century. The plate of the lighthouse of Berwick in volume one is shown as title-vignette in volume two. William Beattie (1793-1875) wrote the descriptions. - (Some light foxing as usual). - A staggering work with the 'Views taken on the spot'. Andres 353. [Boeknr.: 29132 ]

€ 375,00

FOKKE SIMONSZ., Arend. Geheimzinnige toebereidselen tot eene boertige reis door Europa. Vermaakshalven voorgeleezen in, en opgedraagen aan, de Maatschappij der Verdiensten, onder de spreuk: Felix Meritis. Haarlem, François Bohn, 1794.Original boards. With 2 handcoloured folding maps by Hendrik Kloekhoff. (8),152 pp. It includes two handcoloured maps of Europe, one of them is a very uncommon cartographic curiosity map showing Europe in a female shape, demoting from the former Virgin Queen to an ordinary house wife according to anti-Napoleonic propaganda. Spain is her head, Portugal her crown and her left arm is Italy. [Boeknr.: 36645 ]

€ 450,00

FORD, Richard. Gatherings from Spain. Bij the author of the Handbook of Spain; chiefly selected from that book, with much new matter. New edition. London, John Murray, 1851.Original red embossed cloth. X,342 pp. + A descriptive catalogue of Mr. Murray's home and colonial library. London, 1851. 32 pp. First published in 1846. - Including a.o. 2 chapters on bullfighting.Palau 93502; Foulché-Delbosc 415. [Boeknr.: 36780 ]

€ 150,00

FRENCH - RUSSIAN DIALOGUES. CHOIX D'ENTRÉTIENS FRANÇAIS ET RUSSES, composés sur le modèle des meilleurs auteurs modernes et arrangés en 150 leçons. 1831. Contemporary half green morocco (spine damaged; 1 hinge broken). VII,315 pp. Rare. - No copy in Worldcat. [Boeknr.: 31726 ]

€ 275,00

GARDNER, Ernest Arthur. Ancient Athens. 2nd edition. New York, London, Macmillan Company, 1907.Original decorated cloth gilt, top edge gilt. With numerous plans, plates and illustrations. XVI,579 pp. The first edition was published the same year. - A fine copy. [Boeknr.: 8787 ]

€ 45,00

GAUME, J. Les trois Rome. Journal d'un voyage en Italie. Paris, Gaume Frères, 1847-1848.4 volumes. Contemporary half calf, spines gilt. With 2 large folding plans (Plan de Rome ancienne et moderne & Plan de Rome souteraine ou des catacombe). XII,563; 708; 659; 600,CIV pp. First edition. - Jean-Joseph Gaume (1802 - 1879) was a French Roman Catholic theologian and author. He wrote numerous books treating of theology, history, and education. [Boeknr.: 29336 ]

€ 175,00

GERBET, Ph(ilippe Olympe). Esquisse de Rome chrétienne. 4me édition. Paris, 1863.2 volumes. Sm.8vo. Contemporary half vellum, spines gilt. XII,506; 544 pp. First published in Paris in 1844 -1850. - Olympe-Philippe Gerbet (1798 - 1864) was a French Catholic bishop and writer. The years 1839-1849 he spent in Rome, gathering data for his Esquisse de Rome Chrétienne and adopting increasingly conservative views. [Boeknr.: 8805 ]

€ 75,00

GROTHE, Hugo. Auf türkischer Erde. Reisebilder und Studien. 2. Auflage. Berlin, Allgemeiner Verein für Deutsche Litteratur, 1903.Original red cloth. With 22 photographic illustrations. 456 pp. Albert Louis Hugo Grothe (1869 - 1954) was a German cultural politician, scientist, geographer and orientalist. He took an early interest in the Ottoman Empire, which he traveled in all directions from 1896 to 1912: through Anatolia, Cyrenaica and Tripolitania, Albania and Macedonia, still Ottoman at that time. [Boeknr.: 36050 ]

€ 65,00

GUINCHARD, J. Sweden. Historical and statistical handbook. 2nd edition. Stockholm, Government Printing Office, 1914. 2 volumes. Contemporary half green morocco, top edges gilt. With numerous photographic illustrations. XXVI,781; XI,758 pp. - A fine set. [Boeknr.: 10921 ]

