



ABENDANON, Eduard Cornelius. Midden-Celebes-Expeditie. Geologische en geographische doorkruisingen van Midden-Celebes (1909-1910). Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1915-1918.4 volumes + atlas. 8vo and folio. Original decorated cloth, atlas volume original half cloth (sl. dam.). With ca. 500 plates and illustrations and atlas volume with 16 folding coloured maps. First edition. - Account of the scientific expedition in Central-Celebes 1909-1910 organized by the Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap. Including the history of the discovery of Celebes. Contributions by G.J. Hinde, G.F. Dollfus, W.F. Gisolf, J.H. Kruimel, S.J. Vermaes and M. Weber. 'During two years Abendanon crosses Celebes for geographical and geological research. 'The result of this expedition is recorded in a beautifully published, voluminous four-volume book of 1900 pages with many illustrations and maps, the most expensive publication ever financed by the KNAG.' (Wentholt, In kaart gebracht met kapmes en kompas, p. 76). - Rare with the atlas volume.Koeman VI, p. 67. [Boeknr.: 33465 ]

€ 475,00

ADRIANI, N(icolaus). Bare'e-verhalen. Voor de uitgave bewerkt door M. Adriani-Gunning. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1932-33. 2 volumes. Wrappers. VIII,427; XI,247 pp. Baré'e or Pamona (East Toraja) , lanuage spoken in the central area of Sulawesi, mainly the destrict of Poso. A full description of the language and its oral literature was made by the Leiden linguist and bible translator N. Adriani (1865-1926), who worked in the area, with several interruptions, from 1895 onwards (Noorduyn, Languages of Sulawesi, p.88). [Boeknr.: 5154 ]

€ 125,00

ADRIANI, N(icolaus). Spraakkunst der Bare'e-taal. Bandoeng, A.C. Nix & Co., 1931. 8vo. Modern cloth. XVI,481 pp. Verhandelingen Bataviaasch Genootschap. - A full description of the language spoken in the central area of Sulawesi, mainly the district of Poso, and its oral literature was made by the Leiden linguist and Bible translator Nicolaus Adriani (1865-1926), who worked in the area, with several interruptions, from 1895 onwards (Noorduyn, The languages of Sulawesi, p.88). [Boeknr.: 2971 ]

€ 125,00

ADRIANI, N. & A.C. KRUYT. De Bare'e sprekende Toradja's van Midden-Celebes (de Oost-Toradjas). 2e geheel omgewerkte druk. Amsterdam, Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers Maatschappij, 1950-1951.3 text volumes + plate volume with159 photographic illustrations +portfolio with 2 folding maps and 13 plates (7 in colours). A completely revised and enlarged second edition of the ethnographic volumes; first edition published in Batavia, Landsdrukkerij, 1912-1914. - The language spoken in the central area of Sulawesi, mainly the district of Poso, was for a long time, following the local custom, known as Bare', its word for 'not', but has recent years been renamed Pamona, which is a place on the northern bank of Lake Poso. A A description of the language by Nicolaus Adriani (1865-1926) was not included in this re-edition. Albertus Christiaan Kruyt (1869-1949), who worked in the same area as Adriani, was a well-known ethnographer. - A classic anthropological monograph of the Toradjas of Sulawesi, Indonesia.Noorduyn, The languages of Sulawesi, p.88. [Boeknr.: 5160 ]

€ 295,00

ADRIANI, N(icolaus). Laolita i Sese nTaola. Het verhaal van Sese nTaola, oorspronkelijke tekst in Bare'e taal (Midden-Celebes). Batavia, Albrecht & Co, 's Hage, M. Nijhoff, 1900. 8vo. Wrappers (spine rep.) 86 pp. Verhandelingen Bataviaasch Genootschap. - Noorduyn p.92. [Boeknr.: 5123 ]

€ 45,00

ANCEAUX, J.C. The Wolio language. Outline of grammatical description and texts. 's Gravenhage, v.h. H.L. Smits, 1952. Cloth. (6),93pp. Thesis. - 'The Wolio has since become well known through the works of the Leiden linguist J.C. Anceaux, who published a concise grammatical description on structural principles in 1952, a second, slightly enlarged edition of which came out in 1988' (Noorduyn, Languages of Sulawesi, p.123). [Boeknr.: 30152 ]