€ 95,00

HAGEN, Victor Wolfgang von. Frederick Catherwood Archt. Introduction by Aldous Huxley. New York, Oxford University Press, 1950. Cloth. With coloured frontispiece, 16 plates and illustrations and 24 views of ancient monuments in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan. XIX,177 pp. Frederick Catherwood (1799 - 1854) explored the buried civilizations of Rome, of Greece, of Egypt, the burned-out civilizations of Transjordania, the cultures that rimmed the Mediterranean, and the buried cities of the Mya in Yucatan. [Boeknr.: 36732 ]

€ 45,00

HALMA, François. Tooneel der Vereenigde Nederlanden, en onderhorige landschappen, geopent in een algemeen historisch, genealogisch, geographisch, en staatkundig woordenboek, waar in de aloude, de opvolgende en hedendaagsche staat dezer gewesten naar de orde van't A.B.C. ontvouwen en opgeheldert wordt, uit een zeer groot getal van oude en nieuwe geschiedboeken, hantvesten, brieven, aantekeningen, en andere schriften, met behulp van verscheide kenners byeenvergadert en zamengestelt door François Halma en na deszelfs overlyden vervolgt door Matthaeus Brouërius van Nidek. Leeuwarden, Hendrik Halma, 1725.2 volumes. Large folio. Contemporary blind-tooled vellum. With allegorical frontispiece, 2 title-pages printed in red and black, engraved portrait of the author, 27 engraved double-page maps and 37 engraved portraits. (12),470; 408 pp. 'François Halma (1653-1722) was boekhandelaar en academiedrukker, eerst te Utrecht, later te Amsterdam en vanaf 1710 te Leeuwarden. Het ‘Tooneel’ is een soort encyclopedie op plaatsnamen en persoonsnamen. Bij zijn overlijden was Halma bijna gereed met de tekst. Brouërius van Nidek nam toen de letters W, Y en Z voor zijn rekening en voegde een levensbeschrijving van Halma toe (Haitsma Mulier & Van der Lem 202b). With fine portraits of the earls of Holland and maps of the Netherlands. - Age-browned otherwise a very fine copy. [Boeknr.: 33763 ]

€ 1850,00

HAMLEY, E. Bruce. The story of the campaign of Sebastopol written in the camp. Edinburgh, London, W. Blackwood and Sons, 1855.Original red embossed cloth (spine damaged; 1 hinge weak). With folding plan of Sevastopol, 4 coloured lithographed plates (1 folding) and 5 tinted lithographed plates (1 folding) after E.B. Hamley by M. & N. Hanhart. XV,339 pp. First edition. - Edward Bruce Hamley went out to the Crimea as adjudant to Colonel Richard Dacres,commanding the batteries in the First Division. On the death of General Strangways at Inkerman, Dacres was promoted to chief command of the artillery, Hamley becoming his aide-du-camp. Originally submitted to Blackwoord’s as a serie of letters, with work probably represents the most vivid published portrayal of the siege. The attractive lithographs are from the author’s own sketches. Includes descriptions of the charges of the Heavy Brigade and of Florence Nightingale in her hospital. - (Some spotting).Abbey, Travel, 236; Bibl. Russica 125. [Boeknr.: 1849 ]

€ 375,00

HARLINGHAUSEN, C. Harold & Harthmuth MERLEKER. Germany. Preface by Hugo Eckener. Translated and adapted by Donald M. Christie. Geneva, Nagel Publishers, (1956). Sm.8vo. Red cloth. With 94 maps and plans. XXXII,681 pp. Nagel Travel Guide Series. [Boeknr.: 23794 ]

€ 18,00

HARTING, P. Het eiland Urk, zijn bodem, voortbrengselen en bewoners. Utrecht, Van Paddenburg & Comp., 1853.Original printed boards (spine rep.). With lithographed folding map, profille and view of the island of Urk. 75 pp. Urk is a former island and current municipality in the province of Flevoland in the Netherlands. Until the completion in 1939 of the Afsluitdijk connecting Urk with Lemmer, Urk was an island in the IJsselmeer. [Boeknr.: 36673 ]