€ 25,00

ANCEAUX, J.C. The Wolio language. Outline of grammatical description and texts. 2nd edition. Leiden, Foris Publications, 1988. Wrappers. VIII,98 pp. KITLV - 'The Wolio has since become well known through the works of the Leiden linguist J.C. Anceaux, who published a concise grammatical description on structural principles in 1952, a second, slightly enlarged edition of which came out in 1988' (Noorduyn, Languages of Sulawesi, p.123). [Boeknr.: 29957 ]

€ 25,00

ANCEAUX, J.C. The Wolio language. Outline of grammatical description and texts. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1952. Half cloth, original printed frontwrapper mounted. 93 pp. KITLV. - 'The Wolio has since become well known through the works of the Leiden linguist J.C. Anceaux, who published a concise grammatical description on structural principles in 1952, a second, slightly enlarged edition of which came out in 1988' (Noorduyn, Languages of Sulawesi, p.123). [Boeknr.: 5124 ]

€ 25,00

ANDAYA, Leonard Y. The heritage of Arung Palakka. A history of South Sulawesi (Celebes) in the 17th century. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1981. Wrappers. With maps. XI,353 pp. V.K.I.. - Arung Palakka, (1634/35 - 1696) was a 17th-century Bugis prince and warrior. He supported the Dutch East India Company (VOC) in the Makassar War (1666-1669) against the Gowa Sultanate in his native South Sulawesi. After the defeat of Gowa, he became the King of Bone and South Sulawesi's most powerful man. [Boeknr.: 6398 ]

€ 65,00

BERG, René van den. A grammar of the Muna language. (No pl.), 1989. Wrappers. With 2 maps and 8 illustrations. XXI,370 pp. Thesis. - 'A comprehensive Muna grammar' (Noorduyn, Languages of Sulawesi, p.126). [Boeknr.: 6376 ]

€ 60,00

BERG, René van den. Muna - English dictionary. In collaboration with La Ode Sidu. Leiden, KITLV, 1996. Cloth. With illustrations. XXIX,709 pp. First comprehensive dictionary of the Muna language, Southeast Sulawesi. [Boeknr.: 17877 ]

€ 60,00

BERGH, J.D. van den. Spraakkunst van het Banggais. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1953. 8vo. Half cloth, original printed frontwrapper mounted. 170 pp. KITLV. - Language spoken in the Banggai Archipelago, Sulawesi. Bergh's grammar provides reliable and detailed information based on practical knowledge of the language containing many sample sentences taken from everyday language as well from a collection of stories and songs (Noorduyn p.104). [Boeknr.: 36553 ]

€ 35,00

BROUWER, M. Bestuurvormen en bestuurstelsels in de Minahassa. Wageningen, H. Veenman & Zonen, 1936. Wrappers. 141 pp.- (Thesis). [Boeknr.: 5163 ]

€ 65,00

CELEBES. Bouginois armé. Een gewapend Bouginees. ('s Gravenhage, ca. 1750).Engraving by J. van Schley depicting an armed Buginese from Celebes, in traditional dress, within a decorative border. Ca. 21 x 15 cm. From: Prevost. Historische beschryving der reizen. [Boeknr.: 35813 ]

€ 35,00

CELEBES. Overzichtskaart van het eiland Celebes. Schaal 1 : 1.250000. Batavia, Topographische Inrichting, 1918. Coloured map of Celebes with inset map. Ca. 93 x 70 cm. [Boeknr.: 34012 ]

€ 45,00

CENSE, A.A. & ABDOERRAHIM. Makassaars-Nederlands woordenboek met Nederlands-Makassaars register en voorwoord door J. Noorduyn. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1979. Cloth (spine discoloured). XXXI,989 pp. Reliable information on Makasarese phonology, grammar and vocabulary resulted from the work of A.A. Cense (1901-1977), who made extensive studies of the languages, literatures and cultures of South Sulawesi when he was the government linguist at Makasar from 1930 to 1914 (Noorduyn p.145). [Boeknr.: 590 ]

€ 95,00

CHABOT, Hendrik Theodorus. Verwantschap, stand en sexe in Zuid-Celebes. Perhubungan-kerabat, tingkat-bangsa dan djensis-kelamin di Sulawesi-selatan. Djakarta, Balai Perguruan Tinggi Nasional, 1950. Wrappers. With maps and illustrations. 277 pp. - (Thesis). [Boeknr.: 5165 ]

€ 35,00

DUNNEBIER, W. Bolaang Mongondowsch-Nederlandsch woordenboek. Met Nederlandsch-Bolaang Mongondowsch register. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1951. Wrappers. XII,635 pp. KITLV. - A full-sized dictionary of the Bolaang Mongondow language of Sulawesi (Noorduyn p.50). [Boeknr.: 5126 ]

€ 75,00

DUNNEBIER, W. Bolaang Mongondowse teksten. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1953. 8vo. Wrappers. VIII,238 pp. KITLV. - 'That Bolaang Mongondow now belongs to the best-known languages of Sulawesi, is due to the efforts of the missionary W. Dunnebier, who stayed in the region for more than three decades. This volume contains texts of stories, proverbs, riddles and songs and their translations in Dutch.Noorduyn, Languages of Sulawesi, p.50. [Boeknr.: 36554 ]

€ 40,00

ESSER, S.J. Klank- en vormleer van het Morisch. Leiden, A. Vros, 1927, Bandoeng, A.C. Nix, 1933. 8vo. Half cloth. With map. (8),434 pp. Verhandelingen Bataviaasch Genootschap. - This comprehensive treatment of Mori phonology and morphology was the first grammatical work of this gifted linguist (Noorduyn, Languages of Sulawesi, p.108). [Boeknr.: 30451 ]

€ 125,00

ESSER, S.J. De Uma-taal (West Midden-Celebes). Spraakkundige schets en teksten. Uitgegeven en van een woordenlijst voorzien door J. Noorduyn. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1964. Half cloth, original frontwrapper mounted. XV,144pp. KITLV. - In 1940, Esser collected material on the Uma language of the Pipikoro people. A short grammar and a collection of texts were the only parts of his unpublished papers which survived the Second World War. They were edited for publication and provided with a wordlist by Noorduyn. (Noorduyn p.83). [Boeknr.: 20415 ]

€ 35,00

GALLOIS, W.O. Rapport nopens den staat van zaken in de Minahassa. Batavia, Landsdrukkerij, 1892. 8vo. Original printed wrappers. 72 pp. Report on the state of affairs in Minahassa, Celebes.Cat. KITLV p.31. [Boeknr.: 32655 ]

€ 95,00

GIBBONS, James & A. KIMELENG. Agama Jésoes Christoes terkoetip dari pada kitab jang 'alamatja agama nênêk mojang kita. Menado, Menadosche Drukkerij, (1932). Half cloth. 223,5 pp. Iman dan 'Ilmoe, serie II, no. 5. - (Library stamps on title-page). [Boeknr.: 36481 ]

€ 45,00

GODEE MOLSBERGEN, E.C. Geschiedenis van de Minahassa tot 1829. Weltevreden, Landsdrukkerij, 1928. 8vo. Wrappers (spine dam.). With folding map. VII,211 pp. History of the Minahassa from before the arrival of the Westerners, during the government of the Spaniards and the Dutch until the beginning of the eighteenth century. [Boeknr.: 14836 ]

€ 75,00

HART, C. van der. Reize rondom het eiland Celebes en naar eenige der Moluksche eilanden. Gedaan in den jare 1850, door Z.M. schepen van oorlog Argo en Bromo onder bevel van C. van der Hart. 's Gravenhage, K. Fuhri, 1853.Original printed boards (spine sl. dam.). With 3 maps (2 folding) and 13 tinted lithographed plates (6 folding). XIV,(4),276 pp. First edition; the book was sponsored by the Koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. - Report of a visit to Celebes (Sulawesi) and the Moluccas (Maluku) with fine plates after drawings by the senior naval commander and draughtsman C. van der Hart and officers serving under his command showing views i.a. Makassar, Kampong Kendari, the bay of Tolo, etc., costumes and activities of local people. - A fine copy.Bastin-Brommer N 515; Landwehr, Coloured Plates, 304; Tiele 455; Cat. NHSM I, p.247; Cat. KITLV p.30; Ruinen C 132; Haks & Maris, Lexicon, p.113. [Boeknr.: 29733 ]

€ 975,00

HICKSON, Sydney John. A naturalist in North Celebes. A narrative of travels in Minahassa, the Sangir and Talaut islands, with notices on the fauna, flora and ethnology of the districts visited. London, John Murray, 1889.Original decorated cloth gilt (extremities of spine sl. dam.). With coloured lithographed frontispiece, 2 folding coloured maps, 6 plates and 27 wood-engravings. XV,392 pp. First edition. - 'I have brought together in this volume some extracts from the journal of my wanderings in North Celebes, the Sangir and Talaut Islands, a more detailed account of the fauna of the small islands called Talisse, situated in the Straits of Banka, and a summary of our knowledge of the ethnology of the district of Minahassa' (Preface). The book concentrates specifically on the northern coast of the island of Celebes (Sulawesi). Sydney John Hickson (1859 - 1940), was a British zoologist known for his groundbreaking research in evolution, embryology, genetics, and systematics. He travelled in the Malay archipelago in 1885-1886. - With handwritten dedication, dated 1896 and fine bookplate of J.G. van Marle. - A fine copy.Cat. KITLV p.31; Casey Wood p. 386. [Boeknr.: 1733 ]