€ 175,00

HEDLUND, S.A. Schweiz. Rese-anteckningar i bref. Stockholm, A. Bonniers, (1866).Contemporary half morocco. With frontispiece depicting a view of Lausanne. IV,192 pp. [Boeknr.: 7977 ]

€ 45,00

HELLWALD, Friedrich von & Louis Constantin BECK. Die heutige Türkei. Schilderung von Land und Leuten des Osmanischen Reiches .. vor und nach dem Kriege von 1877/78. 2. vielfach verbesserte Auflage. Leipzig, Otto Spamer, 1878.2 volumes in 1. Modern half cloth. With 2 double-page coloured maps, 10 plates and 220 woodengravings. VIII,478; VIII,496 pp. With bookplate of Sefik E. Atabey; Bibliothek der Länder- und Völkerkunde. - Volume I European Turkey, Volume II Asian and Arabian Turkey. Fine illustrated account.- (With library stamp on titlepage; 1 tear rep.). [Boeknr.: 36044 ]

€ 95,00

(HILARIDES, Johannes). It aade Friesche terp of Kronyk der geschiedenissen van de vrye Friesen; in hun oorsprong, opkomst en voortgang; alsmede in derzelver landbestiering, wapenhandel, krygsdaaden, wetenschappen, vreemde voorvallen, yver voor de vryheid, afgodery, godsdienst en landstreek: Byeen gestelt voor de liefhebbers der vryheid, als een korte jaarteller of chronologie, beginnende met den jaare 313 voor de geboorte van Christus, tot den jaare 1677. Nevens een byvoegzel tot de geboorte der tegenwoordige prins of stadhouder Willem Karel Hendrik Frieso. 2e druk. Haarlem, Johannes Marshoorn, 1743.Sm.8vo. Contemporary half calf, spine gilt. 341,(11) pp. First published in 1677; with armorial bookplate of Balius. - Hilarides provides readers with a comprehensive overview of the Frisian people's traditions, customs, and way of life, giving insight into the unique aspects of their culture. It is a well-written and informative book that offers a fascinating look into the history of the Frisian people from 313 B.C. to 1677 A.D. - Scarce. [Boeknr.: 37228 ]

€ 450,00

HOFFMEISTER, Eduard von. Durch Armenien. Eine Wanderung und der Zug Xenophons bis zum Schwarzen Meere. Eine militär-geographische Studie. Leipzig, Berlin, B.G. Teubner, 1911.8vo. Cloth (spine sl. faded). With 4 maps (2 folding), 5 plates and 96 photographic illustrations by the author. VIII,252 pp. [Boeknr.: 24721 ]

€ 95,00

HOOFT, (Pieter Cornelisz.). Nederlandsche historien, seedert de overdraght der heerschappye van kaizar Kaarel den Vyfden op kooning Philips zynen zoon, tot de doodt des Prinsen van Oranje. Met het vervolgh tot het einde der landtvooghdye des Graaven van Leicester. 3e druk. Amsterdam, Johan van Someren, Abraham Wolfgangk, Hendrik & Dirk Boom, 1677.Folio. Contemporary blindtooled vellum (sl. soiled), spine ribbed (ties missing). With engraved allegorical title page by I. van Munnichuysen after G. de La(i)resse, engraved vignette on title page,engraved portrait of P.C. Hooft by A. Sijlvelt after I. Sandrart, 9 double-page engraved plates and 11 engraved portraits by C. Decker. (16),27,(1),1242,(41) pp. Pieter Cornelisz. Hooft (1581-1647) started to write in 1628 the first part of this work which was published for the first time in 1642. The second part was posthumously published by his son Aarnoud in 1654. Hooft was one of the most prolific Dutch authors of the first half of the seventeenth century. His Nederlandsche Historien covers the period from Charles V's transfer of the government of the Netherlands to his son Philips II from 1555 until 1587, during the stay of the Earl of Leicester in the Netherlands. Also included the life of Hooft by Gerardt Brandt. The fine plates depict the battles of Haarlem, Alkmaar, Woerden, Leiden, Slot Vredesteyn Utrecht, Spanish inquisition, and 3 sea battles. The Nederlandsche Historien has become a monument in Dutch literature, not only for its accuracy and masterful description of events and characters, but also as the only Dutch historical writing in the classical style. - (Some marginal waterstaining). - A fine copy of a monumental historical work for the years 1555-1587, three tumultuous decades in which the Dutch provinces revolted against the authority of the Spanish king.Leendertz 126; Van Someren I, 72a. [Boeknr.: 9403 ]

€ 850,00

HOOGESCHOOL UTRECHT. Redevoeringen en dichtstukken, ter viering der plegtige inwijding van de Hoogeschool te Utrecht, op den 6 november, 1815, bij hare nieuwe inrigting, uitbreiding en opluistering, door zijne majesteit den koning der Nederlanden. Utrecht, O.J. van Paddenburg & J. van Schoonhoven, 1815.Contemporary half calf, with red morocco titlelabel. With engraved title-vignette. XVI,94 pp. Speeches and poems, in celebration of the inauguration of the Hogeschool in Utrecht. - Bound with: BUYS BALLOT. De herstelling der Utrechtsche Hoogeschool in 1813. Feestrede. Utrecht, L.E. Bosch en Zoon, 1863. 28 pp. [Boeknr.: 37317 ]

€ 175,00

HOOGHE, Romeyn de. Les Indes Orientales et Occidentales, et autre lieux; représentés en très-belles figures, qui montrent au naturel les peuples, moeurs, religions, fêtes, sacrifices, mosquées, idoles, richesses, ceremonies, festins, tribunaux, supplices et esclavages, comme aussi, les montagnes, vaisseaux, commerce, marchés, marchandises de toute sorte, epiceries, sucreries, tours, pierres précieuses, peintures, feux d'artifices, boufons, marche des armées, plantes, arbres, animaux, ouiseaux, poissons, monstres, lieux souterrains, volcans, ouragans, etc. Leide, Pierre Van der Aa, (ca. 1700).Oblong 8vo. Contemporary half calf (spine ends restored). With engraved title-page, 6 engraved maps and 61 plates on 41 leaves, engraved by Romeyn de Hooghe. Only a few complete copies are known of this collection of etchings by Romeyn de Hooghe (1654-1708), one of the greatest Dutch etchers of the late 17th century. They were first issued in the book by Simon de Vries, Curieuse aenmerckingen der bysonderste Oost en West-Indische verwonderenswaerdige dingen, Utrecht 1682. The plate-work contains a world-map, map of Europe, Asia, Africa and 2 maps of America and very fine etchings of the far and exotic continents. The etchings give a baroque profusion of images, every engraving overflows with pictorial elements composed through and next to each other. They depict beautiful scenes of plants and animals and views and belong according to Landwehr to the most interesting of the artist's work. They also depict Viginian ceremonies, Brazilian sugar production, Indian ship-building, a diamont-mine, Japanese Gods, Japanese trade, Chinese court ceremonies, an Abyssinian march, a Turkish prison, and many other views and scenes of daily life and of local industry of the East and the West , all of great artistic value. Romeyn de Hooghe's work about America, Asia, the Middle East and Africa gives us a look between blinkers, it is the image of prejudice, but it was the expression of the society of which he was a part. We may not, due to the fact that we are undoubtedly full of our prejudice, blame the artist, but it is good to analyze his vision, especially because the reverberations of such interpretations of colonizing powers are still felt today (Van Veen's Introduction to the facsimile edition of 1979). - Incredibly rich and interesting collection of plates in fine condition of the East and West Indies..Landwehr, Romeyn de Hooghe, 58; Hollstein IX, 1039-1086 (incomplete); Sabin 32805; Cat. KITLV p.800; Borba de Moraes I, p.413; SAB II, p.599. [Boeknr.: 30953 ]

€ 12500,00

HORNE, John Fletcher. The mirage of two buried cities (Pompeii and Herculaneum). London, Hazell, Watson, and Viney, 1900. Original cloth gilt, top edge gilt. With plates. XII,354 pp. With autograph dedication by the author. - Dealing with Vesuvius and its eruptions, rediscovery of Pompeii and Herculaneum, the domestic architecture of Pompeii, professional life of the Pompeians, handicrafts, social life, literature, art, amusements, religion and superstition of the Pompeians, marriage, divorce, death and burial etc. [Boeknr.: 10855 ]