€ 425,00

HORSTING, L.C.H. Uit het land van Kruyt. Wat Midden-Celebes ons Hollanders leeren kan. Bandoeng, A.C. Nix & Co, 1932. Original decorated cloth. With many photographic illustrations. XIV,214 pp. Account of 40 years missionary labour by Albert C. Kruyt (1892-1932) amongst the Toraja of Central-Celebes (Poso), including notes on the Toraja-population. [Boeknr.: 8950 ]

€ 65,00

HUYSSEN VAN KATTENDIJKE-FRANK, Katrientje. ( Red.). Met Prins Hendrik naar de Oost. De reis van W.J.C. Huyssen van Kattendijke naar Nederlands-Indië, 1836-1838. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2004. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With illustrations (several in colours). 374 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging CII. - Journal of the voyage of the fregat Bellona from Nieuwediep to Rio de Janeiro, Tristan da Cunha, Batavia and Java, Celebes, the Moluccas, Singapore, Malakka, Penag and St. Helena in 1836-1838. On board Prince Willem Frederik Hendrik. [Boeknr.: 26814 ]

€ 25,00

INDRAPOERA. Menu card of the passengership M.S. 'Indrapoera' of the Rotterdamsche Lloyd after design by E. Gaillard. Rotterdam, 1954. Folding card in bright colours depicting a man in local costume from Celebes. Decorative card of the famous Dutch shipping company Rotterdamsche Lloyd. Haks & Maris, Lexicon, p.95. [Boeknr.: 35759 ]

€ 15,00

JELLESMA, E.J. De Minahasa en eenige andere streken der residentie Menado. Eenige aanteekeningen op het voorkomende in het werk van H. van Kol, lid van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal, 'Uit onze koloniën' door E.J. Jellesma, oud-resident van Menado (1892-1903). Amsterdam, J.H. de Bussy, 1903. Modern cloth, original frontwrapper mounted. 235 pp. [Boeknr.: 32652 ]

€ 85,00

JONG, Chr.G.F. de. Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse zending op Zuid-Sulawesi 1852-1966. Een bronnenpublicatie. (No pl.), 1995. Cloth. With photographic illustrations. XI,524 pp. - (Project Kerkhistorische Uitgaven Indonesië). [Boeknr.: 32605 ]

€ 45,00

KRUYT, Albert Christiaan. De To Wana op Oost-Celebes. Batavia, Koninklijk Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 1930. Wrappers. With 2 folding maps and 5 photographic plates. (229) pp. - (Tijdschrift Indische Taal, Land- en Volkenkunde). [Boeknr.: 34953 ]

€ 65,00

KRUYT, Albert Christiaan. Woordenlijst van de Bareë-taal, gesproken door de Alfoeren van Centraal Celebes beoosten de rivier van Poso, benevens de Topebato-Alfoeren bewesten genoemde rivier. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1894. Original printed wrappers. 121 pp. KITLV. - Wordlist of Bare'e or Pamona language, Celebes.Noorduyn p.89. [Boeknr.: 5133 ]

€ 75,00

LOUWERSE, P(ieter). Janmaat in de Oost of vestiging van het Nederlandsch gezag op Celebes. Geschiedkundig verhaal voor oud en jong Nederland. 2e, veel verbeterde druk. Leiden, A.W. Sijthoff, (1894).Original pictorial red cloth. With 4 tinted lithographed plates. VIII,220 pp. First published in 1884. - The fate of two brothers from Haarlem who left in 1658 as sailors with the Leerdam for the East on behalf of the VOC. There they leave for South Celebes to chase away the Portuguese.Buur 0104. [Boeknr.: 37298 ]

€ 35,00

MATTHES, Benjamin Franklin. Makassaarsch-Hollandsch woordenboek, met Hollandsch-Makassaarsche woordenlijst, opgave van Makassaarsche plantennamen. Uitgegeven voor rekening van Het Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap. Amsterdam, Frederik Muller, 1859.8vo. Half cloth. VIII,943 pp. First edition. - The linguist-philologist B.F. Matthes was sent to South Celebes (Sulawesi, Indonesia) to translate the bible into the local languages. He made not only the earliest studies on the Makassarese and Buginese languages, but he also studied the customs and folklore of these ethnic groups. - (Without the atlas).Noorduyn, Languages of Sulawesi, p.141. [Boeknr.: 36567 ]