€ 45,00

HOUT, Syrine Chafic. Viewing Europe from the outside. Cultural encounters and critiques in the eighteenth-century. Pseudo-Oriental travelogue and the nineteenth-century 'voyage en Orient'. New York, Peter Lang, 1997. Decorated boards. 288 pp. 'An innovative, fresh look at the way 18th and 19th century European travelers, fabulists, and moralists viewed the Orient'. [Boeknr.: 36099 ]

€ 45,00

HUTTON, Edward. A glimpse of Greece. London, The Medici Society, 1928.Original brown cloth, spine lettered in gilt, top edge gilt. With folding coloured map and many photographic plates. XII,342 pp.. Special edition of 25 copies only, signed by the author. - Scholarly account of the author's observations on his travels with Norman Douglas. - Fine. [Boeknr.: 36716 ]

€ 95,00

ITER BRITANNIARUM. Iter Brittaniarum. Codicis antiquissimi et optimi parisiensis, qui in Bibliotheca Imperiali Servatur, exemplar; cum excerpto ex itinerario maritimo. (No pl., ca.1880).Original cloth. 118 pp. With alphabetical table, explanation and topographical analysis of the imperial itinerary of Britain. [Boeknr.: 7958 ]

€ 55,00

JANSEN, Wilhelm Xaverius. Reize door Italien, in den jaare 1785 .. beschreeven in een reeks van brieven aan Eduard Sandifort. Leyden, A. & J. Honkoop, 1793.2 volumes. Original blue boards (rebacked), uncut. XVI,314; XVI,391 pp. First edition. - Rare account in letters of a journey through Italy in 1785 visiting all the important cities. Written by a medicinae doctor in Düsseldorf to a Dutch colleague in Leiden.Tiele 532. [Boeknr.: 36239 ]

€ 495,00

JENKINS, Hester Donaldson. Behind Turkish lattices. The story of a Turkish life. London, Chatto & Windus, 1911.Original decorated green cloth, top edge gilt. With 24 photographic plates. IX,180 pp. First edition. - Hester Donaldson Jenkins (1869-1941), a professor at the American College for Girls in Constantinople from 1900-1909, wrote enthusiastically about the Young Turks who seemed to promise new freedoms for Ottoman women. Jenkins uses her own observations of Constantinople, her students, and their families to construct an account of a "typical" Turkish Muslim woman's life cycle at this turning point in Ottoman history. She directs her comments toward childhood, education, marriage, polygamy, and divorce, in order to correct Western misapprehensions. In its confidence in the bright prospects of American influence and Ottoman reform, this book captures an optimistic moment in which social progress seemed to be thriving (Text from the reprint). [Boeknr.: 36081 ]

€ 175,00

JEWETT, Sarah Orne. The Normans, told chiefly in relation to their conquest of England. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1891.Original decorated cloth. With folding map and many illustrations. XIV,373 pp. Theodora Sarah Orne Jewett (1849 - 1909) was an American novelist, short story writer and poet. [Boeknr.: 9648 ]

€ 45,00

JONG, Cornelis de. Reize in en door het Kanaal, in de jaren 1785 en 1786. Haarlem, François Bohn, 1808.Later half cloth. With folding view of the harbour of Bordeaux and folding plate depicting a naval battle between Commodore Charles Fielding and rear-admiral Lodewijk van Bylandt, after G. Groenewegen by Vinkeles and Vrijdag. XVI,396 pp. First edition. - Voyage through the Channel in 1785 and 1786 in the Dutch brigantine Den Beschutter. The affair of Fielding and Bylandt was a brief naval engagement off the Isle of Wight on 31 December 1779 between a Royal Navy squadron, commanded by Commodore Charles Fielding, and a naval squadron of the Dutch Republic, commanded by rear-admiral Lodewijk van Bylandt, escorting a Dutch convoy. The British seized the Dutch merchantmen and conducted them as prizes to Portsmouth, followed by the Dutch squadron. - (Waterstained).Tiele 556; Cat. NHSM I, p.121; Roeper & Wildeman, Reizen op papier, p. 104. [Boeknr.: 12863 ]