€ 125,00

NOOY-PALM, C.H.M. De karbouw en de kandaure. Katalogus voor de tentoonstelling 'De Sa'dan Toraja'. Delft, Indonesisch Ethnografisch Museum, 1975. Wrappers. With many illustrations. 79 pp. Ethnographical objects of the Sa'dan Toraja, Central-Sulawesi. [Boeknr.: 5177 ]

€ 18,00

PERELAER, (Michel Théophile Hubert). De Bonische expeditien. Krijgsgebeurtenissen op Celebes in 1859 en 1860. Volgens officiëele bronnen bewerkt. Leiden, Gualth. Kolf, 1872.2 volumes in 1. Later cloth. With lithographed portrait frontispiece, 5 plates (4 folding, 3 in colours) and 10 maps and plans (9 folding). XVI,359; VIII,376 pp. First edition. - Account of the military expedition by general Van Swieten against the queen of Bone (South Sulawesi) Basse Kadjoeara in 1859 and 1860. 'Hij was een moedig militair die zich op expedities en als civiel gezaghebber onderscheidde. Hij kreeg dan ook de Militaire Willemsorde en nog een paar eretekenen. Ondanks zijn verbondenheid met het leger is zijn kijk op het militaire leven genuanceerder en onafhankelijker dan die van Van Rees en er waren tijden dat hij op het punt stond 'uit te treden', bekent deze militair die eigenlijk pastoor had willen worden' (R. Nieuwenhuys, Oost-Indische spiegel, p.197). Including many ethnographical data on the local population. Cat. KITLV p.45; Tiele 855 (note). [Boeknr.: 23360 ]

€ 425,00

POEZE, Harry A. & Pim SCHOORL. ( Red.). Excursies in Celebes. Een bundel bijdragen bij het afscheid van J. Noorduyn als directeur-secretaris van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. Leiden, KITLV, 1991. Wrappers. With illustrations. XIX,348 pp. V.K.I. - Contents: P. Schoorl. Het 'eeuwige' verbond tussen Buton en de VOC, 1613-1669; J. van Goor. Karaeng Balambaru alias Tjenrane, één deserteur uit velen ?; G. Termorshuizen. De oudste krant van Celebes: het Makassaarsch Handels- en Advertentieblad; etc. [Boeknr.: 8989 ]

€ 25,00

SCHOUTEN, Maria Johanna Christina. Leadership and social mobility in a Southeast Asian society. Minahasa, 1677-1983. Leiden, KITLV, 1998. Wrappers. With illustrations. XIV,334. - (VKI). [Boeknr.: 2700 ]

€ 25,00

SCHOUTEN, Maria Johanna Christina. Minahasan metamorphoses. Leadership and social mobility in a Southeast Asian society, c.1680-1983. (No pl.), 1983. Wrappers. With illustrations. XXII,318 pp. - (Thesis). [Boeknr.: 32694 ]

€ 35,00

SCHRÖDER, E.E.W.Gs. Gorontalosche woordenlijst. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1908. Origianl wrappers. 171 pp. KITLV. - Schröder's Gorontalo wordlist (1908) is essentially a Dutch-Gorontalo vocabulary. It gives words and sentences in Gorontalo and Bune (at present called Suwawa) together with translations and annotations in both Malay and Dutch, the latter in alphabetic order. Though badly organized and full of inaccuracies, the material contains several data not found elsewhere (Noorduyn p.55). [Boeknr.: 36642 ]

€ 65,00

SCHWARZ, J.A.T. & N. ADRIANI. Het verhaal van den gulzigaard in het Tontemboansch, Sangireesch en Bare'e. Tekst, vertaling en aanteekeningen. Batavia, 's Gravenhage, 1906. 8vo. Original printed wrappers (margins dam.). 71 pp. Verhandelingen Bataviaasch Genootschap. - Noorduyn, Languages of Sulawesi, p.41. [Boeknr.: 31608 ]

€ 35,00

SCHWARZ, J.A.T. Tontemboansche teksten: Vertaling (&) Aanteekeningen. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1907. 2 volumes. Half cloth. X,513,(1); 175,(1) pp. Totemboan is the largest and best known of the Minahasan languages. Translations and annotations only, without the original text volume. - Noorduyn, Languages of Sulawesi, p. 41. [Boeknr.: 12397 ]