€ 195,00

JONG, Cornelius de. Reize naar de Middellandsche Zee, in de jaren 1777, 1778 en 1779. Haarlem, François Bohn, 1806.Contemporary half calf, spine gilt. With engraved costume plate of Milos and folding view of Gallipoli. XVIII,293,(1) pp. First edition. - The first voyage (1778 - 1779) to the Mediterranean by the Dutch naval-officer Cornelius de Jong van Rodenburgh (1762-1838), made in the ship Thetis, to Plymouth, Gibraltar Milo Natolien, Conftantinopole, Smyrna, Coron, Paran Messina, Livorno Alicante and Malaga. - (Some waterstaining at the end).Tiele 552; Cat. NHSM I, p.121; Atabey Collection 620; Roeper & Wildeman, Reizen op papier, p. 104. [Boeknr.: 28817 ]

€ 550,00

JUSSERAND, Jean Jules. English wayfaring life in the middle ages (XIVth century). Translated from the French by Lucy Toulmin Smith. 8th edition. London, T. Fisher Unwin, (1891). Original gilt cloth. With many illustrations. 451 pp. First published in French in 1884: Les Anglais au moyen âge: la vie nomade et les routes d'Angleterre au XIVe siècle. - On herbalists, charlatans, minstrels, jugglers, tumblers, wandering preachers, pilgrims, etc. - A fine copy. [Boeknr.: 10892 ]

€ 45,00

KAMPEN, Nicolaas Godfried van & Klaas SIJBRANDI. De valleijen der Waldenzen, geschied- en aardrijkskundig geschilderd. Amsterdam, G.J.A. Beijerinck, (1840).4to. Original half red cloth. With steelengraved title-page after W.H. Bartlett by R. Wallis, folding map and 70 steelengraved plates after W.H. Bartlett, J.D. Harding by G. Richardson, J.T. Willmore, J.C. Bentley. H. Adlard, R. Wallis, S. Fisher, a.o.VI,206,(2) pp. The valleys of Piedmont: Turin, Pignerol, Luzerne, St. Jean, La Tour, Castelluzzo, Angrogna, Rora, St Martin, Clusone, Perosa, Pragelas, Dauphiné and Ban de la Roche. - (Light age-browned). [Boeknr.: 34090 ]

€ 275,00

KELLEN, David van der. Nederlands-oudheden. Verzameling van afbeeldingen der voor wetenschap, kunst en nijverheid meest belangrijke voorwerpen uit vroegere tijden, berustende op raadhuizen, in gestichten, openbare en bijzondere kabinetten, enz. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1861.Folio. Contemporary half morocco, top edge gilt. With 100 lithographed plates (some foxing). Original edition; text in French and Dutch. - David van der Kellen III (1827-1895), painter, etcher and lithographer, was director of the Rijksmuseum at Amsterdam from 1876 until 1895. This work on the antiquities of Holland is, as noted in the preface, his 'paper child' and the first of its kind.Hiler p.492; Lipperheide Gb 63. [Boeknr.: 13347 ]

€ 275,00

KELLER, Gerard. Bergen en dalen. Rotterdam, Jacs.G. Robbers, (1878).Folio. Original pictorial blue cloth gilt. With 8 steelengravings (some foxing) and numerous woodengravings. (8),215 pp. Europa in al zijn heerlijkheid geschetst. - Fine illustrated book on cities in the mountains of Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Norway and Switzerland. Gerard Keller (1829 - 1899) was editor of the Arnhemsche Courant, contributed to many different magazines and magazines, wrote books and plays and worked as a translator. - A nice copy. [Boeknr.: 32908 ]

€ 65,00

KELLER, Gerard. Groot Brittanje en Ierland. Rotterdam, Jacs.G. Robbers, (ca. 1880).Folio. Original pictorial blue cloth gilt. With 8 steelengravings (some foxing) and numerous woodengravings. (8),224 pp. Europa in al zijn heerlijkheid geschetst. - Fine illustrated book on the United Kingdom and Ireland. - Gerard Keller (1829 - 1899) was editor of the Arnhemsche Courant, contributed to many different magazines and magazines, wrote books and plays and worked as a translatorA nice copy. [Boeknr.: 32909 ]

€ 65,00

KELLER, Gerard. Wouden, kusten en rotsen. Rotterdam, Jacs.G. Robbers, (ca. 1880).Folio. Original pictorial blue cloth gilt. With 8 steelengravings (some foxing) and numerous woodengravings. (8),216 pp. Europa in al zijn heerlijkheid geschetst. - Fine illustrated book on North-Italy, France, Norway, Spain, Italy, Germany, Sweden and Gibraltar. - Gerard Keller (1829 - 1899) was editor of the Arnhemsche Courant, contributed to many different magazines and magazines, wrote books and plays and worked as a translatorA nice copy. [Boeknr.: 32910 ]

€ 65,00

KISTEMAKER, Renée, Natalja KOPANEVA, Annemiek OVERBEEK. (Red.). Peter de Grote en Holland. Culturele en wetenschappelijke betrekkingen tussen Holland en Nederland ten tijde van tsaar Peter de Grote. Amsterdam, Amsterdams Historisch Museum, (1996). 4to. Pictorial wrappers. With numerous illustrations (several in colours). 271 pp. Fine illustrated exhibition catalogue dealing with Peter the Great and Holland. [Boeknr.: 31684 ]

€ 30,00

(KOENIG, Heinrich Joseph). Biographie der voornaamste oudere en nieuwere schrijvers, in proza en poëzie, welke Rusland heeft opgeleverd. (No pl.), 1844.Contemporary half red morocco, spine richly gilt, a.e.g. With steelengraved portrait of Puschkin. VI,214,(1) pp. An earlier edition in a Dutch library with title Blik op Ruslands letterkunde, Haarlem, 1838. Translated and edited by H. Zeeman. - A fine copy.Not in Catalogue Russica or Muller, Bibliographie Neerlando-Russe or WorldCat. [Boeknr.: 31670 ]

€ 375,00

KOHL, Johann Georg. Reisen in Südrussland. Dresden, Leipzig, Arnold, 1841.2 volumes in 1. Contemporary half brown cloth, spine lettered in gilt. With 2 decorated lithographed title-pages and folding lithographed map. X,330; VIII,270 pp. The author travelled extensively throughout the Ukraine, the Crimea, and the Russian Steppes, visiting i.a. Poltava, Kremenchuk, Nikolaeff, Odessa, Yalta, Simferopol, Sevastopol, Balaklava, Bender and Kirschenew. - (Foxed).Catalogue Russica K824; Nerhood 207. [Boeknr.: 31702 ]

€ 275,00

KONETZKE, R. Geschichte des spanischen und portugiesischen Volkes. Lpzg., (1939). Half leather. With many illustrations (several in colours). 429 pp. - (Die grosse Weltgeschichte). [Boeknr.: 24265 ]

€ 35,00

KRAIJENHOFF, Cornelis Carte de la Hollande par provinces. Dressée d'après la carte de Mr. le Lieut. Gal. Bon. Kraijenhoff par Lorrain Ainé. Paris, Binet, 1838.Oblong 8vo. Contemporary half calf (verso front board strengthend), spine richly gilt (top of spine sl. dam.). With steelengraved title-page and 11 steelengraved maps (1 folding), +1 extra map depicting Java, all handcoloured in outline. Bound with: C.V. MONIN & A.R. FRÉMIN. Atlas universel de géographie ancienne et moderne. Paris, Binet, (1835). Steelengraved title-page, folding plate tableau cosmographique, 12 maps of the ancient world and 37 maps of the modern world (including worldmap), all steelengraved and handcoloured in outline by Bénard. - (Some foxing and age-browning). [Boeknr.: 37084 ]

€ 375,00

LA COMBE, (François). Observations sur Londres et ses environs, avec un précis de la constitution de l'Angleterre, et de sa decadence. 6me éd., revue, corrigée & augmentée. Londres, Société Typographique, 1784.Sm.8vo. Contemporary boards. 219,(6) pp. 'Lacombe asserted that if the war continued three years longer, there would be left only soldiers, beggars, and thieves. London was full of robbers and footpads, with whom the drivers of coaches were in collusion. .. Englishmen attached themselves to no one, because they considered strangers enemies, whom they dared not openly offend, though their treatment of foreigners was fair enough. The English character had deteriorated since 1756' (Cox III, p.95/96). [Boeknr.: 8017 ]

€ 95,00

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