€ 55,00

SPEELMAN, Cornelis. Journael of kort verhael van't begin, voortgangh en eynde des oorloghs tusschen den koningh en verdere regeeringe van Macassar, en de Nederlandtsche Geoctroyeerde Oost-Indische Compagni, in de jaren 1666/1667/1668 en 1669 voor gevallen. Vertoonende de heerlijcke overwinninge der voornoemde Compagnie tegen het Macassers Rijck: onder het manhaft beleyt van .. Cornelis Speelman, oud-gouverneur van de kust Choromandel, etc. Als mede des selfs articulen van vrede. Amsterdam, Marcus Doornick, (1669).4to. Modern boards. With woodcut on title-page. (24) pp. First edition. - South Celebes (Sulawesi) lay on the route that the Dutch took from Batavia to Amboyna. The sultan of Makassar (now Ujung Pandang), the leading representative of Islam in the region, was especially hostile to the Dutch missionary drive. He was also determined to protect Makassar's position as an international harbour for the spice trade, open to all nations. With the support of the English, Danes and Portuguese, he had long resisted the efforts of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) to monopolize the spice trade. Alarmed by this development, Batavia in 1666 sent an expedition against Makassar led by Cornelis Speelman (1628-1684). He forced the sultan in 1669 to conclude a treaty which the Dutch, obtained a monopoly of Makassar's trade and succeeded in bringing South Celebes under Dutch supremacy with the help of the Bugis people who were being oppressed by the Macassarese. Rare account of the victory of the Dutch East India Company over the kingdom of Macassar in the years 1666 -1669.Landwehr, VOC, 238; Cat. NHSM I, p.499; Knuttel 9756; Howgego p.987; Lach, Asia in the making III, p.56. [Boeknr.: 10071 ]

€ 2650,00

STAPEL, F.W. Het Bongaais verdrag. (De vestiging der Nederlanders op Makassar). Groningen, 1922. Wrappers (backwrapper missing). With portrait, folding plate and folding map. 247,IV pp. - (Thesis). [Boeknr.: 10676 ]

€ 35,00

STELLER, K.G.F. & W.E. AEBERSOLD. Sangirees-Nederlands woordenboek met Nederlands-Sangirees register. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1959. Cloth. With folding map and illustrations. XVI, 622 p. KITLV. - After the appearance of this thorough and comprehensive work all earlier Sangirese wordlists .. lost any value they had had. The dictionary primarily describes the dialect of the Manganitu district of Great Sangir Island, which through the literary activities of the missionaries had become the standard dialect of Sangirese, but also includes material from other dialects (Noorduyn, Languages of Sulawesi, p.11). [Boeknr.: 609 ]

€ 55,00

TOL, Roger. Een haan in oorlog. Toloqna arung labuaja. Een twintigste-eeuws Buginees heldendicht van de hand van I Mallaq Daéng Mabéla Arung Manajéng. Dordrecht, KITLV, 1990. Wrappers. With illustrations. IX,380 pp. [Boeknr.: 7791 ]

€ 25,00

VEEN, H. van der. Overleveringen en zangen der Zuid-Toradja's. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1979. Wrappers. VIII,302 pp. - (KITLV.). [Boeknr.: 6380 ]

€ 35,00

VEEN, H. van der. The Sa'dan Toradja chant for the deceased. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1966. Half cloth, original frontwrapper mounted. VIII,91 pp. KITLV. - The Sa'dan Toraja language was studied during more than sixty years by the Leiden linguist H. van der Veen, who lived and worked for almost forty years (1916-1955) in South Celebes as a Bible translator for the Netherlands Bible Society (Noorduyn p.202). [Boeknr.: 6379 ]

€ 40,00

VUUREN, Louis van. Het gouvernement Celebes. Proeve eener monographie. Deel I. Weltevreden, Encyclopaedisch Bureau, 1920.2 volumes. Original half calf with decorated boards + Index volume. Wrappers. 44 pp.. With 28 folding maps, many in colours, 51 photographic plates and 99 illustrations. XXV,536 pp. All published. - Book design by P. Ducro. Very important monograph on Celebes, Sulawesi by Louis van Vuuren (1873 - 1951) a Dutch social geographer, director of the Encyclopedisch Bureau in Batavia and one of the founders of social geography at the University of Utrecht. - A fine set. [Boeknr.: 5147 ]

€ 225,00

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